622 research outputs found

    Particularly the introduction of the all-russian sports complex «Ready for labor and defense» in educational institutions

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    The article analyzes the implementation WFSC TRP, standard models to support implementation activities WFSC TRP in the subjects of the Russian Federation, is determined by the way of further development of the complex in educational institutionsВ статье анализируются мероприятия по внедрению ВФСК ГТО, типовые модели сопровождения мероприятий по внедрению ВФСК ГТО в субъектах РФ, определяется путь дальнейшего развития комплекса в образовательных организация

    Professional development of specialists in the field of physical culture and sport in the context of the introduction of Russian sports complex "Ready for labor and defense"

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    The article discusses some aspects of the All-Russian sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" as a motivator to develop the necessary competencies among specialists on physical culture and sportsВ статье рассматриваются некоторые аспекты Всероссийского физкультурно-спортивного комплекса «Готов к труду и обороне» как мотиватора формирования необходимых компетенций у специалистов в области физической культуры и спорт

    Russian sports complex «Ready for Labor and Defense» as a motivating factor in the professional development of specialists in the field of physical culture and sports

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    The article discusses some aspects of the All-Russian sports complex «Ready for Labor and Defense» as a motivator to develop the necessary competencies among specialists on physical culture and sportsРассматриваются некоторые аспекты Всероссийского физкультурно-спортивного комплекса «Готов к труду и обороне» как мотиватора формирования необходимых компетенций у специалистов в области физической культуры и спорт

    The Vampire and the FOOL

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    This paper presents new features recently implemented in the theorem prover Vampire, namely support for first-order logic with a first class boolean sort (FOOL) and polymorphic arrays. In addition to having a first class boolean sort, FOOL also contains if-then-else and let-in expressions. We argue that presented extensions facilitate reasoning-based program analysis, both by increasing the expressivity of first-order reasoners and by gains in efficiency

    Electron cyclotron resonance near the axis of the gas-dynamic trap

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    Propagation of an extraordinary electromagnetic wave in the vicinity of electron cyclotron resonance surface in an open linear trap is studied analytically, taking into account inhomogeneity of the magnetic field in paraxial approximation. Ray trajectories are derived from a reduced dispersion equation that makes it possible to avoid the difficulty associated with a transition from large propagation angles to the case of strictly longitudinal propagation. Our approach is based on the theory, originally developed by the Zvonkov and Timofeev [1], who used the paraxial approximation for the magnetic field strength, but did not consider the slope of the magnetic field lines, which led to considerable error, as has been recently noted by Gospodchikov and Smolyakova [2]. We have found ray trajectories in analytic form and demonstrated that the inhomogeneity of both the magnetic field strength and the field direction can qualitatively change the picture of wave propagation and significantly affect the efficiency of electron cyclotron heating of a plasma in a linear magnetic trap. Analysis of the ray trajectories has revealed a criterion for the resonance point on the axis of the trap to be an attractor for the ray trajectories. It is also shown that a family of ray trajectories can still reach the resonance point on the axis if the latter generally repels the ray trajectories. As an example, results of general theory are applied to the electron cyclotron resonance heating experiment which is under preparation on the Gas Dynamic Trap in the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics [3]

    Monitoring as a technology of health care in General education institutions

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    The health care funds for the monitoring must be seen as a goal-oriented process, which takes place during the entire duration of the child in educational institution, regardless of age. The possibility of using such methods of controlling the quality of physical education allows on development of physical training in educational institutionЗдоровьесбережение по средствам мониторинга необходимо рассматривать как целенаправленный процесс, который проходит в течение всего срока обучения ребенка в общеобразовательном учреждении независимо от возраста. Возможность использования такого метода контроля за качеством физического воспитания позволяет судить об уровне физического развития учащихся в общеобразовательном учреждени

    Geological-morphological description of the Sedna and Guinevre planitiae on Venus (photomap sheets B-11, B-20, B-21)

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    Presented are descriptions and maps of the region of Sedna and Guinevra Planitiae--representatives of the largest geological providense on Venus comprised of volcanic rock. Units of different age are isolated and their relations are given, as well as interpretations of proposed mechanisms of formation

    Protein Dynamics Control of Electron Transfer in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers from Rps. Sulfoviridis

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    In the cycle of photosynthetic reaction centers, the initially oxidized special pair of bacteriochlorophyll molecules is subsequently reduced by an electron transferred over a chain of four hemes of the complex. Here, we examine the kinetics of electron transfer between the proximal heme c-559 of the chain and the oxidized special pair in the reaction center from Rps. sulfoviridis in the range of temperatures from 294 to 40 K. The experimental data were obtained for three redox states of the reaction center, in which one, two, or three nearest hemes of the chain are reduced prior to special pair oxidation. The experimental kinetic data are analyzed in terms of a Sumi–Marcus-type model developed in our previous paper,1 in which similar measurements were reported on the reaction centers from Rps. viridis. The model allows us to establish a connection between the observed nonexponential electron-transfer kinetics and the local structural relaxation dynamics of the reaction center protein on the microsecond time scale. The activation energy for relaxation dynamics of the protein medium has been found to be around 0.1 eV for all three redox states, which is in contrast to a value around 0.4–0.6 eV in Rps. viridis.1 The possible nature of the difference between the reaction centers from Rps. viridis and Rps. sulfoviridis, which are believed to be very similar, is discussed. The role of the protein glass transition at low temperatures and that of internal water molecules in the process are analyzed.España, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia BFU2004-04914-C02-01/BMCJunta de Andalucía PAI CVI-26

    Geological-morphological description of the Ishtar Terra (photomap of the Venusian surface sheet B-5)

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    The main part of the Ishtar Terra east of the Maxwell Montes is covered with systems of areal dislocations of several directions, which are called Parquet. According to the structural patterns these may be divided into: (1) the central stable block; (2) the lesser peripheral blocks separated from the central one by gaps and grabens; (3) the zones of mobilized parquet, whose substance flowed downward at an incline in the directions away from the central block in the form of plastic flows; and (4) the partially parqueted lava sheets. The Maxwell Montes were formed as a result of the collision between the central parquet block and the Lakshmi Planum