12 research outputs found

    Carcinome a petites cellules du sinus piriforme : a propos d’une observation.

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    Les auteurs rapportent un cas de localisation au sinus piriforme d’un carcinome à petites cellules. Ce type histologique a été souvent décrit dans la pathologie tumorale pulmonaire. Sa localisation au sinus piriforme étant exceptionnelle. Nous présentons dans ce document les aspects endoscopiques, radiologiques, anatomopathologiques et thérapeutiques de cette tumeur qui a été diagnostiquée chez un patient de 56 ans.Mots-clés : Sinus piriforme, carcinome à petites cellules, endoscopie, radiologie, anatomopathologie, traitement

    Angiomyxome agressif de la joue : a propos d’une observation

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    L’angiomyxome agressif est une tumeur mésenchymateuse développée aux dépens du tissu conjonctif avec un site de prédilection pour les parties molles du périné féminin. Cette tumeur croit progressivement mais n’est pas métastatique. Le traitement indiqué actuellement est l’exérèse chirurgicale large sans conséquences fonctionnelles lourdes. La tumeur a une tendance à la récidive locale, qui est fréquente, liée à la difficulté d’une exérèse initiale complète. Les auteurs rapportent ici le cas d’un angiomyxome agressif de la joue, qui a été traité par chirurgie et chimiothérapie. Les aspects cliniques, histologiques et thérapeutiques de la tumeur ont été discutés.Mots-clés : L’angiomyxome agressif, tumeur mésenchymateuse, exérèse, récidive

    Production of recombinant proteins GST L1, E6 and E7 tag HPV 16 for antibody detection of Tunisian cervical cancer patients

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    In the present work recombinant proteins were produced for used in LUMINEX in order to undergo serological study of Tunisian female population. HPV types 16 L1, E6 and E7 sequences fused to their3’-end to a sequence encoding the terminal undecapeptide of the SV40 large T-antigen (tag) were isolated from plasmids and inserted into a pGEX vector for expression as GST fusion proteins in Escherichia coli. Coding sequences for L1tag, E6tag and E7tag of HPV 16 respectively were mobilized by digestion with enzymes and ligated into digested plasmids downstream of the GST domain. An expression plasmid for GST tag was constructed by inserting a fragment coding for the tag epitope. Data showed that the lysates were stable for detection and they were used in Luminex for detection of antibodies in female Tunisian female patients. This assay showed that the sero-positivity towards thedifferent antigens depends upon the group studied and differences between cases and controls were significant (

    Radiotherapy utilization in developing countries: An IAEA study

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    © 2018 Background: The planning of national radiotherapy (RT) services requires a thorough knowledge of the country's cancer epidemiology profile, the radiotherapy utilization (RTU) rates and a future projection of these data. Previous studies have established RTU rates in high-income countries. Methods: Optimal RTU (oRTU) rates were determined for nine middle-income countries, following the epidemiological evidence-based method. The actual RTU (aRTU) rates were calculated dividing the total number of new notifiable cancer patients treated with radiotherapy in 2012 by the total number of cancer patients diagnosed in the same year in each country. An analysis of the characteristics of patients and treatments in a series of 300 consecutive radiotherapy patients shed light on the particular patient and treatments profile in the participating countries. Results: The median oRTU rate for the group of nine countries was 52% (47–56%). The median aRTU rate for the nine countries was 28% (9–46%). These results show that the real proportion of cancer patients receiving RT is lower than the optimal RTU with a rate difference between 10–42.7%. The median percent-unmet need was 47% (18–82.3%). Conclusions: The optimal RTU rate in middle-income countries did not differ significantly from that previously found in high-income countries. The actual RTU rates were consistently lower than the optimal, in particular in countries with limited resources and a large population

    Extraneural metastases in medulloblastoma

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    Medulloblastoma is the most common childhood malignant tumor of central nervous system, but it may also occur in adults. It presents high invasive growth with spreading of tumor cells into the leptomeningeal space along the neuroaxis early in the course of the disease. Extraneural metastases are rare but frequently lethal, occurring only in 1 to 5% of patients, and are related, in the most of cases, to the presence of ventriculoperitoneal shunt. Here we characterize the clinical profile of five cases of medulloblastoma with systemic spreading of tumor cells, also comparing them to cases already described in the literature