54 research outputs found

    Clusteron structure of tick-borne encephalitis virus populations

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    Tick-borne encephalitis is a natural focal transmissible zooanthroponosis. The causative agent of the disease is a tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) belonging to the genus Flavivirus of the family Flaviviridae and is widespread in Eurasia. Current TBEV classification based on molecular genetic data comprises three phylogenetically separate subtypes: Far Eastern, European and Siberian (TBEV-Sib). Further differentiation of TBEV isn't developed, making it difficult to investigate the origins, distribution and evolution of the virus. In the present study we determined the nucleotide sequence of the gene E fragment for 282 TBEV-Sib isolates from Ixodes persulcatus ticks or their pools from various natural foci in Russia. Analysis of these sequences and sequences obtained from the GenBank database (more than 600), made it possible to cluster TBEV-Sib strains by identical amino acid sequences of a glycoprotein E fragment. In total, 18 groups were identified (from 3 to 285 strains in the group). It was shown that TBEV strains belonging to the same group are phylogenetically related and have a territorial attachment showing either a local or a corridor type distribution. These groups were named as clusterons showed to be the smallest unit of TBEV classification. The grouping of TBEV strains allows characterization of endemic areas both in quantitative and qualitative composition of the clusterons. The approach could be successfully used to record and monitor the TBEV populations. © 2012 Elsevier B.V

    Chemical composition of the small mammal reproductive system as an indicator of enterprise technogenic impact on the environment

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    In this paper we consider the indicative role of chemical composition of the small mammal (specifically, the bank vole, or Myodes glareolus) reproductive system with the purpose of studying the impact of a large-scale nonferrous metal-processing enterprise on living organisms through the expample of Middle Ural copper-smelting plant OJSC. We have analysed the chemical composition of the placenta-embryo system in the areas which are 2 km and 30 km away from the plant

    Russian Students’ Ideas About the Quality of Life: Transformation Under the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The paper views change in Russian university students’ ideas about the quality of life during the pandemic. This empirical longitudinal study involved 107 first-year students of Kemerovo State University. To identify their ideas about the quality of life, R. S. Eliot’s Quality of Life Index was used in the Russian language adaptation by N. E. Vodopyanova. The students were surveyed at the beginning of the online learning mode (April 2020), after 8 months of online classes, and upon switching back from online learning (September 2021). The initial sampling demonstrated the students’ average extent of satisfaction with their quality of life during the lockdown. Among the problems they reported a poor ability to organize their own time, to act in difficult and changing circumstances, to control emotions. The students’ satisfaction with personal relations and studies, in general, remained high. In the autumn of 2020, a significant decrease in most indicators under study was found in the surveyed group. In September 2021, the students showed positive trends in the parameters in question

    Analysis of the quality of inter-hospital transportation patients in critical condition in Tyumen and the south of the Tyumen region

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    Patients in critical condition during inter-hospital transportation are at the highest risk of morbidity and deterioration of the severity of the condition. When analyzing the call cards of the teams of the disaster medicine center, it was revealed that the mortality during the first 24 hours in the hospital was 3%, which is 9 times less than the global indicators. This study found that the age of patients, distance and duration of transportation, type of vehicle and transfer at night can be predictors of adverse events in this category of patients. The work aroused interest in identifying factors that predict the risk of adverse events and thus improve the quality of inter-hospital transportation.Пациенты в критическом состоянии во время межгоспитальной транспортировки подвергаются наиболее повышенному риску заболеваемости и ухудшению тяжести состояния. При анализе карт вызова бригад центра медицины катастроф выявлено, что смертность в течение первых 24 часов в стационаре составила 3%, что в 9 раз меньше общемировых показателей. В данном исследовании установлено, что возраст пациентов, расстояние и длительность транспортировки, вид транспортного средства и перевод в ночное время суток могут быть предикторами неблагоприятных событий у данной категории пациентов. Работа вызвала интерес к выявлению факторов, прогнозирующих риск возникновения неблагоприятных событий и, тем самым, улучшить качество межгоспитальной транспортировк

    Analysis of adverse events and clinical risks of intensive care for critically ill patients

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    The article is devoted to analysis of adverse events and clinical risks for patients in the department of intensive care and intensive care. It has been shown that the presence of two or more adverse events can be an independent risk factor for mortality (OR = 3,09; 95% DI 1,30 – 7,36; р = 0,039). Risk criticality assessment showed the significance of prolongation of diagnostic measures in patients with sepsis (r = 0,798; р< 0,001) and overload by infusion media (r = 0,672; р = 0,03). A promising method of monitoring and managing clinical risks may be clinical supervision aimed at analyzing incidents.Статья посвящена анализу неблагоприятных событий и клинических рисков для пациентов в отделении реанимации и интенсивной терапии. Показано, что наличие двух или более неблагоприятных событий может являться независимым фактором риска смертности (OR = 3,09; 95% ДИ 1,30 – 7,36; р = 0,039). Оценка критичности рисков показала значимость пролонгирования диагностических мероприятий у пациентов с сепсисом (r = 0,798; р < 0,001) и перегрузки инфузионными средами (r = 0,672; р = 0,03). Перспективным методом контроля и управления клиническими рисками может являться клинический надзор, направленный на анализ инцидентов

    Possibility of application of early rehabilitation program (ERAS) for patients with combined trauma

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the effectiveness of the application of the early rehabilitation program (ERAS) to patients with combined trauma. The results of the study showed clinical advantages with reduction of the length of stay in the intensive care department and hospital by 1,5 times and 1,4 times respectively (p < 0,05), reduction of the risk of developing infectious complications (r = 0,256, p = 0,03) and fatality by 2,7 times (OR = 0,21; 95% DI 0,03 – 1,02; P = 0,053) in patients with severe combined trauma who used most elements of the ERAS program in medical care.Статья посвящена анализуэффективности применения программы ранней реабилитации (ERAS) пациентам с сочетанной травмой. Результаты исследования показали клинические преимущества с уменьшением продолжительности пребывания в отделении реанимации и стационаре в 1,5 раза и 1,4 раза соответственно (p < 0,05), снижение риска развитияинфекционных осложнений (r = 0,256, p = 0,03) и летальности в 2,7 раза (OR = 0,21; 95% ДИ 0,03 – 1,02; р = 0,053) у пациентов с тяжелой сочетанной травмой, которым при оказании медицинской помощи применялось большинство элементов программы ERAS

    Testing conditions for CoMo HDS catalyst in the kinetic region: integrated approach using the math calculations and catalytic experiments

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    The main idea of the investigation was to define testing parameters with the lowest influence of internal and external diffusion on catalytic activity in hydrodesulfurization of dibenzothiophene. Traditional experimental methods were used to determine the conditions for the influence of internal and external diffusion. Simultaneous change of a linear feedstock rate and a catalyst loading at constant weight hour space velocity were used to determine the process temperature (240–260 °C) at which the impact of external diffusion is minimal. Catalytic tests, including the variation of the catalyst fraction size, were carried out to define the conditions with the lowest influence of internal diffusion. It was found that when the catalyst with the fraction size of 0.1–0.25 mm was used, the fluctuation of sulfur conversion was the smallest. Besides, to validate experimental results, the calculations were performed with mass balance equations and expressions used for HDS modeling. The resulting data and catalytic experiments demonstrated that the lowest influence of internal and external diffusion is achieved at a temperature process less than 260 °C and a catalyst fraction of 0.1–0.25 mm

    Use of neurovisual scales for patients with the craniocereberal trauma

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    The severe craniocereberal injury (CI) occupies from 30 to 50% in structure of lethality of a trauma. At the present stage various systems based on diagnostic screening of neurovisualization of the computer tomography (CT) allow to carry out stratification of risk and to predict clinical results.Тяжелая черепно-мозговая травма (ЧМТ) занимает от 30 до 50% в структуре летальности от травмы. На современном этапе различные системы, основанные на диагностическом скрининге нейровизуализации компьютерной томографии (КТ), позволяют проводить стратификацию риска и прогнозировать клинические результаты

    Опыт лечения больного острым ишиоректальным парапроктитом, осложненным гангреной Фурнье, с применением локального отрицательного давления

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    The authors describe a clinical case of successful treatment of a patient with an ischiorectal abscess complicated by extensive purulentnecrotic phlegmon on the anterior abdominal wall and right thigh. Topical negative pressure wound technique (NPWT) was used. Its combination with surgical debridement and rational systemic antibiotic therapy has been shown to contribute to successful treatment of this life-threatening pathology.В статье представлено клиническое наблюдение успешного лечения пациента с ишиоректальным абсцессом, осложненным обширной гнойно-некротической флегмоной передней брюшной стенки и правого бедра. В лечении применена методика локального отрицательного давления. Показано, что ее использование в сочетании с хирургической обработкой раны и рациональной системной антибактериальной терапией способствует успешному лечению данной угрожающей жизни патологии

    ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ШКАЛЫ qSOFA В ПРОГНОЗЕ ИСХОДА У ПАЦИЕНТОВ С СЕПСИСОМ В ОРИТ (результаты российского многоцентрового исследования РИСЭС)

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    The objective of the study: to define the informative value of qSOFA score in the prediction of sepsis outcomes in the patients admitted to the intensive care wards of medical units in the Russian Federation.Subjects and methods. The multi-center, prospective, and observational trial was conducted. The following data were analyzed in the patients admitted to intensive care wards: number of qSOFA and SOFA scores, the presence of SIRS criteria, levels of lactate, and the outcome of the admission to the intensive care wards. The informative value of different scores and lactate level was analyzed using ROC-analysis.Results. The following areas under ROC-curves were defined for prediction of a lethal outcome in the patients with sepsis: qSOFA – 0.644 (95% CI 0.593–0.693); SOFA – 0.731 (95% CI 0.683–0.776); SIRS – 0.508 (95% CI 0.456–0.560); [qSOFA + lactate ≥ 4 mmol/L] – 0.713 (95% CI 0.646–0.774).Conclusion. To predict a lethal outcome in the patients with sepsis admitted to intensive care wards, qSOFA surpasses SIRS criteria, but it is not as good as SOFA score. The informative value of the prediction model [qSOFA+lactate ≥ 4 mmol/L] surpasses qSOFA score in the prediction of the outcome in sepsis patients, and it is as good as SOFA score.Цель исследования: определить информационную ценность шкалы qSOFA в прогнозе летального исхода у пациентов с сепсисом, госпитализированных в отделения реанимации и интенсивной терапии (ОРИТ) лечебных учреждений Российской Федерации.Материалы и методы. Многоцентровое, проспективное, обсервационное исследование. Проанализирована следующая информация о пациентах с сепсисом при поступлении в ОРИТ: количество баллов по шкалам qSOFA и SOFA, наличие критериев SIRS, уровень лактата крови, а также исход госпитализации при оказании помощи в ОРИТ. Проведен ROC-анализ информационной значимости различных шкал и уровня лактата крови.Результаты. В прогнозе летального исхода пациентов с сепсисом определены следующие площади под ROC-кривыми: qSOFA – 0,644 (95%-ный ДИ 0,593–0,693); SOFA – 0,731 (95%-ный ДИ 0,683–0,776); SIRS – 0,508 (95%-ный ДИ 0,456–0,560); [qSOFA + лактат ≥ 4 ммоль/л] – 0,713 (95%-ный ДИ 0,646–0,774).Заключение. В прогнозе летального исхода у пациентов с сепсисом при поступлении в ОРИТ шкала qSOFA превосходит критерии SIRS, но уступает шкале SOFA. Информационная ценность прогностической модели [qSOFA + лактат ≥ 4 ммоль/л] превосходит шкалу qSOFA в прогнозе исхода у пациентов с сепсисом и не уступает шкале SOFA