2,252 research outputs found

    A high temperature apparatus for measurement of the Seebeck coefficient

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    A high temperature Seebeck coefficient measurement apparatus with various features to minimize typical sources of error is designed and built. Common sources of temperature and voltage measurement error are described and principles to overcome these are proposed. With these guiding principles, a high temperature Seebeck measurement apparatus with a uniaxial 4-point contact geometry is designed to operate from room temperature to over 1200 K. This instrument design is simple to operate, and suitable for bulk samples with a broad range of physical types and shapes

    Should we teach old dogs new tricks? the impact of community college retraining on older displaced workers

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    This paper estimates the returns to retraining for older displaced workers--those 35 or older--by estimating the impact that community college schooling has on their subsequent earnings. Our analysis relies on longitudinal administrative data covering workers who were displaced from jobs in Washington State during the first half of the 1990s and who subsequently remained attached to the state’s work force. Our database contains displaced workers' quarterly earnings records covering 14 years matched to the records of 25 of the state's community colleges. We find that older displaced workers participate in community college schooling at significantly lower rates than younger displaced workers. However, among those who participate in retraining, the per-period impact for older and younger displaced workers is similar. ; We estimate that one academic year of such schooling increases the long- term earnings by about 8 percent for older males and by about 10 percent for older females. These per-period impacts are in line with those reported in the schooling literature. These percentages do not necessarily imply that retraining older workers is a sound social investment. We find that the social internal rates of return from investments in older displaced workers' retraining are less than for younger displaced workers and likely less than those reported for schooling of children. However, our internal rate of return estimates are very sensitive to how we measure the opportunity cost of retraining. If we assume that these opportunity costs are zero, the internal rate of return from retraining older displaced workers is about 11 percent. By contrast, if we rely on our estimates of the opportunity cost of retraining, the internal rate of return may be less than 2 percent for older men and as low as 4 percent for older women.Displaced workers ; Education

    Earnings Losses of Displaced Workers

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    The 1990-1991 recession has intensified concerns about the consequences of workers' job losses. To estimate the magnitude and temporal pattern of displaced workers' earnings losses, we exploit an unusual administrative data set that includes both employees' quarterly earnings histories and information about their firms. We find that when high-tenure workers separate from distressed firms their long-term losses average 25 percent per year. Further, their losses mount even prior to separation, are not limited to workers in a few industrial sectors, and are substantial even for those who find new jobs in similar firms. This evidence suggests that displaced workers' earnings losses result largely from the loss of some unidentified attribute of the employment relationship.earnings, wages, losses, displaced, dislocated, workers, Jacobson, LaLonde, Sullivan

    The Geography of Non-formal Manifolds

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    We show that there exist non-formal compact oriented manifolds of dimension nn and with first Betti number b1=b0b_1=b\geq 0 if and only if n3n\geq 3 and b2b\geq 2, or n(72b)n\geq (7-2b) and 0b20\leq b\leq 2. Moreover, we present explicit examples for each one of these cases.Comment: 8 pages, one reference update

    Earth's first snowball event: Evidence from the early Paleoproterozoic Huronian Supergroup

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    Ever since it was first proposed that the Earth completely froze during glaciations ∼ 640 million years ago evidence supporting this hypothesis has been increasing, primarily from samples of carbonates directly overlying glacial diamictites, termed cap carbonates. However, this was not the first extensive glacial period that affected planet Earth: ∼1750 million years prior to Neoproterozoic glaciations the Earth went through its first major glacial episode, the early Paleoproterozoic Huronian glaciations. The second Huronian ice advance deposited the Bruce Formation, with its overlying cap carbonate, the Espanola Formation. This up to ∼ 300 m thick succession of limestone, siltstone, dolostone and sandstone overlies diamictite containing a dropstone-bearing layer with δ13Ccarb of −10‰. The 12C-enriched interval also has rare earth element (REE) patterns with negative Eu anomalies, radiogenic Sr isotopes, and negative εNd(0) in the carbonate. The first of these observations is probably due to highly reducing conditions in the sediment, and the possible thawing of methane-rich areas, releasing fluids that mixed with the overlying bottom waters; the last two reflect the diagenetic incorporation into the carbonate of radiogenic Sr, and derivation of REEs, including Nd, from abundant silty loess. This infers a stratified water mass with a relatively stagnant bottom layer during disintegration of an ice shelf. Above this REE patterns through the basal Espanola become increasingly more light depleted upwards, C becomes heavier, Sr is less radiogenic, εNd(0) is near 0 and one area has up to ∼ 1300 ppm Ba incorporated into the carbonate, indicating breakdown of water-mass stratification. Vertically over ∼ 200 m δ13Ccarb increases from −4.5 to −2.5‰ as the environment shallowed incorporating gradually increasing amounts of seawater into the freshwater plume, which initially extended to depths below wave base. Strata deposited in the upper Espanola near the strandline contain layers of Fe-Mn-rich dolomite with positive Eu anomalies reflecting Paleoproterozioc seawater composition dominating even the nearshore by this time. These observations are similar to those from Neoproterozoic cap carbonates, and provide new evidence for the possibly snowball Earth-like nature of the ∼ 2.4 Ga Bruce glaciation

    Earnings Losses of Displaced Workers

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    The 1990-1991 recession has intensified concerns about the consequences of workers\u27 job losses. To estimate the magnitude and temporal pattern of displaced workers\u27 earnings losses, we exploit an unusual administrative data set that includes both employees\u27 quarterly earnings histories and information about their firms. We find that when high-tenure workers separate from distressed firms their long-term losses average 25 percent per year. Further, their losses mount even prior to separation, are not limited to workers in a few industrial sectors, and are substantial even for those who find new jobs in similar firms. This evidence suggests that displaced workers\u27 earnings losses result largely from the loss of some unidentified attribute of the employment relationship

    An X-Ray Spectral Classification Algorithm with Application to Young Stellar Clusters

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    A large volume of low signal-to-noise, multidimensional data is available from the CCD imaging spectrometers aboard the Chandra X-Ray Observatory and the X-Ray Multimirror Mission (XMM-Newton). To make progress analyzing this data,itisessentialtodevelopmethods tosort,classify,and characterize thevastlibrary of X-rayspectrain a nonparametric fashion (complementary to current parametric model fits). We have developed a spectral classification algorithm that handles large volumes of data and operates independently of the requirement of spectral model fits.Weuseprovenmultivariatestatisticaltechniquesincludingprincipalcomponentanalysisandanensembleclassifier consistingofagglomerativehierarchicalclusteringandK-meansclusteringappliedforthefirsttimeforspectralclassification.Thealgorithmpositionsthesourcesinamultidimensionalspectralsequenceandthengroupstheorderedsources into clusters based on their spectra. These clusters appear more distinct for sources with harder observed spectra. The apparent diversity ofsource spectra isreduced toa three-dimensional locus inprincipal component space,withspectral outliers falling outside this locus. The algorithm was applied to a sample of 444 strong sources selected from the 1616 X-ray emitting sources detected in deep Chandra imaging spectroscopy of the Orion Nebula Cluster. Classes form sequencesinNH,AV,andaccretionactivityindicators,demonstratingthatthealgorithmefficientlysortstheX-raysources into a physically meaningful sequence. The algorithm also isolates important classes of very deeply embedded, active young stellar objects, and yields trends between X-ray spectral parameters and stellar parameters for the lowest mass, pre‐main-sequence stars