4 research outputs found

    The Usage of Julia Programming in Grounding Grids Simulations : An alternative to MATLAB and Python

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    Matlab and Python have been widely used in science field, mainly used by scientists who are involved in numerical and technical computing. However, other programming languages have arisen in recent years aim to create a combination of power, and efficiency for free. In light of this, this work presents a comparison between three computational environments (MATLAB, Python and Julia) - on the study of grounding grids for lightning transients - to evaluate the best programming language (among all studied). The main parameter presented on this paper is computational time. The results showed Julia programming language provided simulations six times faster than Matlab and twenty-eight faster than Python


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    O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido dentro do perímetro urbano da cidade de Rio BrancoAC, localizada entre as coordenadas geográficas de 9°58’29’’ de latitude sul e 67°48’36’’ de longitude oeste. Teve como objetivo geral o levantamento e diagnóstico da arborização viária. A metodologia estatística utilizada foi definida tomando-se como unidade amostral o quarteirão. Encontrou-se pouquíssimos espécimes nas calçadas dos quarteirões amostrados, totalizando 292 indivíduos distribuídos por 39 espécies, sendo 11 nativas e 28 exóticas. A média por quarteirão foi de 1,83 árvores, e por quilômetro de calçada foi de 4,57 árvores. Concluiu-se que o número de árvores existentes nas calçadas foi muito pequeno, tendo-se como referência 100 árvores por quilômetro de calçada como ideal. A maioria das espécies encontrada era exótica (78,57%), a despeito da cidade encontrar-se numa região com uma das maiores diversidades de espécies arbóreas do planeta. Quanto ao estado físico, a copa normal foi predominante, exceto na região central. As recomendações indicadas foram primeiramente de se elaborar um plano de arborização urbana para o município, contendo referências técnicas para escolha das espécies, técnicas de manejo e programa de educação ambiental

    The Usage of Julia Programming in Grounding Grids Simulations : An alternative to MATLAB and Python

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    Matlab and Python have been widely used in science field, mainly used by scientists who are involved in numerical and technical computing. However, other programming languages have arisen in recent years aim to create a combination of power, and efficiency for free. In light of this, this work presents a comparison between three computational environments (MATLAB, Python and Julia) - on the study of grounding grids for lightning transients - to evaluate the best programming language (among all studied). The main parameter presented on this paper is computational time. The results showed Julia programming language provided simulations six times faster than Matlab and twenty-eight faster than Python

    The Usage of Julia Programming in Grounding Grids Simulations : An alternative to MATLAB and Python

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    Matlab and Python have been widely used in science field, mainly used by scientists who are involved in numerical and technical computing. However, other programming languages have arisen in recent years aim to create a combination of power, and efficiency for free. In light of this, this work presents a comparison between three computational environments (MATLAB, Python and Julia) - on the study of grounding grids for lightning transients - to evaluate the best programming language (among all studied). The main parameter presented on this paper is computational time. The results showed Julia programming language provided simulations six times faster than Matlab and twenty-eight faster than Python