36 research outputs found

    A Comparative Clinical Study to evaluate the effect of Haritaki Churna and Amalaki Churna in Pandu (Iron Deficiency Anemia)

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    Pandu is a Pitta Pradhana Tridoshaja Vyadhi producing Pandutva or Pandu Varna in Mukha, Nayana, Asya and Mutra. Alpa Rakthata, Vaivarnaya, Agni Mandhya, Ojokshaya and Balahani are other symptoms. It affects people of all ages irrespective of sex. Haritaki Churna and Amalaki Churna are having Deepana, Pachana, Varnya, Tridosha Shamaka, Raktha Vardhaka, Rasayana and Ojovardhaka properties which helps in Samprapti Vighatana of Pandu Roga. This study is an attempt to clinically analyze the independent effect of Haritaki Churna and Amalaki Churna in Pandu Roga.This study is a single blind comparative clinical study conducted on 60 subjects divided randomly in two groups. They were reviewed at an interval of 15 days for 1 month. Haritaki Churna was given at a dose of 1.5g. twice a day with Madhu before food. Amalaki Churna was given at a dose of 1.5g. twice a day with Madhu before food. The Patients were assessed with severity of symptoms subjectively and objectively before and after treatment. Data from each group were statistically analyzed and compared. Both the group showed marked results but Amalaki Churna is slightly significant then the Haritaki Churna in the management of Pandu (IDA). The study shows that both Haritaki Churna and Amalaki Churna are effective in relieving the symptoms of Pandu Roga. Haritaki Churna was effective in subjective parameter like Pandutva, Arohanayasa, Shrama, Aruchi, Bhrama, Daurbalya, Hairfall, Bodyache, Glossitis, Hb%, RBC, and Sr.Ferritin. Amalaki Churna was effective in conditions like Pandutva, Arohanayasa, Aruchi, Shrama, Karna Ksweda, Daurbalya, Hairfall, Bodyache, Hb% PCV, Sr.Iron and TIBC

    Review on Vyanga vis a vis Melasma

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    Vyanga (Melasma) is a common, acquired and symmetrical hypermelanosis characterized by more or less dark brownish maculae, with irregular contour, but clear limits, on photo exposed areas, especially the face, forehead, temples, and more rarely on the nose, eyelids, chin, and upper lips. In Ayurveda, Vyanga has been elaborated as one of the Kshudra Rogas (minor ailments). Vyanga is a disease which belongs to Swalpa variety of Ksudra Roga. Vayu aggravated by Krodha and Ayasa, get associated with Pitta and suddenly produces a thin, grey colored circular patch when reaches the face. Both modern and Ayurvedic sciences have considered the use of topical as well as oral medications and their combinations for the treatment of Vyanga. In Ayurveda, Vyanga has been treated both by Antah-Parimarjan and Bahi-Parimarjana Chikitsa. Though, several Ayurvedic texts such as Sushruta Samhita, Ashtanga Samgraha & Hridaya, etc., have elaborated the pathophysiology and treatment of Vyanga, the available references are scattered. Thus, there is need of in-depth review and compilation of Ayurvedic texts and literatures. This review may be helpful in better understanding of comparative pathophysiology and management of Vyanga (Melasma)

    In-vitro application of pentoxifylline preserved ultrastructure of spermatozoa after vitrification in asthenozoospermic patients

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    Abstract PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of in vitro application of pentoxifylline (PX) on sperm parameters and ultrastructure after vitrification in asthenozoospermic patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 30 asthenozoospermic semen samples (aged 25-45 years) were divided into four groups before vitrification, after vitrification, control (without PX) and experimental (with PX). In experimental group, each sample was exposed for 30 min to 3.6mmol/l PX and the control group without any treatment apposing in 370C for 30 min. After incubation, the samples were washed and analyzed again. Vitrification was done according to straw method. Eosin-nigrosin and Papanicolaou staining were applied for assessment of sperm viability and morphology, respectively. The samples without PX and post treatment with PX were assessed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). RESULTS: A significant decrease in sperm motility (P ≤ .001), morphology (11.47 ± 2.9 versus 6.73 ± 2.01) and viability (73.37 ± 6.26 versus 54.67 ± 6.73) was observed post vitrification, but sperm motility (19.85 ± 4.75 versus 32.07 ± 5.58, P ≤ .001) was increased significantly following application of PX. This drug had no significant (P >.05) detrimental neither negative effect on ultrastructure acrosome, plasma membrane and coiled tail statues of spermatozoa. CONCLUSION: Vitrification had detrimental effects on sperm parameters, but PX reversed detrimental effects on sperm motility. However, PX had no alteration on ultrastructure morphology of human spermatozoa after vitrification

    Involvement of a periplasmic protein kinase in DNA strand break repair and homologous recombination in Escherichia coli

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    The involvement of signal transduction in the repair of radiation-induced damage to DNA has been known in eukaryotes but remains understudied in bacteria. This article for the first time demonstrates a role for the periplasmic lipoprotein (YfgL) with protein kinase activity transducing a signal for DNA strand break repair in Escherichia coli. Purified YfgL protein showed physical as well as functional interaction with pyrroloquinoline-quinone in solution; the protein kinase activity of YfgL was strongly stimulated in the presence of pyrroloquinoline-quinone. Transgenic E. coli cells producing Deinococcus radiodurans pyrroloquinoline-quinone synthase showed nearly four log cycle improvement in UVC dark survival, 0-fold increases in gamma radiation resistance as compared with untransformed cells. Pyrroloquinoline-quinone enhanced the UV resistance of E. coli through the YfgL protein; required the active recombination repair proteins. The yfgL mutant showed higher sensitivity to UVC, mitomycin C, gamma radiation as compared with wild-type cells, showed a strong impairment in homologous DNA recombination. The mutant expressing an active YfgL in trans recovered the lost phenotypes to nearly wild-type levels. The results strongly suggest that the periplasmic phosphoquinolipoprotein kinase YfgL plays an important role in radiation-induced DNA strand break repair, homologous recombination in E. coli

    Monorail/Foxa2 regulates floorplate differentiation and specification of oligodendrocytes, serotonergic raphe neurones and cranial motoneurones

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    In this study, we elucidate the roles of the winged-helix transcription factor Foxa2 in ventral CNS development in zebrafish. Through cloning of monorail (mol), which we find encodes the transcription factor Foxa2, and phenotypic analysis of mol(-/-) embryos, we show that floorplate is induced in the absence of Foxa2 function but fails to further differentiate. In mol(-/-) mutants, expression of Foxa and Hh family genes is not maintained in floorplate cells and lateral expansion of the floorplate fails to occur. Our results suggest that this is due to defects both in the regulation of Hh activity in medial floorplate cells as well as cell-autonomous requirements for Foxa2 in the prospective laterally positioned floorplate cells themselves. Foxa2 is also required for induction and/or patterning of several distinct cell types in the ventral CNS. Serotonergic neurones of the raphe nucleus and the trochlear motor nucleus are absent in mol(-/-) embryos, and oculomotor and facial motoneurones ectopically occupy ventral CNS midline positions in the midbrain and hindbrain. There is also a severe reduction of prospective oligodendrocytes in the midbrain and hindbrain. Finally, in the absence of Foxa2, at least two likely Hh pathway target genes are ectopically expressed in more dorsal regions of the midbrain and hindbrain ventricular neuroepithelium, raising the possibility that Foxa2 activity may normally be required to limit the range of action of secreted Hh proteins

    A Case Report of Gastrointestinal Bleeding Due to Gastric Lipoma

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    Abstract: Benign Gastric tumors are rare and generally account for less than 10% of all stomach tumors. Gastric lipoma is a rare tumor that constitutes approximately 3% of all benign tumors of the stomach and mainly is seen as a submucosal mass. Most gastric lipoma are asymptomatic and are found accidentally. Occasionally they can cause symptoms such as gastrointestinal bleeding, obstruction, abdominal pain and intussuception. CT scan and endoscopy are helpful in diagnosis. The main modality of treatment is surgery. Diagnosis is confirmed by histology. In this article, a patient with weakness, fatigue, and melena complaints is presented. On gastric endoscopy a yellowish submucosal mass was seen in antrum. Abdominal CT scan disclosed a mass with fat density resembling lipoma. The patient underwent surgery and diagnosis of lipoma was confirmed by histology. Although gastric lipoma is rare, it should be considered in the assessment and differential diagnosis of hemorrhagic submucosal masses in the stomach. Keywords: Lipoma, Gastrointestinal bleedin

    Involvement of Reactive Oxygen Species in the Action of Ciprofloxacin against Escherichia coli

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    Ciprofloxacin is an important and commonly used member of the fluoroquinolone group of antibiotics. Ciprofloxacin inhibits DNA topoisomerase II and DNA topoisomerase IV activities, eventually leading to bacterial cell death. In addition, an increase of reactive oxygen species in the bacterial cells in response to ciprofloxacin has been shown. We investigated the role of reactive oxygen species in the antibacterial action of ciprofloxacin by studying the effects of different antioxidant compounds on ciprofloxacin susceptibility of Escherichia coli. Among the antioxidants checked, glutathione and ascorbic acid provided substantial protection against ciprofloxacin. The involvement of superoxide anion (O(2)(−)) and hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) in the antibacterial action of ciprofloxacin was analyzed using superoxide dismutase, catalase, and alkyl hydroperoxide reductase knockout strains of E. coli. The effects of multicopy sod genes on ciprofloxacin susceptibility of E. coli were also analyzed. On the basis of our results, we conclude that O(2)(−) and H(2)O(2) may be involved in antibacterial action of ciprofloxacin. Our findings that glutathione gave protection against other fluoroquinolones and not against nonfluoroquinolone antibiotics imply that reactive oxygen species may have a similar role in the antibacterial action of all these fluoroquinolones and that glutathione-mediated protection is not a general phenomenon but specific to fluoroquinolones. These observations are of significance, as fluoroquinolones are important antibiotics with immense therapeutic value, and the effectiveness of treatment by these drugs may be affected by dietary intake and cellular levels of these antioxidants