4,204 research outputs found

    Critical behavior at de-pinning of a driven disordered vortex matter in 2H-NbS2

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    We report unusual jamming in driven ordered vortex flow in 2H-NbS2. Reinitiating movement in these jammed vortices with a higher driving force, and halting it thereafter once again with a reduction in drive, unfolds a critical behavior centered around the de-pinning threshold via divergences in the lifetimes of transient states, validating the predictions of a recent simulation study, which also pointed out a correspondence between plastic de-pinning in vortex matter and the notion of random organization proposed in the context of sheared colloids undergoing diffusive motion.Comment: Phys. Rev. B (in press, 2012). The paper has 14 pages of Text+ Refs. with 4 figures. (Note as some of the figure files are large in size, to enable faster download, the file size has been kept small and the figure resolution are low. The online version of the paper to appear in PRB will contain the higher resolution figures

    Oxozirconium(IV) Complexes of Nonamethylimidodiphosphoramide

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    A series of new complexes of the type ZrOX2(NlPA) (X = Cl, Br, I, N03, NCS, NCSe or BPh4) and ZrO(CI04h\u27 2(NlPA) have been synthesised and characterized through molar conductance, molecular weight, magnetic measurement and in dependence on the nature of anion

    Infectious diseases and immunity: special reference to major histocompatibility complex.

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    Human leukocyte antigens (HLAs) are an inherent system of alloantigens, which are the products of genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). These genes span a region of approximately 4 centimorgans on the short arm of human chromosome 6 at band p 21.3 and encode the HLA class I and class II antigens, which play a central role in cell-to-cell interaction in the immune system. These antigens interact with the antigen-specific cell surface receptors of T lymphocytes (TCR) thus causing activation of the lymphocytes and the resulting immune response. Class I antigens restrict cytotoxic T-cell (CD8+) function thus killing viral infected targets, while class II antigens are involved in presentation of exogenous antigens to T-helper cells (CD4+) by antigen presenting cells (APC). The APC processes the antigens, and the immunogenic peptide is then presented at the cell surface along with the MHC molecule for recognition by the TCR. Since the MHC molecules play a central role in regulating the immune response, they may have an important role in controlling resistance and susceptibility to diseases. In this review we have highlighted studies conducted to look for an association between HLA and infectious diseases; such studies have had a variable degree of success because the pathogenesis of different diseases varies widely, and most diseases have a polygenic etiology


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    Based on an assessment of the repeat periods of great earthquakes from past seismicity, convergence rates and paleoseismological results, possible future source zones of tsunami generating earthquakes in the Indian Ocean (possible seismic gap areas) are identified along subduction zones and zones of compression. Central Sumatra, Java, Makran coast, Indus Delta, Kutch-Saurashtra, Bangladesh and southern Myanmar are identified as possible source zones of earthquakes in near future which might cause tsunamis in the Indian Ocean, and in particular, that could affect India. The Sunda Arc (covering Sumatra and Java) subduction zone, situated on the eastern side of the Indian Ocean, is one of the most active plate margins in the world that generates frequent great earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. The Andaman- Nicobar group of islands is also a seismically active zone that generates frequent earthquakes. However, northern Sumatra and Andaman-Nicobar regions are assessed to be probably free from great earthquakes (M!8.0) for a few decades due to occurrence of 2004 Mw 9.3 and 2005 Mw 8.7 earthquakes. The Krakatau volcanic eruptions have caused large tsunamis in the past. This volcano and a few others situated on the ocean bed can cause large tsunamis in the future. List of past tsunamis generated due to earthquakes/volcanic eruptions that affected the Indian region and vicinity in the Indian Ocean are also presented

    Birefringence analysis of multilayer leaky cladding optical fibre

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    We analyse a multilayer leaky cladding (MLC) fibre using the finite element method and study the effect of the MLC on the bending loss and birefringence of two types of structures: (i) a circular core large-mode-area structure and (ii) an elliptical-small-core structure. In a large-mode-area structure, we verify that the multilayer leaky cladding strongly discriminates against higher order modes to achieve single-mode operation, the fibre shows negligible birefringence, and the bending loss of the fibre is low for bending radii larger than 10 cm. In the elliptical-small-core structure we show that the MLC reduces the birefringence of the fibre. This prevents the structure from becoming birefringent in case of any departures from circular geometry. The study should be useful in the designs of MLC fibres for various applications including high power amplifiers, gain flattening of fibre amplifiers and dispersion compensation.Comment: 18 page

    Estimation of stature from anthropometry of hand: an interesting autopsy based study in Madhya Pradesh, India

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    Background: Height of a person is an important parameter for the identification. Height or stature estimation is central dogma in anthropo-forensic examination. The human hand, which is the most used and versatile part of the body is of great scientific importance to investigators in the field of anthropometry, forensic pathology, orthopedic surgery and ergonomics. The hand length was found to be the most reliable alternative that can be used as a basis for estimating age-related loss in height. The hand length could also be used to predict body weight status and body surface area independent of the sex of the individual.Methods: The present cross sectional prospective study was carried out in mortuary of department of Forensic Medicine, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College and M.Y. Hospital, Indore (M.P.), India during study period from September 2014 to September 2015. The study was conducted on 250 deceased male and 250 deceased female individuals. The measurements were taken using standard anthropometric measuring instruments in centimeters to the nearest millimeters. All the measurements were recorded on a predesigned pretested proforma. Anthropometric measurements were taken as per the standard protocol.Results: The mean age of the male and female study subjects was38.472±13.28 years and 34.728±10.33 years respectively. Male to female ratio was 1:1. Mean stature in male subjects was 163.5±5.21 cm.  Mean stature in female subjects was 155.69±10.12 cm. In male study subjects, mean hand length on right side was more than mean hand length on left side. In female study subjects, mean hand length on right side was more than on left side. In male study subjects, hand breadth (HB) on right side was more than on left side. Average HB in male subjects was 8.39±0.203 cm. In female study subjects, hand breadth on right side was more than on left side.Conclusions: The findings of the present study can be used as baseline information for other population based studies in the study area.

    Co-axial dual-core resonant leaky fibre for optical amplifiers

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    We present a co-axial dual-core resonant leaky optical fibre design, in which the outer core is made highly leaky. A suitable choice of parameters can enable us to resonantly couple power from the inner core to the outer core. In a large-core fibre, such a resonant coupling can considerably increase the differential leakage loss between the fundamental and the higher order modes and can result in effective single-mode operation. In a small-core single-mode fibre, such a coupling can lead to sharp increase in the wavelength dependent leakage loss near the resonant wavelength and can be utilized for the suppression of amplified spontaneous emission and thereby gain equalization of an optical amplifier. We study the propagation characteristics of the fibre using the transfer matrix method and present an example of each, the large-mode-area design for high power amplifiers and the wavelength tunable leakage loss design for inherent gain equalization of optical amplifiers.Comment: 6 page