607 research outputs found

    Effects of different operating conditions on sediment slurry sequencing batch reactors treating marine port sediments contaminated by PAHs

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    Due to intensive anthropic activities, marine port sediments are often contaminated by organic pollutants like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which represent a significant environmental threat. In this study, two sediment slurry sequencing batch reactors (SS-SBRs) were used to biologically degrade a mixture of PAHs (namely fluorene, phenanthrene, fluoranthene and pyrene) from marine sediments dredged from Cagliari (Italy) and El Kantaoui (Tunisia) ports. To enhance PAHs removal by biostimulation, nutrients were added in both sediments, acetate was used as co-substrate (El Kantaoui, SS-SBR1), and saponins were used as surfactants (Cagliari, SS-SBR2). Moreover, different levels of contamination (up to 200 mgPAHtot/kgdw in SS-SBR1; up to 400 mgPAHtot/kgdw in SS-SBR2) and solid to liquid ratios (S/L, up to 0.2 in SS-SBR1; up to 0.1 in SS-SBR2) were applied. As to SS-SBR1, the highest removal efficiencies (99-100% and 98-100% for 3- and 4-ring PAHs, respectively) were achieved when the level of contamination and S/L were set at 200 mgPAH-tot/kgdw and 0.1, 150 mgPAH-tot/kgdw and 0.13, and 150 mgPAH-tot/kgdw and 0.20, respectively; as to SS-SBR2, very high removal efficiencies (99÷100% and 98÷100% for 3- and 4-ring PAHs, respectively) were observed during the whole experimental campaign. Such results are promising and provide a useful background for testing other important operating parameters (e.g., the volumetric exchange ratio)

    Finding Your Literature Match -- A Recommender System

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    The universe of potentially interesting, searchable literature is expanding continuously. Besides the normal expansion, there is an additional influx of literature because of interdisciplinary boundaries becoming more and more diffuse. Hence, the need for accurate, efficient and intelligent search tools is bigger than ever. Even with a sophisticated search engine, looking for information can still result in overwhelming results. An overload of information has the intrinsic danger of scaring visitors away, and any organization, for-profit or not-for-profit, in the business of providing scholarly information wants to capture and keep the attention of its target audience. Publishers and search engine engineers alike will benefit from a service that is able to provide visitors with recommendations that closely meet their interests. Providing visitors with special deals, new options and highlights may be interesting to a certain degree, but what makes more sense (especially from a commercial point of view) than to let visitors do most of the work by the mere action of making choices? Hiring psychics is not an option, so a technological solution is needed to recommend items that a visitor is likely to be looking for. In this presentation we will introduce such a solution and argue that it is practically feasible to incorporate this approach into a useful addition to any information retrieval system with enough usage.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of the colloquium Future Professional Communication in Astronomy II, 13-14 April 2010, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 11 pages, 4 figures

    Bioleaching of Valuable Elements from Red Mud: A Study on the Potential of Non-Enriched Biomass

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    Red mud (RM) is the main residue produced by the alkaline extraction of alumina (Al2O3) from bauxite, and it contains valuable metals such as iron (Fe), aluminium (Al), titanium (Ti), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), rare earth elements, etc. This research aimed to investigate the biologically induced leaching of some valuable elements from raw RM without preliminary biomass enrichment and inoculum, simultaneously reducing RM polluting potential and extracting metals for their subsequent recovery within a circular economy-based approach. In addition to the missing inoculum, such an approach is challenging since high RM alkalinity and pH, as well as the absence of any sulphides, constrain the use of the most common biohydrometallurgical techniques. Red Muds from two European locations were tested (RM-I and RM-II, respectively). Bioleaching tests were performed at different temperatures (T = 22 & DEG;C and 28 & DEG;C; and also 15 & DEG;C for RM-II) and solid-to-liquid ratios (S/L = 2%, 5%). A sudden drop in pH from alkaline to constant neutral/acidic values was observed in almost all tests, and such results were attributed to biological activity since abiotic tests did not show any pH decrease. The best results in terms of extraction were achieved with RM-II, in particular for Al, Mg and Mn (17%, 42% and 47%, respectively). At 2% S/L, the highest temperature allowed for a better metal release, while at 5% S/L, the highest extraction of Al, Mg and Ti was observed at 22 & DEG;C. As expected, iron was less available to leach at the achieved pH values, as it was mostly present as hematite in both RMs. Finally, the first microbiological characterisation of the autochthonous biomass selected during the bioleaching treatment of RM was provided

    Ammonium recovery from agro-industrial digestate using bioelectrochemical systems

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    Abstract Growing food and biomass production at the global scale has determined a corresponding increase in the demand for and use of nutrients. In this study, the possibility of recovering nitrogen from agro-industrial digestate using bioelectrochemical systems was investigated: two microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) were fed with synthetic and real digestate (2.5 gNH4+-N L−1). Carbon felt and granular graphite were used as anodes in MEC-1 and MEC-2, respectively. As to synthetic wastewater, the optimal nitrogen load (NL) for MEC-1 and -2 was 1.25 and 0.75 gNH4+-N d−1, respectively. MEC-1 showed better performance in terms of NH4+-N removal efficiency (39 ± 2.5%) and recovery rate (up to 70 gNH4+-N m−2d−1), compared to MEC-2 (33 ± 4.7% and up to 30 gN m−2d−1, respectively). At the optimal hydraulic retention time, lower NH4+-N removal efficiencies and recovery rates were observed when real digestate was fed to MEC-1 (29 ± 6.6% and 60 ± 13 gNH4+-N m−2d−1, respectively) and MEC-2 (21 ± 7.9% and 10 ± 3.6 gNH4+-N m−2d−1, respectively), likely due to the higher complexity of the influent. The average energy requirements were 3.6–3.7 kWh kgNremoved−1, comparable with values previously reported in the literature and lower than conventional ammonia recovery processes. Results are promising and may reduce the need for costly and polluting processes for nitrogen synthesis

    The High Time Resolution Universe Survey - V: Single-pulse energetics and modulation properties of 315 pulsars

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    We report on the pulse-to-pulse energy distributions and phase-resolved modulation properties for catalogued pulsars in the southern High Time Resolution Universe intermediate-latitude survey. We selected the 315 pulsars detected in a single-pulse search of this survey, allowing a large sample unbiased regarding any rotational parameters of neutron stars. We found that the energy distribution of many pulsars is well-described by a log-normal distribution, with few deviating from a small range in log-normal scale and location parameters. Some pulsars exhibited multiple energy states corresponding to mode changes, and implying that some observed "nulling" may actually be a mode-change effect. PSRJ1900-2600 was found to emit weakly in its previously-identified "null" state. We found evidence for another state-change effect in two pulsars, which show bimodality in their nulling time scales; that is, they switch between a continuous-emission state and a single-pulse-emitting state. Large modulation occurs in many pulsars across the full integrated profile, with increased sporadic bursts at leading and trailing sub-beam edges. Some of these high-energy outbursts may indicate the presence of "giant pulse" phenomena. We found no correlation with modulation and pulsar period, age, or other parameters. Finally, the deviation of integrated pulse energy from its average value was generally quite small, despite the significant phase-resolved modulation in some pulsars; we interpret this as tenuous evidence of energy regulation between distinct pulsar sub-beams.Comment: Before full MNRAS publication, supplementary material is available temporarily at http://dl.dropbox.com/u/22076931/supplementary_material.pd

    Transformation of a Star into a Planet in a Millisecond Pulsar Binary

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    Millisecond pulsars are thought to be neutron stars that have been spun-up by accretion of matter from a binary companion. Although most are in binary systems, some 30% are solitary, and their origin is therefore mysterious. PSR J1719-1438, a 5.7 ms pulsar, was detected in a recent survey with the Parkes 64m radio telescope. We show that it is in a binary system with an orbital period of 2.2 h. Its companion's mass is near that of Jupiter, but its minimum density of 23 g cm−3^{-3} suggests that it may be an ultra-low mass carbon white dwarf. This system may thus have once been an Ultra Compact Low-Mass X-ray Binary, where the companion narrowly avoided complete destruction.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures. Science Express, in pres

    Leaves and fruits preparations of Pistacia lentiscus L.: A review on the ethnopharmacological uses and implications in inflammation and infection

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    There is an increasing interest in revisiting plants for drug discovery, proving scientifically their role as remedies. The aim of this review was to give an overview of the ethnopharmacological uses of Pistacia lentiscus L. (PlL) leaves and fruits, expanding the search for the scientific discovery of their chemistry, anti-inflammatory, antioxidative and antimicrobial activities. PlL is a wild-growing shrub rich in terpenoids and polyphenols, the oil and extracts of which have been widely used against inflammation and infections, and as wound healing agents. The more recurrent components in PlL essential oil (EO) are represented by α-pinene, terpinene, caryophyllene, limonene and myrcene, with high variability in concentration depending on the Mediterranean country. The anti-inflammatory activity of the oil mainly occurs due to the inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokines and the arachidonic acid cascade. Interestingly, the capacity against COX-2 and LOX indicates PlL EO as a dual inhibitory compound. The high content of polyphenols enriching the extracts provide explanations for the known biological properties of the plant. The protective effect against reactive oxygen species is of wide interest. In particular, their anthocyanins content greatly clarifies their antioxidative capacity. Further, the antimicrobial activity of PlL oil and extracts includes the inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, periodontal bacteria and Candida spp. In conclusion, the relevant scientific properties indicate PlL as a nutraceutical and also as a therapeutic agent against a wide range of diseases based on inflammation and infections
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