476 research outputs found

    Particle Dark Matter Physics: An Update

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    This write--up gives a rather elementary introduction into particle physics aspects of the cosmological Dark Matter puzzle. A fairly comprehensive list of possible candidates is given; in each case the production mechanism and possible ways to detect them (if any) are described. I then describe detection of the in my view most promising candidates, weakly interacting massive particles or WIMPs, in slightly more detail. The main emphasis will be on recent developments.Comment: Invited talk at the 5th Workshop on Particle Physics Phenomenology, Pune, India, January 1998; 21 pages, LaTeX with equation.st

    Flavor mixing in the gluino coupling and the nucleon decay

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    Flavor mixing in the quark-squark-gluino coupling is studied for the minimal SU(5) SUGRA-GUT model and applied to evaluation of the nucleon lifetime. All off-diagonal (generation mixing) elements of Yukawa coupling matrices and of squark/slepton mass matrices are included in solving numerically one-loop renormalization group equations for MSSM parameters, and the parameter region consistent with the radiative electroweak symmetry breaking condition is searched. It is shown that the flavor mixing in the gluino coupling for a large tanβ\tan\beta is of the same order of magnitude as the corresponding Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element in both up-type and down-type sector. There exist parameter regions where the nucleon decay amplitudes for charged lepton modes are dominated by the gluino dressing process, while for all the examined regions the neutrino mode amplitudes are dominated by the wino dressing over the gluino dressing.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX, figures are available upon request. ICRR-Report-317-94-1

    Time as an operator/observable in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics

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    The nonrelativistic Schroedinger equation for motion of a structureless particle in four-dimensional space-time entails a well-known expression for the conserved four-vector field of local probability density and current that are associated with a quantum state solution to the equation. Under the physical assumption that each spatial, as well as the temporal, component of this current is observable, the position in time becomes an operator and an observable in that the weighted average value of the time of the particle's crossing of a complete hyperplane can be simply defined: ... When the space-time coordinates are (t,x,y,z), the paper analyzes in detail the case that the hyperplane is of the type z=constant. Particles can cross such a hyperplane in either direction, so it proves convenient to introduce an indefinite metric, and correspondingly a sesquilinear inner product with non-Hilbert space structure, for the space of quantum states on such a surface. >... A detailed formalism for computing average crossing times on a z=constant hyperplane, and average dwell times and delay times for a zone of interaction between a pair of z=constant hyperplanes, is presented.Comment: 31 pages, no figures. Differs from published version by minor corrections and additions, and two citation

    Hopping conduction in sizecontrolled Si nanocrystals

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    We investigate the temperature dependence of conduction in size-controlled silicon nanocrystals. The nanocrystals are ϳ8 nm in diameter, covered by ϳ1.5 nm thick SiO 2 shells. In 300 nm thick films for temperatures T from 30 to 200 K, the conductivity follows a ln͑͒ vs 1 / T 1/2 dependence. This may be associated with either percolation-hopping conductance or Efros-Shklovskii variable range hopping. Assuming hopping sites only on the nanocrystals, the data agree well with the percolation model

    Scrutinizing LSP Dark Matter at the LHC

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    We show that LHC experiments might well be able to determine all the parameters required for a prediction of the present density of thermal LSP relics from the Big Bang era. If the LSP is an almost pure bino we usually only need to determine its mass and the mass of the SU(2) singlet sleptons. This information can be obtained by reconstructing the cascade q~Lχ~20q~Rqχ~10+q\tilde{q}_L \to \tilde{\chi}_2^0 q \to \tilde{\ell}_R \ell q \to \tilde{\chi}_1^0 \ell^+ \ell^- q. The only requirement is that m~R<mχ~20m_{\tilde{\ell}_R} < m_{\tilde{\chi}_2^0}, which is true for most of the cosmologically interesting parameter space. If the LSP has a significant higgsino component, its predicted thermal relic density is smaller than for an equal--mass bino. We show that in this case squark decays also produce significant numbers of χ~40\tilde{\chi}_4^0 and χ~2±\tilde{\chi}_2^\pm. Reconstructing the corresponding decay cascades then allows to determine the higgsino component of the LSP

    Neutralino relic density in a Universe with a non-vanishing cosmological constant

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    We discuss the relic density of the lightest of the supersymmetric particles in view of new cosmological data, which favour the concept of an accelerating Universe with a non-vanishing cosmological constant. Recent astrophysical observations provide us with very precise values of the relevant cosmological parameters. Certain of these parameters have direct implications on particle physics, e.g., the value of matter density, which in conjunction with electroweak precision data put severe constraints on the supersymmetry breaking scale. In the context of the Constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (CMSSM) such limits read as: M_{1/2} \simeq 300 \GeV - 340 \GeV, m_0 \simeq 80 \GeV - 130 \GeV. Within the context of the CMSSM a way to avoid these constraints is either to go to the large tanβ\tan \beta and μ>0\mu > 0 region, or make τ~R{\tilde \tau}_R, the next to lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP), be almost degenerate in mass with LSP.Comment: REVTeX, 50 pages, 35 eps figures; Minor changes, references and a figure added; Better quality figures can be obtained upon request from [email protected]

    EnvMine: A text-mining system for the automatic extraction of contextual information

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>For ecological studies, it is crucial to count on adequate descriptions of the environments and samples being studied. Such a description must be done in terms of their physicochemical characteristics, allowing a direct comparison between different environments that would be difficult to do otherwise. Also the characterization must include the precise geographical location, to make possible the study of geographical distributions and biogeographical patterns. Currently, there is no schema for annotating these environmental features, and these data have to be extracted from textual sources (published articles). So far, this had to be performed by manual inspection of the corresponding documents. To facilitate this task, we have developed EnvMine, a set of text-mining tools devoted to retrieve contextual information (physicochemical variables and geographical locations) from textual sources of any kind.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>EnvMine is capable of retrieving the physicochemical variables cited in the text, by means of the accurate identification of their associated units of measurement. In this task, the system achieves a recall (percentage of items retrieved) of 92% with less than 1% error. Also a Bayesian classifier was tested for distinguishing parts of the text describing environmental characteristics from others dealing with, for instance, experimental settings.</p> <p>Regarding the identification of geographical locations, the system takes advantage of existing databases such as GeoNames to achieve 86% recall with 92% precision. The identification of a location includes also the determination of its exact coordinates (latitude and longitude), thus allowing the calculation of distance between the individual locations.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>EnvMine is a very efficient method for extracting contextual information from different text sources, like published articles or web pages. This tool can help in determining the precise location and physicochemical variables of sampling sites, thus facilitating the performance of ecological analyses. EnvMine can also help in the development of standards for the annotation of environmental features.</p

    Production and Decay of Scalar Stoponium Bound States

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    In this paper we discuss possible signatures for the production of scalar \stst\ (stoponium) bound states \sigst\ at hadron colliders, where \st\ is the lighter scalar top eigenstate. We first study the decay of \sigst; explicit expressions are given for all potentially important decay modes. If \st\ has unsuppressed two--body decays, they will always overwhelm the annihilation decays of \sigst. Among the latter, we find that usually either the gggg or hhhh final state dominates, depending on the size of the off--diagonal entry of the stop mass matrix; hh is the lighter neutral scalar Higgs boson of the minimal supersymmetric model. If \msig\ happens to be close to the mass of one of the neutral scalar Higgs bosons, QQˉQ \bar{Q} final states dominate (Q=bQ=b or tt). \ww\ and ZZZZ final states are subdominant. We argue that \sigst \rightarrow \gamgam decays offer the best signal for stoponium production at hadron colliders. The tevatron should be able to close the light stop window left open by LEP searches, but its mass reach is limited to \msig \leq 90 GeV. In contrast, at the LHC one should ultimately be able to probe the region \msig \leq 700 GeV, if the hhhh partial width is not too large. We also comment on the feasibility of searching for \sigst\ production at hadron colliders in the ZZ, ZγZZ, \ Z \gamma and \fourtau\ final states, and briefly mention \sigst\ production at \gamgam\ colliders.Comment: 31 pages plus 10 figures (available from DREES@WISCPHEN); LaTeX with equation.sty; MAD/PH/808, KEK-TH-37

    Deleterious Effects of Intermittent Recombinant Parathyroid Hormone on Cartilage Formation in a Rabbit Microfracture Model: a Preliminary Study

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    Intermittent parathyroid hormone administration can enhance fracture healing in an animal model. Despite the success of exogenous parathyroid hormone on fracture healing and spine fusion, few studies have examined the role of parathyroid hormone on cartilage formation. We determined the effects of intermittent parathyroid hormone on cartilage formation in a rabbit microfracture model of cartilage regeneration. Twelve rabbits were divided into three equal groups: (1) microfracture alone, (2) microfracture + parathyroid hormone daily for 7 days, and (3) microfracture + parathyroid hormone for 28 days. Nonoperated contralateral knees were used as controls. The animals were sacrificed at 3 months and gross and histologic analysis was performed. The microfracture alone group demonstrated the most healing on gross and histologic analysis. Treatment with either 1 or 4 weeks of parathyroid hormone inhibited cartilage formation. Although discouraging from a cartilage repair point of view, this study suggests that the role parathyroid hormone administration has in clinical fracture healing must be examined carefully. Although parathyroid hormone is beneficial to promote healing in spine fusion and midshaft fractures, its deleterious effects on cartilage formation suggests that it may have adverse effects on the outcomes of periarticular fractures such as tibial plateau injuries that require cartilage healing for a successful clinical outcome