4 research outputs found

    Substantiation of the Priorities and Factors of the Formation of Competitive Advantages of the Process Industries of the Regional Agroindustrial Complex

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    Among the many distinctive features of the modern technical and economic situation of the reclamation industry, such as financial volatility, inconsistency of regulatory documents, there is also no effective mechanism for ensuring the country鈥檚 food security, there are flaws in the organizational, financial and credit policy, which brought down the technical level of production and technological processes ...In view of this, there is a need to mainstream a detailed study of the key problems of the agroindustrial complex (AIC) and the development of new theoretical and methodological principles and approaches to the organization of agroindustrial production. Such an approach should ensure the development of modern systems of resource-saving technologies, which will make it possible to carry out timely and deep processing of agri supplies, advance the facilities for attracting investments in priority production and agroprocessing, improve the quality and competitiveness of food and process industries, etc.The protracted transition in the agrarian sector to market relations can be explained by a narrow understanding of the essence of the market economy, measures and methods of their state regulation, which led to undesirable tendencies, ignoring national-historical features in the agrarian sector, etc., which makes it necessary to find an appropriate economic mechanism capable of guaranteeing the production of competitive products and ensuring high quality of production.On account of insufficient elaboration of many theoretical and methodological, methodical and practical aspects, the need for further research in the field of forecasting the sustainable development of the processing industry, complexity and non-systemic knowledge of the competitive functioning of the processing industries of the agroindustrial complex, we have determined its purpose and objectives

    El uso de m茅todos de an谩lisis estad铆stico multivariante como una herramienta efectiva para el atractivo de la inversi贸n

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    In the terms of sanctions and the need to strengthen the import substitution policy, the issues of effective investment attraction in the agrarian-oriented republics of the North Caucasus are especially relevant. Due to the underinvestment of the agro-industrial complex in these depressed republics, diversified enterprises of the agro-industrial complex sectors generated a large amount of physically and morally worn-out equipment, economic entities of the industry are not able to function efficiently and develop properly, which ultimately does not allow them to produce competitive products. Undoubtedly, we need new practical recommendations and directions to improve the management of investment attractiveness to mobilize various sources of investment. There are many methods for assessing the rating attractiveness of enterprises. But all of them have a common drawback - rating evaluations are usually given simultaneously for the entire data set, which, in general, significantly complicates and even excludes the possibility of an objective assessment of the investment attractiveness for an economic entity not previously included in the list of enterprises under study (Dougherty, 1997; Roizman et al, 2001). Another significant drawback is the lack of validity for the selected indicators of the final rating.En t茅rminos de sanciones y la necesidad de fortalecer la pol铆tica de sustituci贸n de importaciones, los temas de atracci贸n efectiva de inversiones en las rep煤blicas orientadas a la agricultura del norte del C谩ucaso son especialmente relevantes. Debido a la baja inversi贸n del complejo agroindustrial en estas rep煤blicas deprimidas, las empresas diversificadas de los sectores del complejo agroindustrial generaron una gran cantidad de equipos desgastados f铆sica y moralmente, las entidades econ贸micas de la industria no pueden funcionar de manera eficiente y desarrollarse adecuadamente, lo que finalmente no les permite producir productos competitivos. Sin lugar a dudas, necesitamos nuevas recomendaciones pr谩cticas y direcciones para mejorar la gesti贸n del atractivo de la inversi贸n para movilizar diversas fuentes de inversi贸n. Existen muchos m茅todos para evaluar la calificaci贸n de atractivo de las empresas. Pero todos tienen un inconveniente com煤n: las evaluaciones de calificaci贸n generalmente se realizan simult谩neamente para todo el conjunto de datos, lo que, en general, complica significativamente e incluso excluye la posibilidad de una evaluaci贸n objetiva del atractivo de la inversi贸n para una entidad econ贸mica no incluida previamente en el lista de empresas en estudio (Dougherty, 1997; Roizman et al, 2001). Otro inconveniente importante es la falta de validez de los indicadores seleccionados de la calificaci贸n final

    El uso de m茅todos de an谩lisis estad铆stico multivariante como una herramienta efectiva para el atractivo de la inversi贸n

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    In the terms of sanctions and the need to strengthen the import substitution policy, the issues of effective investment attraction in the agrarian-oriented republics of the North Caucasus are especially relevant. Due to the underinvestment of the agro-industrial complex in these depressed republics, diversified enterprises of the agro-industrial complex sectors generated a large amount of physically and morally worn-out equipment, economic entities of the industry are not able to function efficiently and develop properly, which ultimately does not allow them to produce competitive products. Undoubtedly, we need new practical recommendations and directions to improve the management of investment attractiveness to mobilize various sources of investment. There are many methods for assessing the rating attractiveness of enterprises. But all of them have a common drawback - rating evaluations are usually given simultaneously for the entire data set, which, in general, significantly complicates and even excludes the possibility of an objective assessment of the investment attractiveness for an economic entity not previously included in the list of enterprises under study (Dougherty, 1997; Roizman et al, 2001). Another significant drawback is the lack of validity for the selected indicators of the final rating.En t茅rminos de sanciones y la necesidad de fortalecer la pol铆tica de sustituci贸n de importaciones, los temas de atracci贸n efectiva de inversiones en las rep煤blicas orientadas a la agricultura del norte del C谩ucaso son especialmente relevantes. Debido a la baja inversi贸n del complejo agroindustrial en estas rep煤blicas deprimidas, las empresas diversificadas de los sectores del complejo agroindustrial generaron una gran cantidad de equipos desgastados f铆sica y moralmente, las entidades econ贸micas de la industria no pueden funcionar de manera eficiente y desarrollarse adecuadamente, lo que finalmente no les permite producir productos competitivos. Sin lugar a dudas, necesitamos nuevas recomendaciones pr谩cticas y direcciones para mejorar la gesti贸n del atractivo de la inversi贸n para movilizar diversas fuentes de inversi贸n. Existen muchos m茅todos para evaluar la calificaci贸n de atractivo de las empresas. Pero todos tienen un inconveniente com煤n: las evaluaciones de calificaci贸n generalmente se realizan simult谩neamente para todo el conjunto de datos, lo que, en general, complica significativamente e incluso excluye la posibilidad de una evaluaci贸n objetiva del atractivo de la inversi贸n para una entidad econ贸mica no incluida previamente en el lista de empresas en estudio (Dougherty, 1997; Roizman et al, 2001). Otro inconveniente importante es la falta de validez de los indicadores seleccionados de la calificaci贸n final

    The Use of Multivariate Statistical Analysis Methods as an Effective Tool for Investment Attractiveness

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    In the terms of sanctions and the need to strengthen the import substitution policy, the issues of effective investment attraction in the agrarian-oriented republics of the North Caucasus are especially relevant. Due to the underinvestment of the agro-industrial complex in these depressed republics, diversified enterprises of the agro-industrial complex sectors generated a large amount of physically and morally worn-out equipment, economic entities of the industry are not able to function efficiently and develop properly, which ultimately does not allow them to produce competitive products. Undoubtedly, we need new practical recommendations and directions to improve the management of investment attractiveness to mobilize various sources of investment. There are many methods for assessing the rating attractiveness of enterprises. But all of them have a common drawback - rating evaluations are usually given simultaneously for the entire data set, which, in general, significantly complicates and even excludes the possibility of an objective assessment of the investment attractiveness for an economic entity not previously included in the list of enterprises under study (Dougherty, 1997; Roizman et al, 2001). Another significant drawback is the lack of validity for the selected indicators of the final rating