3,437 research outputs found

    Money in Gas-Like Markets: Gibbs and Pareto Laws

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    We consider the ideal-gas models of trading markets, where each agent is identified with a gas molecule and each trading as an elastic or money-conserving (two-body) collision. Unlike in the ideal gas, we introduce saving propensity λ\lambda of agents, such that each agent saves a fraction λ\lambda of its money and trades with the rest. We show the steady-state money or wealth distribution in a market is Gibbs-like for λ=0\lambda=0, has got a non-vanishing most-probable value for λ0\lambda \ne 0 and Pareto-like when λ\lambda is widely distributed among the agents. We compare these results with observations on wealth distributions of various countries.Comment: 4 pages, 2 eps figures, in Conference Procedings of International Conference on "Unconventional Applications of Statistical Physics", Kolkata, India, March 2003; paper published in Physica Scripta T106 (2003) 3

    Enhanced grain surface effect on magnetic properties of nanometric La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 manganite : Evidence of surface spin freezing of manganite nanoparticles

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    We have investigated the effect of nanometric grain size on magnetic properties of single phase, nanocrystalline, granular La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 (LCMO) sample. We have considered core-shell structure of our LCMO nanoparticles, which can explain its magnetic properties. From the temperature dependence of field cooled (FC) and zero-field cooled (ZFC) dc magnetization (DCM), the magnetic properties could be distinguished into two regimes: a relatively high temperature regime T > 40 K where the broad maximum of ZFC curve (at T = Tmax) is associated with the blocking of core particle moments, whereas the sharp maximum (at T = TS) is related to the freezing of surface (shell) spins. The unusual shape of M (H) loop at T = 1.5 K, temperature dependent feature of coercive field and remanent magnetization give a strong support of surface spin freezing that are occurring at lower temperature regime (T < 40 K) in this LCMO nanoparticles. Additionally, waiting time (tw) dependence of ZFC relaxation measurements at T = 50 K show weak dependence of relaxation rate [S(t)] on tw and dM/dln(t) following a logarithmic variation on time. Both of these features strongly support the high temperature regime to be associated with the blocking of core moments. At T = 20 K, ZFC relaxation measurements indicates the existence of two different types of relaxation processes in the sample with S(t) attaining a maximum at the elapsed time very close to the wait time tw = 1000 sec, which is an unequivocal sign of glassy behavior. This age-dependent effect convincingly establish the surface spin freezing of our LCMO nanoparticles associated with a background of superparamagnetic (SPM) phase of core moments.Comment: 41 pages, 10 figure

    Effects of different doses of x-rays on meiotic chromosomes of malePhysopelta schlanbuschi (Largidae: Heteroptera)

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    Male largid bugs,Physopelta schlanbuschi, having 2n=17 chromosomes (12 autosomes +2m+X1X2Y), were irradiated with x-ray doees of 300 r, 400 r and 500 r which yielded various types of chromosome aberrations in different stages of meiosis of which the common forms were breaks, fragment of unknown origin, constriction, gap etc. Among the 3 sex chromosomes, the two conspicuously large markers, X1 and Y, sometimes formed chiasmalike configuration in prophase I and metaphase I, while a number of anaphase I plates had a chromatid bridge, very likely formed by the X1 and the Y. The qualitative and quantitative assessments of chromosome aberrations in spermatogonial metaphase, prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I and metaphase II were made at 13 intervals for the doses of 300 r and 400 r and 14 intervals for 500 r between 5 min and 1 week or more. The data showed over-all dose-dependent aberration effects and the sex chromosomes appeared relatively more vulnerable than the autosomes to different doses of x-rays. The testes of untreated males taken as controls had practically no aberration

    Nonuniversal exponents in sandpiles with stochastic particle number transfer

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    We study fixed density sandpiles in which the number of particles transferred to a neighbor on relaxing an active site is determined stochastically by a parameter pp. Using an argument, the critical density at which an active-absorbing transition occurs is found exactly. We study the critical behavior numerically and find that the exponents associated with both static and time-dependent quantities vary continuously with pp.Comment: Some parts rewritten, results unchanged. To appear in Europhys. Let

    Order Parameter and Scaling Fields in Self-Organized Criticality

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    We present a unified dynamical mean-field theory for stochastic self-organized critical models. We use a single site approximation and we include the details of different models by using effective parameters and constraints. We identify the order parameter and the relevant scaling fields in order to describe the critical behavior in terms of usual concepts of non equilibrium lattice models with steady-states. We point out the inconsistencies of previous mean-field approaches, which lead to different predictions. Numerical simulations confirm the validity of our results beyond mean-field theory.Comment: 4 RevTex pages and 2 postscript figure

    A generalized family of anisotropic compact object in general relativity

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    We present model for anisotropic compact star under the general theory of relativity of Einstein. In the study a 4-dimensional spacetime has been considered which is embedded into the 5-dimensional flat metric so that the spherically symmetric metric has class 1 when the condition eλ=(1+Ceνν2)e^{\lambda}=\left(\,1+C\,e^{\nu} \,{\nu'}^2\,\right) is satisfied (λ\lambda and ν\nu being the metric potentials along with a constant CC). A set of solutions for the field equations are found depending on the index nn involved in the physical parameters. The interior solutions have been matched smoothly at the boundary of the spherical distribution to the exterior Schwarzschild solution which necessarily provides values of the unknown constants. We have chosen the values of nn as n=2n=2 and nn=10 to 20000 for which interesting and physically viable results can be found out. The numerical values of the parameters and arbitrary constants for different compact stars are assumed in the graphical plots and tables as follows: (i) LMC X-4 : a=0.0075a=0.0075, b=0.000821b=0.000821 for n=2n=2 and a=0.0075a=0.0075, nb=0.00164nb=0.00164 for n10n\ge 10, (ii) SMC X-1: a=0.00681a=0.00681, b=0.00078b=0.00078 for n=2n=2, and a=0.00681a=0.00681, nb=0.00159nb=0.00159 for n10n \ge 10. The investigations on the physical features of the model include several astrophysical issues, like (i) regularity behavior of stars at the centre, (ii) well behaved condition for velocity of sound, (iii) energy conditions, (iv) stabilty of the system via the following three techniques - adiabatic index, Herrera cracking concept and TOV equation, (v) total mass, effective mass and compactification factor and (vi) surface redshift. Specific numerical values of the compact star candidates LMC X-4 and SMC X-1 are calculated for central and surface densities as well as central pressure to compare the model value with actual observational data.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, 2 Table

    Chaos in Sandpile Models

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    We have investigated the "weak chaos" exponent to see if it can be considered as a classification parameter of different sandpile models. Simulation results show that "weak chaos" exponent may be one of the characteristic exponents of the attractor of \textit{deterministic} models. We have shown that the (abelian) BTW sandpile model and the (non abelian) Zhang model posses different "weak chaos" exponents, so they may belong to different universality classes. We have also shown that \textit{stochasticity} destroys "weak chaos" exponents' effectiveness so it slows down the divergence of nearby configurations. Finally we show that getting off the critical point destroys this behavior of deterministic models.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Clustering properties of a generalised critical Euclidean network

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    Many real-world networks exhibit scale-free feature, have a small diameter and a high clustering tendency. We have studied the properties of a growing network, which has all these features, in which an incoming node is connected to its iith predecessor of degree kik_i with a link of length \ell using a probability proportional to kiβαk^\beta_i \ell^{\alpha}. For α>0.5\alpha > -0.5, the network is scale free at β=1\beta = 1 with the degree distribution P(k)kγP(k) \propto k^{-\gamma} and γ=3.0\gamma = 3.0 as in the Barab\'asi-Albert model (α=0,β=1\alpha =0, \beta =1). We find a phase boundary in the αβ\alpha-\beta plane along which the network is scale-free. Interestingly, we find scale-free behaviour even for β>1\beta > 1 for α<0.5\alpha < -0.5 where the existence of a new universality class is indicated from the behaviour of the degree distribution and the clustering coefficients. The network has a small diameter in the entire scale-free region. The clustering coefficients emulate the behaviour of most real networks for increasing negative values of α\alpha on the phase boundary.Comment: 4 pages REVTEX, 4 figure

    Initiation sites for discontinuous precipitation in some Cu-base alloys

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    A systematic effort has been made to investigate the suitability of various interfaces, natural as well as artificial, to initiate discontinuous precipitation. The interfaces studied in the present investigation include sample surface (external), and grain and interphase boundaries. It has been demonstrated that in addition to grain boundaries, non-conventional initiation sites like coherent faces of a twin or eutectic/eutectoid boundaries under favourable conditions may also nucleate discontinuous precipitation. In general, the ability of an interface to undergo thermally activated migration appears to be the most important criterion for the initiation of discontinuous precipitation