4,018 research outputs found

    Vector Area Theorem mapping in crystals and polarization stability of SIT-solitons

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    The stability of polarization, areas, and number of self-induced transparency (SIT)-solitons at the output from the LaF_3:Pr^{3+} crystal is theoretically studied versus the polarization direction and the area of the input linearly polarized laser pulse. For this purpose the Vector Area Theorem is rederived and two-dimensional Vector Area Theorem map is obtained. The map is governed by the crystal symmetry and takes into account directions of the dipole matrix element vectors of the different site subgroups of optically excited ions. The Vector Area Theorem mapping of the time evolution of the laser pulse allows one to highlight soliton polarization properties.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures; v2: minor corrected labels in Fig. 3 and its cuptur

    Low-Threshold Electrically Pumps Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Microlasers

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    Vertical-cavity electrically driven lasers with three GaInAs quantum wells and diameters of several ÎŒm exhibit room-temperature pulsed current thresholds as low as 1.3mA with 958 nm output wavelength

    Room-Temperature Continuous-Wave Vertical-Cavity Single-Quantum-Well Microlaser Diodes

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    Room-temperature continuous and pulsed lasing of vertical-cavity, single-quantum-well, surface-emitting microlasers is achieved at ~983nm. The active Ga[sub][0-8]In[sub][0-2]As single quantum well is 100 [angstroms] thick. These microlasers have the smallest gain medium volumes among lasers ever built. The entire laser structure is grown by molecular beam epitaxy and the microlasers are formed by chemically assisted ion-beam etching. The microlasers are 3-50-ÎŒm across. The minimum threshold currents are 1.1 mA (pulsed) and 1.5 mA (CW)

    Stress relaxation in F-actin solutions by severing

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    Networks of filamentous actin (F-actin) are important for the mechanics of most animal cells. These cytoskeletal networks are highly dynamic, with a variety of actin-associated proteins that control cross-linking, polymerization and force generation in the cytoskeleton. Inspired by recent rheological experiments on reconstituted solutions of dynamic actin filaments, we report a theoretical model that describes stress relaxation behavior of these solutions in the presence of severing proteins. We show that depending on the kinetic rates of assembly, disassembly, and severing, one can observe both length-dependent and length-independent relaxation behavior

    Massive creation of entangled exciton states in semiconductor quantum dots

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    An intense laser pulse propagating in a medium of inhomogeneously broadened quantum dots massively creates entangled exciton states. After passage of the pulse all single-exciton states remain unpopulated (self-induced transparency) whereas biexciton coherence (exciton entanglement) is generated through two-photon transitions. We propose several experimental techniques for the observation of such unexpected behavior

    Strongly Localized State of a Photon at the Intersection of the Phase Slips in 2D Photonic Crystal with Low Contrast of Dielectric Constant

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    Two-dimensional photonic crystal with a rectangular symmetry and low contrast (< 1) of the dielectric constant is considered. We demonstrate that, despite the {\em absence} of a bandgap, strong localization of a photon can be achieved for certain ``magic'' geometries of a unit cell by introducing two π/2\pi/2 phase slips along the major axes. Long-living photon mode is bound to the intersection of the phase slips. We calculate analytically the lifetime of this mode for the simplest geometry -- a square lattice of cylinders of a radius, rr. We find the magic radius, rcr_c, of a cylinder to be 43.10 percent of the lattice constant. For this value of rr, the quality factor of the bound mode exceeds 10610^6. Small (∌1\sim 1%) deviation of rr from rcr_c results in a drastic damping of the bound mode.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Spectropolarimetry of the Type IIb Supernova 2001ig

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    We present spectropolarimetric observations of the Type IIb SN 2001ig in NGC 7424; conducted with the ESO VLT FORS1 on 2001 Dec 16, 2002 Jan 3 and 2002 Aug 16 or 13, 31 and 256 days post-explosion. These observations are at three different stages of the SN evolution: (1) The hydrogen-rich photospheric phase, (2) the Type II to Type Ib transitional phase and (3) the nebular phase. At each of these stages, the observations show remarkably different polarization properties as a function of wavelength. We show that the degree of interstellar polarization is 0.17%. The low intrinsic polarization (~0.2%) at the first epoch is consistent with an almost spherical (<10% deviation from spherical symmetry) hydrogen dominated ejecta. Similar to SN 1987A and to Type IIP SNe, a sharp increase in the degree of the polarization (~1%) is observed when the outer hydrogen layer becomes optically thin by day 31; only at this epoch is the polarization well described by a ``dominant axis.'' The polarization angle of the data shows a rotation through ~40 degrees between the first and second epochs, indicating that the asymmetries of the first epoch were not directly coupled with those observed at the second epoch. For the most polarized lines, we observe wavelength-dependent loop structures in addition to the dominant axis on the Q-U plane. We show that the polarization properties of Type IIb SNe are roughly similar to one another, but with significant differences arising due to line blending effects especially with the high velocities observed for SN 2001ig. This suggests that the geometry of SN 2001ig is related to SN 1993J and that these events may have arisen from a similar binary progenitor system.Comment: 42 pages, 12 figures (figs. 11 and 12 are both composed of four subpanels, figs. 6,7,8,11 and 12 are in color, fig. 1 is low res and a high res version is available at http://www.as.utexas.edu/~jrm/), ApJ Accepte

    QED for a Fibrillar Medium of Two-Level Atoms

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    We consider a fibrillar medium with a continuous distribution of two-level atoms coupled to quantized electromagnetic fields. Perturbation theory is developed based on the current algebra satisfied by the atomic operators. The one-loop corrections to the dispersion relation for the polaritons and the dielectric constant are computed. Renormalization group equations are derived which demonstrate a screening of the two-level splitting at higher energies. Our results are compared with known results in the slowly varying envelope and rotating wave approximations. We also discuss the quantum sine-Gordon theory as an approximate theory.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figures, uses harvmac and epsf. In this revised version, infra-red divergences are more properly handle

    Directional interacting whispering gallery modes in coupled dielectric microdisks

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    We study the optical interaction in a coupled dielectric microdisks by investigating the splitting of resonance positions of interacting whispering gallery modes (WGMs) and their pattern change, depending on the distance between the microdisks. It is shown that the interaction between the WGMs with odd parity about y-axis becomes appreciable at a distance less than a wavelength and causes directional emissions of the resulting interacting WGMs. The directionality of the interacting WGMs can be understood in terms of an effective boundary deformation in ray dynamical analysis. We also discuss about the oscillation of the splitting when the distance is greater than a wavelength.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figure
