249 research outputs found

    Conditional-moment Closure with Differential Diffusion for Soot Evolution in Fire

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    The conditional-moment closure (CMC) equation for the evolution of a large Lewis number scalar, soot, is derived starting from the joint probability density function (pdf) equation for the gas-phase mixture fraction, ξ g , and the soot mass fraction, Y s . Unlike previous approaches starting with the joint pdf, the residual terms that result from the typical closure models were retained. A new formulation of the one-dimensional turbulence (ODT) model suitable for spatially evolving flows with buoyant acceleration and radiative transport in participating media was employed to carry out simulations of a prototypical ethene fire. The resulting ODT evolution of ξ g and Y s was used to assess the significance of various terms in the CMC equation including the residual correlations. The terms involving differential diffusion are found to be important along with the soot source terms and the large-scale evolution of both ξ g and Y s . Of particular importance in the regions in mixture-fraction space around the soot production and consumption is a residual term, not previously identified, related to the correlation between the differential diffusion and Y s . This term results in a diffusion-like behavior of Y s in the mixture fraction coordinate that has an apparent Lewis number near unity. In scenarios where the large Lewis number component is a non-negligible component of the mixture fraction (i.e., large soot loading), it is found easier to employ a mixture fraction neglecting this component. Such a mixture-fraction variable has a chemical source term, but this appears easier to model than the differential diffusion and dissipation terms that result when the large Lewis number component is retained in the mixture-fraction definition

    Can Deflagration-Detonation-Transitions occur in Type Ia Supernovae?

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    The mechanism for deflagration-detonation-transition (DDT) by turbulent preconditioning, suggested to explain the possible occurrence of delayed detonations in Type Ia supernova explosions, is argued to be conceptually inconsistent. It relies crucially on diffusive heat losses of the burned material on macroscopic scales. Regardless of the amplitude of turbulent velocity fluctuations, the typical gradient scale for temperature fluctuations is shown to be the laminar flame width or smaller, rather than the factor of thousand more required for a DDT. Furthermore, thermonuclear flames cannot be fully quenched in regions much larger than the laminar flame width as a consequence of their simple ``chemistry''. Possible alternative explosion scenarios are briefly discussed.Comment: 8 pages, uses aastex; added references. Accepted by ApJ Letter

    The Thermonuclear Explosion Of Chandrasekhar Mass White Dwarfs

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    The flame born in the deep interior of a white dwarf that becomes a Type Ia supernova is subject to several instabilities. We briefly review these instabilities and the corresponding flame acceleration. We discuss the conditions necessary for each of the currently proposed explosion mechanisms and the attendant uncertainties. A grid of critical masses for detonation in the range 10710^7 - 2×1092 \times 10^9 g cm3^{-3} is calculated and its sensitivity to composition explored. Prompt detonations are physically improbable and appear unlikely on observational grounds. Simple deflagrations require some means of boosting the flame speed beyond what currently exists in the literature. ``Active turbulent combustion'' and multi-point ignition are presented as two plausible ways of doing this. A deflagration that moves at the ``Sharp-Wheeler'' speed, 0.1gefft0.1 g_{\rm eff} t, is calculated in one dimension and shows that a healthy explosion is possible in a simple deflagration if the front moves with the speed of the fastest floating bubbles. The relevance of the transition to the ``distributed burning regime'' is discussed for delayed detonations. No model emerges without difficulties, but detonation in the distributed regime is plausible, will produce intermediate mass elements, and warrants further study.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures included, uses aaspp4.sty. Submitted to Ap

    Improved Lagrangian mixing models for passive scalars in isotropic turbulence

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    Lagrangian data for velocity, scalars, and energy and scalar dissipation from direct numerical simulations are used to validate Lagrangian mixing models for inert passive scalars in stationary isotropic turbulence. The scalar fluctuations are nearly Gaussian, and, as a result of production by uniform mean gradients, statistically stationary. Comparisons are made for Taylor-scale Reynolds numbers in the range 38 to about 240 and Schmidt numbers in the range 1/8 to 1. Model predictions for one-point, one-time Eulerian statistics ~Eulerian correspondence! and one-particle, two-time Lagrangian statistics ~Lagrangian correspondence! are examined. Two scalar mixing models, namely the Lagrangian Fokker–Planck model and the Lagrangian colored-noise ~LCN! model, are proposed and written in terms of stochastic differential equations ~SDE! with specified drift and diffusion terms. Both of these models rely on statistics of the scalar field conditioned upon the energy dissipation, as provided by the Lagrangian spectral relaxation ~LSR! model. With the exception of the scalar dissipation, the models are shown to capture the Reynolds and Schmidt-number dependence of the Lagrangian integral time scales. However, the LCN model provides a more realistic description of the Lagrangian scalar fluctuations as differentiable time series having the correct form of the scalar autocorrelation function. Further extensions of the new mixing models to non-Gaussian scalars are conceptually straightforward, but require a closure for the scalar-conditioned scalar dissipation rate matrix. Likewise, accurate prediction of joint statistics for differential diffusion between different scalars with unequal molecular diffusivities will require the formulation of a multiscale SDE similar to the LSR model

    Non-Gaussian Distributions in Extended Dynamical Systems

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    We propose a novel mechanism for the origin of non-Gaussian tails in the probability distribution functions (PDFs) of local variables in nonlinear, diffusive, dynamical systems including passive scalars advected by chaotic velocity fields. Intermittent fluctuations on appropriate time scales in the amplitude of the (chaotic) noise can lead to exponential tails. We provide numerical evidence for such behavior in deterministic, discrete-time passive scalar models. Different possibilities for PDFs are also outlined.Comment: 12 pages and 6 figs obtainable from the authors, LaTex file, OSU-preprint-

    Factors Impacting Capital Expenditures in the Quick Service Restaurant Industry

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    The purpose of this article is to study the factors that impact capital expenditures in the quickservice restaurant industry. The authors hypothesize that growth opportunities, free cash flow, size, corporate earnings, economic conditions, and franchising status will have impact on the capital expenditures of quick-service restaurants. This study analyzed capital expenditure and other financial data on quick service restaurants for the period 2006–2016. Results suggest that corporate earnings, size, cash flow, economic conditions, and franchising have a significant relationship with capital expenditures, while growth opportunities are not associated with capital expenditures. Specifically, a high degree of corporate earnings, large size, and a high degree of cash flow tend to be associated with a high degree of capital expenditures; while favorable economic conditions and franchising tend to be associated with a low level of capital expenditures

    How Common is Common Human Reason?:The Plurality of Moral Perspectives and Kant’s Ethics

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    In his practical philosophy, Kant aims to systematize and ground a conception of morality that every human being already in some form is supposedly committed to in virtue of her common human reason. While Kantians especially in the last few years have explicitly acknowledged the central role of common human reason for a correct understanding of Kant’s ethics, there has been very little detailed critical discussion of the very notion of a common human reason as Kant envisages it. Sticker critically discusses in what ways Kant is committed to the notion that there are certain rational insights and rational capacities that all humans share, and thus investigates critically how Kant thinks moral normativity appears to the common human being, the rational agent who did not enjoy special education or philosophical training