2,615 research outputs found

    On the magnetization of two-dimensional superconductors

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    We calculate the magnetization of a two-dimensional superconductor in a perpendicular magnetic field near its Kosterlitz-Thouless transition and at lower temperatures. We find that the critical behavior is more complex than assumed in the literature and that, in particular, the critical magnetization is {\it not} field independent as naive scaling predicts. In the low temperature phase we find a substantial fluctuation renormalization of the mean-field result. We compare our analysis with the data on the cuprates.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Competing density-wave orders in a one-dimensional hard-boson model

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    We describe the zero-temperature phase diagram of a model of bosons, occupying sites of a linear chain, which obey a hard-exclusion constraint: any two nearest-neighbor sites may have at most one boson. A special case of our model was recently proposed as a description of a ``tilted'' Mott insulator of atoms trapped in an optical lattice. Our quantum Hamiltonian is shown to generate the transfer matrix of Baxter's hard-square model. Aided by exact solutions of a number of special cases, and by numerical studies, we obtain a phase diagram containing states with long-range density-wave order with period 2 and period 3, and also a floating incommensurate phase. Critical theories for the various quantum phase transitions are presented. As a byproduct, we show how to compute the Luttinger parameter in integrable theories with hard-exclusion constraints.Comment: 16 page

    Numerical Results for the Ground-State Interface in a Random Medium

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    The problem of determining the ground state of a dd-dimensional interface embedded in a (d+1)(d+1)-dimensional random medium is treated numerically. Using a minimum-cut algorithm, the exact ground states can be found for a number of problems for which other numerical methods are inexact and slow. In particular, results are presented for the roughness exponents and ground-state energy fluctuations in a random bond Ising model. It is found that the roughness exponent ζ=0.41±0.01,0.22±0.01\zeta = 0.41 \pm 0.01, 0.22 \pm 0.01, with the related energy exponent being θ=0.84±0.03,1.45±0.04\theta = 0.84 \pm 0.03, 1.45 \pm 0.04, in d=2,3d = 2, 3, respectively. These results are compared with previous analytical and numerical estimates.Comment: 10 pages, REVTEX3.0; 3 ps files (separate:tar/gzip/uuencoded) for figure

    TaxMan : a server to trim rRNA reference databases and inspect taxonomic coverage

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    © The Author(s), 2012. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Nucleic Acids Research 40 (2012): W82-W87, doi:10.1093/nar/gks418.Amplicon sequencing of the hypervariable regions of the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene is a widely accepted method for identifying the members of complex bacterial communities. Several rRNA gene sequence reference databases can be used to assign taxonomic names to the sequencing reads using BLAST, USEARCH, GAST or the RDP classifier. Next-generation sequencing methods produce ample reads, but they are short, currently ∼100–450 nt (depending on the technology), as compared to the full rRNA gene of ∼1550 nt. It is important, therefore, to select the right rRNA gene region for sequencing. The primers should amplify the species of interest and the hypervariable regions should differentiate their taxonomy. Here, we introduce TaxMan: a web-based tool that trims reference sequences based on user-selected primer pairs and returns an assessment of the primer specificity by taxa. It allows interactive plotting of taxa, both amplified and missed in silico by the primers used. Additionally, using the trimmed sequences improves the speed of sequence matching algorithms. The smaller database greatly improves run times (up to 98%) and memory usage, not only of similarity searching (BLAST), but also of chimera checking (UCHIME) and of clustering the reads (UCLUST). TaxMan is available at http://www.ibi.vu.nl/programs/taxmanwww/.University of Amsterdam under the research priority area ‘Oral Infections and Inflammation’ (to B.W.B.); National Science Foundation [NSF/BDI 0960626 to S.M.H.]; the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/ 2007-2013) under ANTIRESDEV grant agreement no 241446 (to E.Z.)

    Fluctuating loops and glassy dynamics of a pinned line in two dimensions

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    We represent the slow, glassy equilibrium dynamics of a line in a two-dimensional random potential landscape as driven by an array of asymptotically independent two-state systems, or loops, fluctuating on all length scales. The assumption of independence enables a fairly complete analytic description. We obtain good agreement with Monte Carlo simulations when the free energy barriers separating the two sides of a loop of size L are drawn from a distribution whose width and mean scale as L^(1/3), in agreement with recent results for scaling of such barriers.Comment: 11 pages, 4 Postscript figure

    Interfaces (and Regional Congruence?) in Spin Glasses

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    We present a general theorem restricting properties of interfaces between thermodynamic states and apply it to the spin glass excitations observed numerically by Krzakala-Martin and Palassini-Young in spatial dimensions d=3 and 4. We show that such excitations, with interface dimension smaller than d, cannot yield regionally congruent thermodynamic states. More generally, zero density interfaces of translation-covariant excitations cannot be pinned (by the disorder) in any d but rather must deflect to infinity in the thermodynamic limit. Additional consequences concerning regional congruence in spin glasses and other systems are discussed.Comment: 4 pages (ReVTeX); 1 figure; submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Strong-disorder renormalization for interacting non-Abelian anyon systems in two dimensions

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    We consider the effect of quenched spatial disorder on systems of interacting, pinned non-Abelian anyons as might arise in disordered Hall samples at filling fractions \nu=5/2 or \nu=12/5. In one spatial dimension, such disordered anyon models have previously been shown to exhibit a hierarchy of infinite randomness phases. Here, we address systems in two spatial dimensions and report on the behavior of Ising and Fibonacci anyons under the numerical strong-disorder renormalization group (SDRG). In order to manage the topology-dependent interactions generated during the flow, we introduce a planar approximation to the SDRG treatment. We characterize this planar approximation by studying the flow of disordered hard-core bosons and the transverse field Ising model, where it successfully reproduces the known infinite randomness critical point with exponent \psi ~ 0.43. Our main conclusion for disordered anyon models in two spatial dimensions is that systems of Ising anyons as well as systems of Fibonacci anyons do not realize infinite randomness phases, but flow back to weaker disorder under the numerical SDRG treatment.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, 1 tabl

    Self-avoiding random surfaces with fluctuating topology

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    A gas of self-avoiding surfaces with an arbitrary polynomial coupling to the gaussian curvature and an extrinsic curvature term can be realized in a three-dimensional Ising bcc lattice with only three local couplings. Similar three parameter realizations are valid also in other lattices. The relation between the crumpling transition and the roughening is discussed. It turns out that the mean area of these surfaces is proportional to its genus.Comment: 4 pages , uuencoded .ps file with two figures included.( Contribution to Lattice 93, Dallas

    Elastic Chain in a Random Potential: Simulation of the Displacement Function <(u(x)u(0))2><(u(x)-u(0))^2> and Relaxation

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    We simulate the low temperature behaviour of an elastic chain in a random potential where the displacements u(x)u(x) are confined to the {\it longitudinal} direction (u(x)u(x) parallel to xx) as in a one dimensional charge density wave--type problem. We calculate the displacement correlation function g(x)=<(u(x)u(0))2>g(x)=< (u(x)-u(0))^2> and the size dependent average square displacement W(L)=W(L)=. We find that g(x)x2ηg(x)\sim x^{2\eta} with η3/4\eta\simeq3/4 at short distances and η3/5\eta\simeq3/5 at intermediate distances. We cannot resolve the asymptotic long distance dependence of gg upon xx. For the system sizes considered we find g(L/2)WL2χg(L/2)\propto W\sim L^{2\chi} with χ2/3\chi\simeq2/3. The exponent η3/5\eta\simeq3/5 is in agreement with the Random Manifold exponent obtained from replica calculations and the exponent χ2/3\chi\simeq2/3 is consistent with an exact solution for the chain with {\it transverse} displacements (u(x)u(x) perpendicular to xx).The distribution of nearest distances between pinning wells and chain-particles is found to develop forbidden regions.Comment: 19 pages of LaTex, 6 postscript figures available on request, submitted to Journal of Physics A, MAJOR CHANGE