81 research outputs found

    Implantoprosthetic Treatment of Complete and Partial Edentulousness - Case Presentation

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    Oseointegrirani usadci i protetske suprastrukture već su danas oblik standardne skrbi za pacijente u kojih postoji gubitak jednog ili svih zuba u obje čeljusti. Polako, ali sigurno, protetski radovi nošeni oseointegriranim usadcima preuzimaju prednost pred konvencionalnim protetskim tehnikama liječenja potpune ili djelomične bezubosti. Indikacije za protetske radove koje podupiru oseointegrirani usadci jesu: a) bezubi pacijenti; b) pacijenti nositelji proteza koji ne mogu ili odbijaju nositi mobilne proteze; c) pacijenti s jednostranom bezubošću gdje nije moguće izraditi fiksni most dužega raspona; d) pacijenti sa slabom mišićnom koordinacijom i niskom tkivnom tolerancijom (uzak pojam pričvrsne gingive u donjoj čeljusti); e) pacijenti s parafunkcijskim navikama koji destabiliziraju konvencionalne proteze; f) pacijenti s izraženim refleksom na povraćanje; g) nepovoljan broj i smještaj prirodnih zuba kao mogućih nosača, i f) gubitak jednoga zuba s ciljem da se izbjegne brušenje susjednih intaktnih zuba. Apsolutne kontraindikacije za ugradnju usadaka jesu: a) pacijenti koji su zračeni visokim dozama; b) pacijenti s psihijatrijskim problemima; c) hematološki sustavski poremećaji. Relativne kontraindikacije su: a) patologija mekih i tvrdih oralnih tkiva; b) područja svježih ekstrakcijskih rana; c) pacijenti koji uživaju drogu, alkohol ili duhan (pušenje ili žvakanje duhana). Početne informacije dobivene od svakoga pacijenta moraju uključiti medicinsku i stomatološku povijest stanja, radiografsku raščlambu (ortopantomograf ili CT), raščlambu studijskih modela i fotografija, sve sa svrhom da se postigne optimalan plan liječenja. Pacijent mora shvatiti plan liječenja, mora biti motiviran za takav oblik liječenja, a kliničar provedbom dijagnostičkih i terapijskih postupaka upoznaje pacijentovo psihofizičko stanje i stječe njegovo povjerenje. Svrha ove prezentacije bila je prikazati kliničko laboratorijski tijek ugradnje usadaka i izradbe protetskih radova u kliničkim situacijama potpune i djelomične bezubosti. Naglasak je na protetskim sustavima poput kombinacije teleskop krunica i pričvrstaka (tipa CEKA pričvrstka), te individualno frezanih prečaka koji optimiziraju retenciju i stabilizaciju protetskoga rada kako bi se postignula maksimalna funkcija, estetika i zadovoljstvo pacijenta.Today osseointegrated implants and prosthetic superstructures represent a form of standard care for patients in whom there is the loss of one or all teeth in both jaws. Slowly but surely prosthetic devices, supported by osseointegrated implants, have taken prevailed over the advantages of conventional prosthetic techniques of treatment of complete or partial edentulousness. Indications for prosthetic devices supported by osseointegrated implants are: a) edentulous patients, b) patients with prostheses who cannot, or refuse to, wear mobile prosthesis, c) patients with unilateral edentulousness where it is impos-sible to construct fixed bridges of longer span, d) patients with poor muscular coordination and low tissue tolerance (simple term for attachment gingiva in the lower jaw), e) patients with periofunctional habits which destabilise conventional prostheses, f) patients with marked reflex to vomiting, g) unsatisfactory number and position of natural teeth as possible abutments, and f) loss of one tooth in order to avoid grinding of adjacent intact teeth. Absolute contraindications for placement of implants are: a) patients radiated with high doses, b) patients with mental problems, c) haematological system disorders. Relative contraindications are: a) pathology of soft and hard oral tissues, b) the area of fresh extractive wounds, c) patients using drugs, alcohol or tobacco (smoking or chewing of tobacco). Initial information received from each patient must include medical and dental history, radiographic finding (orthopantomograph or CT), analysis of study models and photographs, or with the purpose of achieving optimal treatment plan. The patient must understand the plan of treatment and be motivated for such treatment, while the clinician during diagnostic and therapeutic procedures learns about the mental - physical condition of the patient and acquires his/her confidence. The object of this presentation was to show the clinical laboratory course of the insertion of implants and construction of prosthetic devices in clinical situations of complete and partial edentulousness. Emphasis is placed on prosthetic systems such as a combination of telescope crown and attachment (CEKA type attachment) and individually milled bars, which optimise retention and stabilisation of the prosthetic device with the object of obtaining maximal function, aesthetics and patient satisfaction

    Effects on NOx and SO2 Emissions During Co-Firing of Coal with Woody Biomass in Air Staging and Reburning

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    Co-firing coal with different types of biomass is increasingly being applied in thermal power plants in Europe. The main motive for the use of biomass as the second fuel in coal-fired power plants is the reduction of CO2 emissions, and related financial benefits in accordance with the relevant International regulations and agreements. Likewise, the application of primary measures in the combustion chamber, which also includes air staging and/or reburning, results in a significant reduction in emission of polluting components of flue gases, in particular NOx emissions. In addition to being efficient and their application to new and future thermoblocks is practically unavoidable, their application and existing conventional combustion chamber does not require significant constructional interventions and is therefore relatively inexpensive. In this work results of experimental research of co-firing coals from Middle Bosnian basin with waste woody biomass are presented. Previously formed fuel test matrix is subjected to pulverized combustion under various temperatures and various technical and technological conditions. First of all it refers to the different mass ratio of fuel components in the mixture, the overall coefficient of excess air and to the application of air staging and/or reburning. Analysis of the emissions of components of the flue gases are presented and discussed. The impact of fuel composition and process temperature on the values of the emissions of components of the flue gas is determined. Additionally, it is shown that other primary measures in the combustion chamber are resulting in more or less positive effects in terms of reducing emissions of certain components of the flue gases into the environment. Thus, for example, the emission of NOx of 989 mg/ measured in conventional combustion, with the simultaneous application of air staging and reburning is reduced to 782 mg/, or by about 21%. The effects of the primary measures applied in the combustion chamber are compared and quantified with regard to conventional combustion of coals from Middle Bosnian basin.Article History: Received: November 5th 2017; Revised: Januari 6th 2018; Accepted: February 1st 2018; Available onlineHow to Cite This Article: Hodžić, N., Kazagić, A., and Metović, S. (2018) Experimental Investigation of Co-Firing of Coal with Woody Biomass in Air Staging and Reburning. International Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 7(1), 1-6.https://doi.org/10.14710/ijred.7.1.1-

    An Overview

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    Chapter 1 provides a brief overview of the entire book. It commences by discussing the rationale for government interventions to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in countries around the world. It then proceeds to state the principal aim of the book, which is a systematic, evidence-based investigation of how fiscal and non-fiscal policy instruments have been employed by governments around the world to spur innovation and entrepreneurship. In so doing, the book fills a certain gap in the present literature. Chapter 1 also explains how the book is organized into three sections, namely, overview of government interventions, non-tax incentives and tax incentives. Finally, it highlights the key findings from each of the remaining chapters

    The effect of suxamethonium chloride on potassium concentrations in serum during renal transplantation

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    Cilj rada bilo je ispitivanje uticaja suksametoniumklorida na koncentraciju kalijevih jona u serumu pacijenata u toku anestezije za operativni akt transplantacije bubrega. Koncentracija kalijevih jona u serumu mjerena je: preoperativno (kontrolna vrijednost), nakon aplikacije depolarizirejućeg mišićnog relaksanta suksametonija, po uspostavljanju cirkulacije u transplantiranom bubregu i neposredno nakon operacije. Koncentracije kalija nakon aplikacije suksametonija (5,33 mmol/L) i neposredno postoperativno (5, l7 mmol/L) bile su veće od preoperativnih vrijednosti (4,82 mmol/L) (P0,05). Porast koncentracije kalija nakon aplikacije suksametonija može djelovati toksično na kardiovaskularni sistem. Dogovorni stav kliničara je da koncentracija kalija kod pacijenata sa terminalnom bubrežnom insuficijencijom ne bi smjela biti veća od 5 mmol/L prije uvoda u anesteziju.The aim of the investigation was to determine the effect of suxamethonium chloride on· potassium concentrations in serum during anaesthesia in renal transplantation. Potassium values were measured before the operation (control values), after the administration of suxamethonium chloride, after reinstatement of the blood flow in the transplanted kidney, and after the operation. The mean potassium values after suxamethonium chloride administration (5.33 mmol/L) and after the operation (5.17 mmol/L) were significantly higher than the values before the operation (4.82 mmol/L) (P0.05). Increase in potassium concentration following suxamethonium chloride administration calls for caution as it may produce a toxic effect on the cardiovascular system. The potassium values in patients with terminal renal failure should not be higher than 5 mmol/L before inducing anaesthesia

    Improving emerging European NMIs’ capabilities in humidity measurement

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    The control and measurement of humidity is important for many industrial applications and to ensure the appropriate storage of materials and products. Humidity measurement techniques are diverse and each presents different challenges for use and calibration for a range of pressures and gases. Over the past few years, the development of humidity sensors and apparatus has matured to a level where traceable calibration is beneficial to all industries in which humidity and moisture measurement and control are important. This paper deals with a European project in which the overall objective is to develop or extend the measurement and research capabilities of the participating emerging NMI/DIs’ countries in the field of humidity measurements, where access to these types of facilities is currently limited

    An eclipsing substellar binary in a young triple system discovered by SPECULOOS

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    Mass, radius, and age are three of the most fundamental parameters for celestial objects, enabling studies of the evolution and internal physics of stars, brown dwarfs, and planets. Brown dwarfs are hydrogen-rich objects that are unable to sustain core fusion reactions but are supported from collapse by electron degeneracy pressure. As they age, brown dwarfs cool, reducing their radius and luminosity. Young exoplanets follow a similar behaviour. Brown dwarf evolutionary models are relied upon to infer the masses, radii and ages of these objects. Similar models are used to infer the mass and radius of directly imaged exoplanets. Unfortunately, only sparse empirical mass, radius and age measurements are currently available, and the models remain mostly unvalidated. Double-line eclipsing binaries provide the most direct route for the absolute determination of the masses and radii of stars. Here, we report the SPECULOOS discovery of 2M1510A, a nearby, eclipsing, double-line brown dwarf binary, with a widely-separated tertiary brown dwarf companion. We also find that the system is a member of the 45±545\pm5 Myr-old moving group, Argus. The system's age matches those of currently known directly-imaged exoplanets. 2M1510A provides an opportunity to benchmark evolutionary models of brown dwarfs and young planets. We find that widely-used evolutionary models do reproduce the mass, radius and age of the binary components remarkably well, but overestimate the luminosity by up to 0.65 magnitudes, which could result in underestimated photometric masses for directly-imaged exoplanets and young field brown dwarfs by 20 to 35%