199 research outputs found

    A comprehensive case study of climate change impacts on the cooling load in an air-conditioned office building in Malaysia.

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    In an earlier paper [1], the authors had comprehensively reviewed the climate change impacts for commercial buildings and their technical services in the tropics, and it revealed that numerous studies have been conducted to assess the climate change impacts in terms of energy consumption of a building. However, only few studies were carried out in the tropical region. This study aims to project the future cooling load needed for the years of 2000, 2020, 2050 and 2080 in the tropics using the TRNSYS simulation. Based on the simulation results, the total cooling load increases as the temperature changes. The total maximum cooling loads required in the years of 2000, 2020, 2050 and 2080 are 297000 kJ/hr, 305000 kJ/hr, 321000 kJ/hr and 332000 kJ/hr, respectively. When compared with the year 2000, the maximum cooling load needed in the years of 2020, 2050 and 2080 increases by 2.96%, 8.08% and 11.7% respectively. Based on the simulation results, in the next 70 years, the efficiency and durability of the existing system is predicted to decrease

    Pengaruh Persepsi Ketidakadilan Imbalan dan Kepuasan Imbalan terhadap Intensi Keluar Karyawan Daluman Villa Seminyak

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    The study objectives are perception of reward imbalance having positive affect on intention to quit and reward satisfaction having negative affect on intention quit. Samples was 39 respondent's, all of Daluman Villa employee's, selecting by using cencus method with multiple regression analyst as the data analysis technique. Data's of this research collected from 39 employee's of Daluman Villa by filling a questioner's. Result of analyst reported that 1) Perception of reward imbalance have a positive affect on intention to quit; 2) Reward satisfaction have a negative affect on intention to quit of Daluman Villa employee's. Implication of this study was suggested to still effort to hold the employee's from quiting, villa management had make employee's trust was having treated so fairly considered Indonesian Ordinance's and work aggrement's, then having feel satisfaction in rewarding as appreciation of the employee's performance and after that all employee's wouldn't having an intention to quit

    Rancang Bangun Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air Jenis Turbin Pelton Skala Laboratorium Sebagai Media Pembelajaran

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    The power plant type turbine pelton of scale laboratory was made to be used as a practical medium of students and lecturers of mechanical engineering in the environment Politeknik of Kotabaru. The purpose of this research was to obtain an ideal design for hydropower systems as learning media; Knowing the effect of the lamp load on the generator rotation, knowing the effect of the type of 12 VDC and 24 VDC lamp loads with varying loads on the generator power output. The method used in this study is a literature study and experimental methods. The research results obtained are the design has a table height of 90 cm and a width of 100 cm, the height of the loading panel is 80 cm, the air pressure from the pump is 270 psi with a nozzle size of 1,7 mm, a 12 blade Pelton turbine, a 36 V 60 A DC generator; the type of lamp load affects of generator rotation where when the type of load is 12 VDC the generator rotation is smaller than when the lamp load is 24 VDC, while the large lamp load given to the system causes of generator rotation to decrease or the effect of the lamp load on generator rotation is inversely proportional; the greater of lamp load lower the output power of generator, both with 12 VDC and 24 VDC load types or in other words, it is also reversed.Pembangkit listrik tenaga air jenis turbin pelton skala laboratorium dibuat untuk dijadikan sebagai media praktikum para mahasiswa dan dosen Teknik Mesin dilingkungan Politeknik Kotabaru. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan yakni memperoleh desain dan rancangan yang ideal untuk sistem PLTA sebagai media pembelajaran; mengetahui pengaruh beban lampu terhadap putaran generator, mengetahui pengaruh jenis beban lampu 12 VDC dan 24 VDC dengan beban bervariasi terhadap daya keluaran generator. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi literatur dan metode eksperimental. Hasil penelitian yang telah diperoleh yaitu desain dan rancangan memiliki tinggi meja 90 cm dan lebar 100 cm, tinggi panel pembebanan 80 cm, tekanan air dari pompa 270 psi dengan ukuran nosel 1,7 mm, turbin pelton 12 sudu, generator DC 36 V 60 A; jenis beban lampu berpengaruh terhadap putaran generator dimana saat jenis beban 12 VDC putaran generator lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan saat beban lampu 24 VDC, sedangkan besar beban lampu yang diberikan pada sistem mengakibatkan putaran generator semakin menurun atau pengaruh beban lampu terhadap putaran generator adalah berbanding terbalik; semakin besar beban lampu maka daya keluaran generator semakin menurun baik dengan jenis beban 12 VDC maupun 24 VDC atau dengan kata lain hubungannya juga berbanding terbalik

    Pemodelan Status Kesejahteraan Daerah Kabupaten Atau Kota Di Jawa Tengah Menggunakan Geographically Weighted Logistic Regression Semiparametric

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    Welfare in society is one of the most important aspects in ensuring the realization of the social where people have a good level of welfare. Benchmarks achieved prosperity is the fulfillment of basic needs of society as feasible. Statistical methods have been developed for the analysis of spatial data by taking into account factors that Geographically Weighted Logistic Regression Semiparametric (GWLRS). GWLRS is a local form of the logistic regression where there are parameters that are influenced by the location (Geographically varying coefficient) and the parameters that are not influenced by the location (fixed coefficient). Selection of the optimum bandwidth using Cross Validation (CV). Model GWLRS Welfare Status district or city in Central Java showed that GWLRS models differ significantly from the logistic regression model. And models generated for each area will be different from each other. To get the best models, the number of models to be evaluated. One method for selecting the best model is the value of the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). Based on AIC obtained the best model is the model GWLRS because it has the smallest AIC value of 46.11213 with a classification accuracy of 77.14%

    Simulasi Pengukuran Ketepatan Model Variogram Pada Metode Ordinary Kriging Dengan Teknik Jackknife

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    Kriging adalah metode yang digunakan untuk mengestimasi besarnya nilai yang mewakili suatu titik yang tidak tersampel berdasarkan titik-titik tersampel yang berada disekitarnya. Pada Ordinary Kriging pendugaan suatu nilai variabel pada titik tertentu dilakukan dengan cara mengamati data yang sejenis pada daerah lain, pada setiap titik yang tidak diketahui nilainya, maka akan diestimasi dengan menggunakan kombinasi linier terboboti (weighted linier combination). Data yang dibangkitkan adalah data kandungan besi (%). Data tersebut merupakan data random hasil simulasi berdasarkan model variogram Spherical dan Eksponensial. Nilai dugaan diperoleh melalui sistem Ordinary Kriging dengan menggunakan teknik Jackknife. Ketepatan model variogram spherical dan eksponensial dihitung berdasarkan nilai tengah kesalahan persentase absolut (Mean Absolut Percentage Error). Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan untuk variogram spherical persentase kesalahan yang diperoleh yaitu 0,0417%, sedangkan persentase kesalahan untuk model variogram eksponensial yaitu 0,0776%. Kedua nilai MAPE tersebut berada dibawah 10%, dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa teknik jackknife dapat digunakan untuk menentukan nilai dugaan dari sistem ordinary kriging dari model variogram spherical dan eksponensial

    Tensile properties of epoxy/1 wt% graphene nanocomposites prepared with ethanol.

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    In this research, solution casting technique was applied to produce four types of nanocomposites. Different ethanol dosages; 0g, 1g, 3g, and 5g were used to disperse graphene in the epoxy matrix. It was observed that 1g dosage of ethanol was the most effective concentration to disperse 1wt% graphene in the epoxy matrix. At 1 g dosage of ethanol used, the Young's modulus, tensile strength, and toughness were increased by 130%, 76%, and 187% respectively. SEM images illustrated that the graphene was able to inhibit the advancing cracks and detoured cracks propagation. It is observed that the ethanol needs to be removed completely during processing to ensure its effectiveness, otherwise, the remaining ethanol can cause porosity which is undesirable to the tensile properties of the nanocomposites

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Status Kelulusan Berdasarkan Jalur Masuk Mahasiswa Dengan Model Regresi Logistik Biner Bivariat (Studi Kasus Mahasiswa Fsm Universitas Diponegoro)

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    The acceptance of college students in public universities are divided into two ways, the National Selection of Public University Entrance by invitation and the National Selection of Public University Entrance by non invitation. The National Selection of Public University Entrance by invitation is a way to get candidate students from The Senior High Schools that have good achievement, where as the other one open wider access. Nevertheless, the college students who enter through the invitation or non invitation, they don't necessarily have a better academic achievement or worse than each other. After through the learning process in college, the success of the students are marked with their academic achievement that shown by the index of academic achievement, that if they pass expressed by the status of graduation, cumlaude or not cumlaude. To find out the factors that affect the status of student graduation based on the entrance, the regretion model that can be used is bivariate biner logistic regretion, because it consist of two response variable, the status of graduation and the entrance of the college students. Maximum likelihood estimation is used to estimate the parameter model. To examine the significance of the parameter use Likelihood ratio test and Wald test. Major option and live adress are the significance variables that affect the status of graduation based on the entrance of the college student from predictor variable partially test of school report grades, national test grades, major option, live adress, study method, live cost, students' relationship with friends and family,and study motivation. Whole test and individual test indicate that major option variable affect the status of graduation based on the entrance significantly