1,724 research outputs found

    Mapping of Landslide Hazard Distribution in Alo Watershed Gorontalo Regency

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    Landslide occurrence can be influenced by physical factors and human activities. Thus, research related to the provision of information about landslide distribution in Alo watershed is needed as a basis in enhancing community preparedness in dealing with disasters. The method used in this study is the scoring method based on the Minister of Public Works Regulation No.22 / PRT / M / 2017 which is processed through a geographical information system through the overlay of all physical parameters. The result shows that the Alo watershed area is divided into three vulnerability categories. "Low" category covers 7171.8 ha, "medium" category covers 12008.7 ha, and "high" category covers 5039.5 ha out of 24.221 ha the total area of Alo watershed. Information provided in this research is expected to be able to help the local government in making policies in managing the Alo watershed area and enhancing the understanding of the local community in Alo watershed in dealing with disasters

    Analisis Pengaruh Perputaran Piutang Terhadap Return on Investment Pada PT Goodyear Indonesia, Tbk.

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    PT Goodyear Indonesia, Tbk. is a company engaged in the production of the tire industry. Thepurpose of research is to find out how the development of accounts receivable turnover, howto accounts receivable turnover influence to the Return On Investment on the PT GoodyearIndonesia, Tbk. The form of this research is a descriptive method, data collection techniquesare secondary data obtained through documents and data analysis tools in the form ofdescriptive analysis and statistical analysis. Accounts receivable turnover of this companyfrom 2010 to 2013 always increase and in 2014 has decreased. Advice to companies toaddress the decline in accounts receivable turnover, this is due to in collection of accountsreceivable in 2014 is not smooth so that the company is expected to provide a specialdiscount to its customers that pay off debts more quickly


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    Objective: The purpose of present study was to formulate oral sustained release matrix tablet of metoclopramide hydrochloride and to evaluate the effect of varying concentrations of hydrophobic and hydrophilic polymers on drug release. Methods: Drug–excipients compatibility studies were carried out by using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The matrix tablets were prepared by direct compression technique using Xanthan gum and ethyl cellulose alone and in combination as release retardant. Dicalcium phosphate was used as diluent. The prepared matrix tablets were evaluated for their physicochemical parameters such as weight variation, hardness, friability, content uniformity and in vitro drug release studies were performed using USP-type II (paddle) dissolution apparatus. Results: Pre and post compression parameters were evaluated and all the parameters were found within the limit. The matrix tablets prepared with xanthan gum and combination of xanthan gum and ethyl cellulose were retarded the drug release upto 12 h. Ethyl cellulose alone could not control the drug release for 12 h. The Formulation with drug to xanthan gum (1:1.5), released 97.62 % of drug in 12 h. The kinetic treatment showed that the release of drug follows zero order kinetics (R 2=0.985). Korsmeyer and Peppas equation values of n were found to be in the range of 0.40-0.56, indicating that the drug release mechanism was diffusion. Conclusion: Matrix tablet is the simple, efficient and economic method to sustain the release of metoclopramide to prevent extrapyramidal side effects

    Prospective study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of Cu T 380 A in the Immediate Postpartum Period

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    BACKGROUND: The population of India was one billion in 2000. It is expected to become 1.53 billion by 2050. Then India will become the most populous country in the world. According to recent census 2011 decadal growth rate in India was 17.64% as compared to the previous decadal growth rate of 21.15% in 2001. India accounts for 17.5% of world’s population bearing only 2.4% of world’s land area. Women belonging to the reproductive age group constitute approximately 248 million and 254 women are dying during childbirth for every 100000 births. In India 65% of women have an unfulfilled need for family planning in the first year after delivery. PPIUCD is highly safe, long acting, effective, coitus independent and an easily reversible method of contraception with very few side effects. India is now aiming for increasing IUCD usage as it is the most cost effective and safe method of contraception particularly for women who have limited access to medical care. Since there is ten-fold increase in institutional deliveries due to maternity benefit schemes, postpartum period is potentially an ideal time to begin contraception as women are strongly motivated and these women would go home with an IUCD in place. They need not return for IUCD insertion or any other contraception at later dates. OBJECTIVES: 1. The safety of PPIUCD and the incidence of complications like perforation, infection, bleeding, missing strings and expulsion at 6 months follow up. 2. To assess the reasons for removal/discontinuation. METHODOLOGY: The present study is a prospective study to assess the safety and efficacy of Cu T 380A when inserted within 10 min of placental expulsion in 500+ women who had delivered at the Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology (IOG), Madras Medical College, Chennai, irrespective of maternal age, risk factors and mode of delivery (vaginal/cesarean). A specially designed modified pro-forma from the PPIUCD reference manual was used to collect data which includes patient’s particulars, type of PPIUCD insertion, and the findings at follow up (expulsion/infection/missing threads/other complaints/no complaints) and the actions taken for complications. If the patient had gotten the IUCD removed, then the reason for removal was noted. RESULTS: Key findings that came out of this study were as follows: • The Primipara group had a higher PPIUCD continuation rate. • The expected likelihood of PPIUCD success is much higher, around six times higher, in the Primipara group. • Our data indicated a higher PPIUCD continuation rate with increasing education • The PPIUCD continuation rate was also higher amongst the intracaesarean group compared to the post-placental group • The Primipara and intra-caesarean groups had a higher likelihood of missing strings against multipara and post-placental groups respectively • Our analysis indicated that the following were strong drivers for the removal decision of the patients o Bleeding, o Social factors, myths. • Our analysis indicated that the following were NOT strong drivers for the removal decision of the patients o WDPV, o Missing strings, o Abdominal pain. • Expulsion rate was overall low around 2.4% and had no significant differences between Primipara and multipara groups. However the expulsion rate amongst the post placental group was significantly higher than that of the intra-caesarean group CONCLUSION: Overall PPIUCD was found to be a successful method for contraception, as we’ve had very high continuation rates 87%, excluding those that have got permanent contraception. If we include the group that had gotten permanent contraception in place of PPIUCD the continuation rate rises to 97%. • No pregnancy reported nor is uterine perforations or misplaced IUCD. Also expulsion rates were less than 3%. Hence PPIUCD is proven again to be a safe and efficient mechanism. • With regards to safety and side-effects <9% had reported with problems pertaining to WDPV, excessive bleeding or pain. Hence can PPIUCD be concluded as a safe medium of contraception


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    Context: Esculetin is a natural polyphenolic compound. It is chemically 6,7-dihydroxycoumarin and one of the ingredients of Cortex fraxini, a Chinese traditional medicine. It is used as a dietary supplement and found as non-toxic. Recently, there are many research works evaluated on esculetin in arthritis with supported molecular mechanisms.Objectives: Esculetin becoming more attractive prodrug for arthritis. Hence, the present minireview will consolidate the targeted site of esculetin in the treatment of arthritis over the past decade.Results: The most important molecular mechanism of esculetin is an antioxidant activities with decreased level of reactive oxygen species/reactive nitrogen species. It also inhibited lipoxygenase 5, lipoxygenase 12, and tyrosinase enzymes. It reduces the inflammation by modulating the key inflammatory enzyme matrix metalloproteinase-1 activity. It also lowers the nitrous oxide and prostaglandin E2 level in synovial fluid. Esculetin derivatives such as 5-methoxy esculetin inhibited the activity of nitrogen-activated protein kinases. The updated data also reveal that esculetin suppresses the leukotriene B4 level in plasma of adjuvant-induced arthritis tested animals.Conclusion: The presented update showed that esculetin may be useful as a tool in regulating the mechanism and physiological functions of the inflammatory mediators and enzyme. Hence, the presented review work may be considered as a scientific proof for the development of an attractive drug candidate for the patient with rheumatoid arthritis

    The timeless legacy of Robert Koch

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    Robert Koch was a German physician and scientist who I made wide-ranging contributions to the study of infectious diseases. He is credited with developing medical microbiology as a new and independent discipline. He is most j renowned for deciphering the etiology of tuberculosis (TB), anthrax and cholera. He laid down rigorous guidelines for establishing the link between a pathogen and a particular disease that came to be known as Koch’s postulates. To this day these postulates serve as benchmarks in the study of infectious diseases

    Themes of Identity: An Auto-Ethnographical Exploration

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    The study is focused on understanding identity construction through combining my own experience with the theoretical underpinnings of postcolonial theory, social identity theory and through the examination of two films. The central question that I am interested in is understanding the identity construction and formation process especially as it relates to individuals who have crossed borders and immigrated or moved to countries other than their home countries. The methodology I am employing is auto-ethnography; I am integrating this by using two films as sites of inquiry. Through this introspective, reflection combined with the theoretical framework of identity I uncover themes of identity. These themes include nation, foreignness, community, and home
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