392 research outputs found

    About Professional-Communicative Competence Development Among Students-Foreigners At Practical Lessons In Russian As A Foreign (Using The Example Of The Lesson “Tasks And Functions Of Public Relations”)

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    The development of professional and communicative competence is the most important university task. That is why the training of foreign students in a university should be focused on practical knowledge of the Russian language. This article provides the fragment “Tasks and functions of public relations” of the textbook “Training of professional activity in Russian for foreign students studying Public Relations” (by L.V. Adonina, S.V. Lazarev, S.V. Smirnova, O.S. Fisenko)” [12]

    Geometric phase for nonlinear oscillators from perturbative renormalization group

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    We formulate a renormalization group approach to a general nonlinear oscillator problem. The approach is based on the exact group law obeyed by solutions of the corresponding ordinary differential equation. We consider both the autonomous models with time-independent parameters, as well as nonautonomous models with slowly varying parameters. We show that the renormalization group equations for the nonautonomous case can be used to determine the geometric phase acquired by the oscillator during the change of its parameters. We illustrate the obtained results by applying them to the Van der Pol, and Van der Pol-Duffing models.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    New nucleic dyes for pico-and nanoplankton cytometric analysis

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    Flow cytometry (FCM) is a promising tool in the field of aquatic phytoplankton ecology because it allows for multi-parameter assessment of the physiological state of individual cells in an algal population. It can help to elucidate major questions such as phytoplankton taxa identification, the evaluation of cell quantity and viability, and the measuring of phytoplankton and general microbial metabolic activities. Traditionally, microalgal characterization is performed by microscopic analysis using UV-excited nuclear dyes (e.g. Hoechst and DAPI) or dyes that are excited in the blue-green part of the spectrum such as propidium iodide and eosin. The development of multi-laser cytometric systems has widened the possibilities for multi-parametric analysis and cell sorting of phytoplankton populations. Notwithstanding, significant algae autofluorescence originating from different types of chlorophyll and accessory pigments may overlap with propidium iodide and/or eosin staining and affect the resolution of algae clusters and cell sorting

    Experimental grounds of phosphatidylcholine liposomes use as a new antihypertensive drug

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    В експериментах на спонтанно гіпертензивних щурах показано, що фосфатидилхолінові ліпосоми (ФХЛ) як при одноразовому, так і при курсовому введенні щурам із генетично детермінованою артеріальною гіпертензією викликають достовірне зниження рівня артеріального тиску. Введення ФХЛ викликає нормалізацію дилататорної відповіді судин експериментальних тварин на стимуляцію вироблення ендогенного оксиду азоту. Крім того, ФХЛ усувають властиву артеріальній гіпертензії тканинну гіпоксію. Виявлена залежність гіпотензивної дії фосфатидилхолінових ліпосом від дози. Зроблено висновок про можливість застосування ФХЛ у комплексному лікуванні артеріальної гіпертонії.В экспериментах на спонтанно гипертензивных крысах показано, что фосфатидилхолин липосомы (ФХЛ) как при однократном, так и при курсовом введении крысам с генетически детерминированной артериальной гипертензией вызывают снижение уровня артериального давления. Введение ФХЛ вызывает нормализацию дилататорнои ответы сосудов экспериментальных животных на стимуляцию выработки эндогенного оксида азота. Кроме того, ФХЛ устраняют характерную артериальной гипертензии тканевую гипоксию. Обнаружена зависимость гипотензивного действия фосфатидилхолинових липосом от дозы. Сделан вывод о возможности применения ФХЛ в комплексном лечении артериальной гипертонии.The experiments on the spontaneously hypertensive rats show that both single and long-term injections of phosphatidylcholine liposomes (PCL) cause a significant decrease in blood pressure. In the vessels of the experimental animals, PCL normalized the dilatory response to stimulation of endogenous synthesis of nitric oxide. Besides, PCL relieved a tissue hypoxia, which is typical for arterial hypertension. Such a hypotensive effect correlated with a dose of phosphatidylcholine liposomes. It has been concluded that PCL may be used in a complex treatment of arterial hypertension.

    An algorithm for the integration of information and communication technologies in teaching languages for special purposes (the example of Russian as a foreign language)

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    This article is dedicated to the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language for special purposes at an advanced stage of studying for students of non-linguistic disciplines. Based on many years of teaching experience in a virtual environment, the authors show forms of successful organization of the educational process provide tactics and a strategy for studying using presentations, video lectures and webinars, as well as teaching aids based on the electronic platform MOODLE. The developed algorithm of a mixed model of teaching enables good use of the potential of information and communication tools in the practice of teaching the Russian language for special purposes (economics and finance specializations)

    New nucleic dyes for pico-and nanoplankton cytometric analysis

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    Flow cytometry (FCM) is a promising tool in the field of aquatic phytoplankton ecology because it allows for multi-parameter assessment of the physiological state of individual cells in an algal population. It can help to elucidate major questions such as phytoplankton taxa identification, the evaluation of cell quantity and viability, and the measuring of phytoplankton and general microbial metabolic activities. Traditionally, microalgal characterization is performed by microscopic analysis using UV-excited nuclear dyes (e.g. Hoechst and DAPI) or dyes that are excited in the blue-green part of the spectrum such as propidium iodide and eosin. The development of multi-laser cytometric systems has widened the possibilities for multi-parametric analysis and cell sorting of phytoplankton populations. Notwithstanding, significant algae autofluorescence originating from different types of chlorophyll and accessory pigments may overlap with propidium iodide and/or eosin staining and affect the resolution of algae clusters and cell sorting


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    We pose a problem of low efficiency of complicated mineral fertilizers, phosphorus fixation by metals and its inaccessibility for plants during the season. В данной статье мы поднимаем проблему низкой эффективности сложных минеральных удобрений, фиксации фосфора в почве металлами и его недоступности для растений в течение сезона.

    Registration of terahertz irradiation with silicon carbide nanostructures

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    The response to external terahertz (THz) irradiation from the silicon carbide nanostructures prepared by the method of substitution of atoms on silicon is investigated. The kinetic dependence of the longitudinal voltage is recorded at room temperature by varying the drain-source current in the device structure performed in a Hall geometry. In the frameworks of proposed model based on the quantum Faraday effect the incident radiation results in the appearance of a generated current in the edge channels with a change in the number of magnetic flux quanta and in the appearance of features in the kinetic dependence of the longitudinal voltage. The generation of intrinsic terahertz irradiation inside the silicon carbide nanostructures is also revealed by the electrically-detected electron paramagnetic resonance (EDEPR) measured the longitudinal voltage as a function of the magnetic field value.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure