9,041 research outputs found

    Cosmological string models from Milne spaces and SL(2,Z) orbifold

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    The n+1n+1-dimensional Milne Universe with extra free directions is used to construct simple FRW cosmological string models in four dimensions, describing expansion in the presence of matter with p=kρp=k \rho , k=(4−n)/3nk=(4-n)/3n. We then consider the n=2 case and make SL(2,Z) orbifold identifications. The model is surprisingly related to the null orbifold with an extra reflection generator. The study of the string spectrum involves the theory of harmonic functions in the fundamental domain of SL(2,Z). In particular, from this theory one can deduce a bound for the energy gap and the fact that there are an infinite number of excitations with a finite degeneracy. We discuss the structure of wave functions and give examples of physical winding states becoming light near the singularity.Comment: 14 pages, harvma

    Comments on Black Holes in String Theory

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    A very brief review is given of some of the developments leading to our current understanding of black holes in string theory. This is followed by a discussion of two possible misconceptions in this subject - one involving the stability of small black holes and the other involving scale radius duality. Finally, I describe some recent results concerning quasinormal modes of black holes in anti de Sitter spacetime, and their implications for strongly coupled conformal field theories (in various dimensions).Comment: 13 pages. Talk given at Strings '99, Potsdam, German

    Crystallization of Carbon Oxygen Mixtures in White Dwarf Stars

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    We determine the phase diagram for dense carbon/ oxygen mixtures in White Dwarf (WD) star interiors using molecular dynamics simulations involving liquid and solid phases. Our phase diagram agrees well with predictions from Ogata et al. and Medin and Cumming and gives lower melting temperatures than Segretain et al. Observations of WD crystallization in the globular cluster NGC 6397 by Winget et al. suggest that the melting temperature of WD cores is close to that for pure carbon. If this is true, our phase diagram implies that the central oxygen abundance in these stars is less than about 60%. This constraint, along with assumptions about convection in stellar evolution models, limits the effective S factor for the 12^{12}C(α,γ\alpha,\gamma)16^{16}O reaction to S_{300} <= 170 keV barns.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Phys. Rev. Lett. in pres

    Neutrino Trapping in a Supernova and Ion Screening

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    Neutrino-nucleus elastic scattering is reduced in dense matter because of correlations between ions. The static structure factor for a plasma of electrons and ions is calculated from Monte Carlo simulations and parameterized with a least squares fit. Our results imply a large increase in the neutrino mean free path. This strongly limits the trapping of neutrinos in a supernova by coherent neutral current interactions.Comment: 9 pages, 1 postscript figure using epsf.st

    Diffusion of Neon in White Dwarf Stars

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    Sedimentation of the neutron rich isotope 22^{22}Ne may be an important source of gravitational energy during the cooling of white dwarf stars. This depends on the diffusion constant for 22^{22}Ne in strongly coupled plasma mixtures. We calculate self-diffusion constants DiD_i from molecular dynamics simulations of carbon, oxygen, and neon mixtures. We find that DiD_i in a mixture does not differ greatly from earlier one component plasma results. For strong coupling (coulomb parameter Γ>\Gamma> few), DiD_i has a modest dependence on the charge ZiZ_i of the ion species, Di∝Zi−2/3D_i \propto Z_i^{-2/3}. However DiD_i depends more strongly on ZiZ_i for weak coupling (smaller Γ\Gamma). We conclude that the self-diffusion constant DNeD_{\rm Ne} for 22^{22}Ne in carbon, oxygen, and neon plasma mixtures is accurately known so that uncertainties in DNeD_{\rm Ne} should be unimportant for simulations of white dwarf cooling.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, minor changes, Phys. Rev. E in pres

    Unitarity, quasi-normal modes and the AdS_3/CFT_2 correspondence

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    In general, black-hole perturbations are governed by a discrete spectrum of complex eigen-frequencies (quasi-normal modes). This signals the breakdown of unitarity. In asymptotically AdS spaces, this is puzzling because the corresponding CFT is unitary. To address this issue in three dimensions, we replace the BTZ black hole by a wormhole, following a suggestion by Solodukhin [hep-th/0406130]. We solve the wave equation for a massive scalar field and find an equation for the poles of the propagator. This equation yields a rich spectrum of {\em real} eigen-frequencies. We show that the throat of the wormhole is o(e−1/G)o(e^{-1/G}), where GG is Newton's constant. Thus, the quantum effects which might produce the wormhole are non-perturbative.Comment: 9 page

    Strong Correlations in Actinide Redox Reactions

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    Reduction-oxidation (redox) reactions of the redox couples An(VI)/An(V), An(V)/An(IV), and An(IV)/An(III), where An is an element in the family of early actinides (U, Np, and Pu), as well as Am(VI)/Am(V) and Am(V)/Am(III), are modeled by combining density functional theory with a generalized Anderson impurity model that accounts for the strong correlations between the 5f electrons. Diagonalization of the Anderson impurity model yields improved estimates for the redox potentials and the propensity of the actinide complexes to disproportionate.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure, 3 tables. Corrections and clarifications; this version has been accepted for publication in The Journal of Chemical Physic

    Realistic Neutrino Opacities for Supernova Simulations With Correlations and Weak Magnetism

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    Advances in neutrino transport allow realistic neutrino interactions to be incorporated into supernova simulations. We add tensor couplings to relativistic RPA calculations of neutrino opacities. Our results reproduce free-space neutrino-nucleon cross sections at low density, including weak magnetism and recoil corrections. In addition, our opacities are thermodynamically consistent with relativistic mean field equations of state. We find antineutrino mean free paths that are considerably larger then those for neutrinos. This difference depends little on density. In a supernova, this difference could lead to an average energy of ΜˉΌ\bar\nu_\mu that is larger than that for ΜΌ\nu_\mu by an amount that is comparable to the energy difference between ΜΌ\nu_\mu and Μˉe\bar\nu_eComment: 15 pages, 10 figures, submitted to PRC, minor changes to figs. (9,10

    Delta Excitations in Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering

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    We derive the contribution of Δ\Delta-h excitations to quasielastic charged-current neutrino-nucleus scattering in the framework of relativistic mean-field theory. We discuss the effect of Δ\Delta production on the determination of the axial mass MAM_A in neutrino scattering experiments.Comment: 14 pages, revtex, 3 postscript figures (available upon request
