404 research outputs found

    Spontaneous transition to a fast 3D turbulent reconnection regime

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    We show how the conversion of magnetic field energy via magnetic reconnection can progress in a fully three-dimensional, fast, volume-filling regime. An initial configuration representative of many laboratory, space and astrophysical plasmas spontaneously evolves from the well-known regime of slow, resistive reconnection to a new regime that allows to explain the rates of energy transfer observed in jets emitted from accretion disks, in stellar/solar flare processes as well as in laboratory plasmas. This process does not require any pre-existing turbulence seed which often is not observed in the host systems prior to the onset of the energy conversion. The dynamics critically depends on the interplay of perturbations developing along the magnetic field lines and across them, a process possible only in three-dimensions. The simulations presented here are the first able to show this transition in a fully three-dimensional configuration.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Signatures of Secondary Collisionless Magnetic Reconnection Driven by Kink Instability of a Flux Rope

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    The kinetic features of secondary magnetic reconnection in a single flux rope undergoing internal kink instability are studied by means of three-dimensional Particle-in-Cell simulations. Several signatures of secondary magnetic reconnection are identified in the plane perpendicular to the flux rope: a quadrupolar electron and ion density structure and a bipolar Hall magnetic field develop in proximity of the reconnection region. The most intense electric fields form perpendicularly to the local magnetic field, and a reconnection electric field is identified in the plane perpendicular to the flux rope. An electron current develops along the reconnection line in the opposite direction of the electron current supporting the flux rope magnetic field structure. Along the reconnection line, several bipolar structures of the electric field parallel to the magnetic field occur making the magnetic reconnection region turbulent. The reported signatures of secondary magnetic reconnection can help to localize magnetic reconnection events in space, astrophysical and fusion plasmas

    Physical origin of the power-law tailed statistical distributions

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    Starting from the BBGKY hierarchy, describing the kinetics of nonlinear particle system, we obtain the relevant entropy and stationary distribution function. Subsequently, by employing the Lorentz transformations we propose the relativistic generalization of the exponential and logarithmic functions. The related particle distribution and entropy represents the relativistic extension of the classical Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution and of the Boltzmann entropy respectively and define the statistical mechanics presented in [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 66}, 056125 (2002)] and [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 72}, 036108 (2005). The achievements of the present effort, support the idea that the experimentally observed power law tailed statistical distributions in plasma physics, are enforced by the relativistic microscopic particle dynamics.Comment: 6 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1110.3944, arXiv:1012.390

    Interaction between dust grains near a conducting wall

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    The effect of the conducting electrode on the interaction of dust grains in a an ion flow is discussed. It is shown that two grains levitating above the electrode at the same height may attract one another. This results in the instability of a dust layer in a plasma sheath.Comment: 9 pages. 3 figures. Submitted to Plasma Physics Report

    A Multi Level Multi Domain Method for Particle In Cell Plasma Simulations

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    A novel adaptive technique for electromagnetic Particle In Cell (PIC) plasma simulations is presented here. Two main issues are identified in designing adaptive techniques for PIC simulation: first, the choice of the size of the particle shape function in progressively refined grids, with the need to avoid the exertion of self-forces on particles, and, second, the necessity to comply with the strict stability constraints of the explicit PIC algorithm. The adaptive implementation presented responds to these demands with the introduction of a Multi Level Multi Domain (MLMD) system (where a cloud of self-similar domains is fully simulated with both fields and particles) and the use of an Implicit Moment PIC method as baseline algorithm for the adaptive evolution. Information is exchanged between the levels with the projection of the field information from the refined to the coarser levels and the interpolation of the boundary conditions for the refined levels from the coarser level fields. Particles are bound to their level of origin and are prevented from transitioning to coarser levels, but are repopulated at the refined grid boundaries with a splitting technique. The presented algorithm is tested against a series of simulation challenges

    Relativistic kinetics and power-law tailed distributions

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    The present paper is devoted to the relativistic statistical theory, introduced in Phys. Rev. E {\bf 66} (2002) 056125 and Phys. Rev. E {\bf 72} (2005) 036108, predicting the particle distribution function p(E)=exp⁥Îș(−ÎČ[E−Ό])p(E)= \exp_{\kappa} (-\beta[E-\mu]) with exp⁥Îș(x)=(1+Îș2x2+Îșx)1/Îș\exp_{\kappa}(x)=(\sqrt{1+ \kappa^2 x^2}+\kappa x)^{1/\kappa}, and Îș2<1\kappa^2<1. This, experimentally observed, relativistic distribution, at low energies behaves as the exponential, Maxwell-Boltzmann classical distribution, while at high energies presents power law tails. Here, we obtain the evolution equation, conducting asymptotically to the above distribution, by using a new deductive procedure, starting from the relativistic BBGKY hierarchy and by employing the relativistic molecular chaos hypothesis.Comment: 5 two-column page
