341 research outputs found

    Influence of the composition, structure, and physical and chemical properties of aluminium-oxide-based sorbents on water adsorption ability

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    Interaction between the water adsorption ability of aluminium-oxide-based sorbents and their chemical composition, acid-base properties of the surface, and textural characteristics has been analysed. Alumina desiccants were synthesized with the centrifugal-thermal activation of gibbsite followed by the hydration of the gibbsite under mild conditions. It was demonstrated that the multicyclic adsorption regeneration of samples under realistic conditions results in structural transformations and changes in the acidity of their surfaces and water adsorption ability. The modification of pseudoboehmite with alkali ions increases surface basicity and the dynamic capacity of adsorbents relating to water vapours. Equations have been presented that describe the adsorption and desorption processes taking place during water vapour adsorption with the materials studied

    High-accuracy redshift measurements for galaxy clusters at z < 0.45 based on SDSS-III photometry

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    © 2015, Pleiades Publishing, Inc. A new method for measuring the redshifts of galaxy clusters based on photometric SDSSIII data is presented. Highly accurate photo-z measurements for red-sequence galaxies using machine learning techniques on a training sample of luminous red BOSS LOWZ galaxies allow the redshifts of clusters at z norm = 0.011. The accuracy of the proposed method has been estimated on galaxy clusters from the 400d catalog

    Shock-induced structures in copper

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    Shock loading of M3 copper within strain rate range of 5·10 6-5,7·10 6 s -1 reveals a nucleation of structural objects of 5-30 µm in diameter, which present the three dimensional frameworks composed from shear bands of 50-200 nm spacing. The structures are shown to be nucleated by means of interference of longitudinal and periphery release waves. Transition of the material into structure unstable state responsible for the shear banding happens when rate of change of the velocity variance at the mesoscale becomes higher than the rate of change of the mean particle velocity. The sites of nucleation of 3D-structures are speculated to be the staking faults generated under action of chaotic velocity pulsations relevant to dynamic deformation. The physical model for formation of 3D-structures takes into account the intersection of the partial dislocations and Lomer - Cottrell barriers

    Electroproduction, photoproduction, and inverse electroproduction of pions in the first resonance region

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    Methods are set forth for determining the hadron electromagnetic structure in the sub-NNˉN\bar{N}-threshold timelike region of the virtual-photon ``mass'' and for investigating the nucleon weak structure in the spacelike region from experimental data on the process πNe+eN\pi N\to e^+e^- N at low energies. These methods are formulated using the unified description of photoproduction, electroproduction, and inverse electroproduction of pions in the first resonance region in the framework of the dispersion-relation model and on the basis of the model-independent properties of inverse electroproduction. Applications of these methods are also shown.Comment: The revised published version; Revtex4, 18 pages, 6 figure

    Modeling of liquid flow in surface discontinuities

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    Polymer composite and metallic materials have found wide application in various industries such as aviation, rocket, car manufacturing, ship manufacturing, etc. Many design elements need permanent quality control. Ensuring high quality and reliability of products is impossible without effective nondestructive testing methods. One of these methods is penetrant testing using penetrating substances based on liquid penetration into defect cavities. In this paper, we propose a model of liquid flow to determine the rates of filling the defect cavities with various materials and, based on this, to choose optimal control modes

    Where is the pseudoscalar glueball ?

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    The pseudoscalar mesons with the masses higher than 1 GeV are assumed to belong to the meson decuplet including the glueball as the basis state supplementing the standard SU(3)FSU(3)_F nonet of light qqˉq\bar{q} states (u,d,s)(u,d,s). The decuplet is investigated by means of an algebraic approach based on hypothesis of vanishing the exotic SU(3)FSU(3)_F commutators of "charges" and their time derivatives. These commutators result in a system of equations determining contents of the isoscalar octet state in the physical isoscalar mesons as well as the mass formula including all masses of the decuplet: π(1300)\pi(1300), K(1460), η(1295)\eta(1295), η(1405)\eta(1405) and η(1475)\eta(1475). The physical isoscalar mesons ηi\eta_i, are expressed as superpositions of the "ideal" qqˉq\bar{q} states (NN and SS) and the glueball GG with the mixing coefficient matrix following from the exotic commutator restrictions. Among four one-parameter families of the calculated mixing matrix (numerous solutions result from bad quality of data on the π(1300)\pi(1300) and K(1460) masses) there is one family attributing the glueball-dominant composition to the η(1405)\eta(1405) meson. Similarity between the pseudoscalar and scalar decuplets, analogy between the whole spectra of the 0+0^{-+} and 0++0^{++} mesons and affinity of the glueball with excited qqˉq\bar{q} states are also noticed.Comment: 18 pp., 2. figs., 2 tabs.; Published version. One of the authors withdraws his nam

    Лечение стриктур билиодигестивного анастомоза после трансплантации левого латерального сектора печени

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    Many studies have shown that biliary complications after transplantation of the left lateral segment (LLS) of the liver reduce graft and recipient survival. Thus, timely correction of biliary complications, and strictures in particular, improves long-term outcomes in transplantation. Objective: to analyze our own experience in correcting biliary strictures in LLS graft transplantation. Materials and methods. From February 2014 to April 2020, 425 LLS grafts were transplanted in children. 19 (4.5%) patients were diagnosed with biliary strictures at different times after transplantation (from 0.2 to 97 months). Results. Biliary strictures were more often formed a year after transplantation (17.8 ± 23.9 months). In 14 out of the 19 patients, internal-external biliary drainage was successfully performed with phased replacement of the catheter with one that was larger in diameter (from 8.5 Fr to 14 Fr). The catheters were removed in 8 patients after completion of the treatment cycle. Restenosis was not observed during follow-up (13 ± 8.7 months) after the internal-external biliary drainage catheter had been removed. In 5 cases, antegrade passage of a guide wire through the stricture was unsuccessful. As a result, biliary reconstruction was performed in 4 (21.1%) patients and retransplantation was required in 1 (5.3%) patient. Conclusion. An antegrade minimally invasive approach can successfully eliminate biliary strictures in most children after liver LLS graft transplantation. The proposed technique is effective and safe.Введение. Билиарные осложнения после трансплантации левого латерального сектора (ЛЛС) печени, согласно многим исследованиям, негативно влияют на выживаемость трансплантатов и реципиентов. Таким образом, своевременная коррекция билиарных осложнений, и в частности стриктур, позволяет улучшить отдаленные результаты трансплантации. Цель. Проанализировать собственный опыт лечения билиарных стриктур при трансплантации ЛЛС печени. Материалы и методы. С февраля 2014-го по апрель 2020 года проведено 425 трансплантаций ЛЛС печени детям. У 19 (4,5%) пациентов диагностированы стриктуры желчных протоков в разные сроки после трансплантации (от 0,2 до 97 мес.). Результаты. Билиарные стриктуры чаще формировались через год после трансплантации (17,8 ± 23,9 мес.). У 14 из 19 было успешно проведено наружно-внутреннее дренирование желчных протоков с этапной заменой дренажа на больший диаметр (с 8,5 до 14 Fr). Дренажи удалены у 8 пациентов после завершения цикла лечения. За период наблюдения (13 ± 8,7 мес.) после удаления дренажа рестенозов не отмечалось. В 5 случаях антеградное прохождение стриктуры не удалось, в связи с чем в 4 (21,1%) случаях выполнена билиарная реконструкция и в 1 (5,3%) случае потребовалась ретрансплантация. Выводы. Антеградный мини-инвазивный подход позволяет успешно устранить билиарные стриктуры у большинства детей после трансплантации ЛЛС печени. Предложенный алгоритм лечения является эффективным и безопасным

    Longitudinal double spin asymmetries in single hadron quasi-real photoproduction at high pTp_T

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    We measured the longitudinal double spin asymmetries ALLA_{LL} for single hadron muo-production off protons and deuterons at photon virtuality Q2Q^2 < 1(GeV/c\it c)2^2 for transverse hadron momenta pTp_T in the range 0.7 GeV/c\it c to 4 GeV/c\it c . They were determined using COMPASS data taken with a polarised muon beam of 160 GeV/c\it c or 200 GeV/c\it c impinging on polarised 6LiD\mathrm{{}^6LiD} or NH3\mathrm{NH_3} targets. The experimental asymmetries are compared to next-to-leading order pQCD calculations, and are sensitive to the gluon polarisation ΔG\Delta G inside the nucleon in the range of the nucleon momentum fraction carried by gluons 0.05<xg<0.20.05 < x_g < 0.2