9,262 research outputs found

    Serum N-Terminal Type III Procollagen Propeptide: An Indicator of Growth Hormone Excess and Response to Treatment in Feline Hypersomatotropism

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    BACKGROUND: N‐terminal type III procollagen propeptide (PIIINP) is a biomarker of soft tissue proliferation. Hypersomatotropism (HS) is associated with soft tissue proliferation. HYPOTHESIS: Serum PIIINP is increased in cats with HS and decreases with effective treatment, and may be an additional tool in the diagnosis and treatment of feline HS. ANIMALS: Cats with uncomplicated diabetes mellitus (DM; n = 30) and with HS‐induced DM (HSDM; n = 30). Pre‐ and posttreatment samples were available from 5 cats undergoing radiotherapy (RT) and 16 cats undergoing hypophysectomy (HPX). METHODS: Retrospective and prospective cross‐sectional study. Analytical performance of a serum PIIINP ELISA was assessed and validated for use in cats. PIIINP and insulin‐like growth factor 1 (IGF‐1) radioimmunoassays (RIA) were performed pre‐ and post‐treatment in cats with DM and HSDM. PIIINP and IGF‐1 were compared between cats treated by RT and HPX. RESULTS: Serum PIIINP concentrations were significantly higher (P < .001) in HSDM cats (median, 19.6 ng/mL; range, 1.7–27.9) compared to DM cats (median, 5.0 ng/mL; range, 2.1–10.4). A cut‐off of 10.5 ng/mL allowed differentiation between DM and HSDM cats with 87% sensitivity and 100% specificity (area under the curve [AUC], 0.91; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.82‐1). After RT, PIIINP increased significantly (P = .043) with no significant change in IGF‐1 concentrations. After HPX, serum PIIINP (P = .034) and IGF‐1 concentrations (P < .001) decreased significantly. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: PIIINP concentrations are increased in cats with untreated HSDM compared to those with DM, demonstrating the effect of excess GH on soft tissue. PIIINP concentrations decreased after HPX in most HSDM cats

    Validating performance of automotive materials at high strain rate for improved crash design

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    This paper investigates sources of performance variability in high velocity testing of automotive crash structures. Sources of variability, or so called noise factors, present in a testing environment, arise from uncertainty in structural properties, joints, boundary conditions and measurement system. A box structure, which is representative of a crash component, is designed and fabricated from a high strength Dual Phase sheet steel. Crush tests are conducted at low and high speed. Such tests intend to validate a component model and material strain rate sensitivity data determined from high speed tensile testing. To support experimental investigations, stochastic modeling is used to investigate the effect of noise factors on crash structure performance variability, and to identify suitable performance measures to validate a component model and material strain rate sensitivity data. The results of the project will enable the measurement of more reliable strain rate sensitivity data for improved crashworthiness predictions of automotive structures

    Clinical and magnetic resonance imaging characteristics of thoracolumbar intervertenral disk extrusions and protrusions in large breed dogs

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    It has recently been shown that the fat-derived hormone adiponectin has the ability to decrease hyperglycemia and to reverse insulin resistance. However, bacterially produced full-length adiponectin is functionally inactive. Here, we show that endogenous adiponectin secreted by adipocytes is post-translationally modified into eight different isoforms, as shown by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Carbohydrate detection revealed that six of the adiponectin isoforms are glycosylated. The glycosylation sites were mapped to several lysines (residues 68, 71, 80, and 104) located in the collagenous domain of adiponectin, each having the surrounding motif of GXKGE(D). These four lysines were found to be hydroxylated and subsequently glycosylated. The glycosides attached to each of these four hydroxylated lysines are possibly glucosylgalactosyl groups. Functional analysis revealed that full-length adiponectin produced by mammalian cells is much more potent than bacterially generated adiponectin in enhancing the ability of subphysiological concentrations of insulin to inhibit gluconeogenesis in primary rat hepatocytes, whereas this insulin-sensitizing ability was significantly attenuated when the four glycosylated lysines were substituted with arginines. These results indicate that full-length adiponectin produced by mammalian cells is functionally active as an insulin sensitizer and that hydroxylation and glycosylation of the four lysines in the collagenous domain might contribute to this activity.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Intelligent and adaptive tutoring for active learning and training environments

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    Active learning facilitated through interactive and adaptive learning environments differs substantially from traditional instructor-oriented, classroom-based teaching. We present a Web-based e-learning environment that integrates knowledge learning and skills training. How these tools are used most effectively is still an open question. We propose knowledge-level interaction and adaptive feedback and guidance as central features. We discuss these features and evaluate the effectiveness of this Web-based environment, focusing on different aspects of learning behaviour and tool usage. Motivation, acceptance of the approach, learning organisation and actual tool usage are aspects of behaviour that require different evaluation techniques to be used

    Events, processes, and the time of a killing

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    The paper proposes a novel solution to the problem of the time of a killing (ToK), which persistently besets theories of act-individuation. The solution proposed claims to expose a crucial wrong-headed assumption in the debate, according to which ToK is essentially a problem of locating some event that corresponds to the killing. The alternative proposal put forward here turns on recognizing a separate category of dynamic occurents, viz. processes. The paper does not aim to mount a comprehensive defense of process ontology, relying instead on extant defenses. The primary aim is rather to put process ontology to work in diagnosing the current state of play over ToK, and indeed in solving it

    Preferences for support services among adolescents and young adults with cancer or a blood disorder: A discrete choice experiment

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    Background: Life-threatening illnesses in young people are traumatic for patients and their families. Support services can help patients and families deal with various non-medical impacts of diagnosis, disease and treatment. The aim of this study was to determine which types of support are most valued by adolescents and young adults (AYA) with cancer or blood disorders and their families. Method: A discrete choice experiment (DCE). Separate experiments were conducted with AYA and their carers. Results: Completed surveys were returned by 83 patients and 78 carers. AYA preferred emotional support for themselves (either by counsellors and/or peers), emotional support for their family, financial support and assistance returning to school/work over services relating to cultural and spiritual needs. Covariate analysis indicated female AYA were more likely than males to prefer emotional support, while males were more likely to prefer assistance returning to work/school. Carers preferred emotional support for their AYA and assistance returning to school/work. Like AYA, they were indifferent about services relating to cultural and spiritual needs. Conclusion: Providing the types of support services that people prefer should maximise effectiveness. This study suggests that AYA patients require support services that included financial aid, assistance returning to work/study, emotional support for themselves and for their family. © 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd

    Plant Oils and Products of Their Hydrolysis as Substrates for Polyhydroxyalkanoate Synthesis

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    Plant oils could provide a sustainable source of carbon for polyhydroxyalkanoate production as they are both renewable and inexpensive. No study to our knowledge has undertaken a comparative study of the use of major European and global commodity plants oils and products of their hydrolysis as substrates for medium chain length polyhydroxyalkanoate (mcl-PHA) production. There have been several studies which have investigated the use of plant oils and their hydrolysis products for short chain length PHA (scl-PHA) production, therefore, in this study, we have focused specifically on mcl-PHA-producing organisms. A comparison between direct growth on oils and the products of their hydrolysis is described here for several mcl-PHA-producing Pseudomonas strains. Pseudomonas putida KT2440, CA-3, GO16, Pseudomonas chlororaphis 555 were screened for their ability to utilize a range of common plant oils (olive, sunflower, rapeseed, and palm) and their hydrolysis products as sole sources of carbon and energy for growth and PHA accumulation. When the oils were supplied in shaken flask experiments, P. putida CA-3 and P. putida KT2440 showed little or no growth, while P. putida GO16 reached a cell dry weight of between 0.33 and 0.56 g L–1, and accumulated mcl-PHA to between 12 and 25 % of CDW, P. chlororaphis 555 reached a cell dry weight of between 0.67 and 0.86 g L–1, and accumulated mcl-PHA to between 27 and 34 % CDW in 48 h. In contrast, when the hydrolyzed fatty acid mixtures were supplied, all 4 strains tested grew and accumulated mcl-PHA. P. putida CA-3 and GO16 achieved the highest biomass (1.02 – 1.06 g L–1) with the majority of the hydrolyzed plant oil fatty acids, however P. chlororaphis 555 accumulated similar levels of PHA as these two strains. Despite being the strain of choice for mcl-PHA accumulation, for the majority of studies, P. putida KT2440 achieved less biomass and accumulated less PHA than other strains tested with the majority of oil-derived fatty acids. It is important to note that both biomass and PHA levels varied significantly across strain and hydrolyzed oil type. Due to the fact that P. chlororaphis 555 was able to grow and accumulate PHA from both plant oils and hydrolyzed oil fatty acids, it was selected for bioreactor trials to try to achieve high cell density and high PHA productivity using rapeseed oil and hydrolyzed rapeseed oil fatty acids. Rapeseed oil (RO) and its hydrolysis product (HROFA) were chosen for these experiments because P. chlororaphis 555 accumulated approximately 30 % mcl-PHA from both substrates, and as this oil can be produced globally, it would offer less barriers to scale-up than Palm oil. The mcl-PHA volumetric productivity with RO as the substrate was 0.53 g L–1 h–1 after 25 h with a yield of 0.22 g PHA g–1 oil, while the volumetric productivity with HROFA as the substrate was 0.54 g L–1 h–1 after 25 h with again a lower yield of 0.15 g PHA g–1 HROFA. Thus, under the fermentation conditions tested, HROFA was an inferior substrate for PHA production when compared to RO
