49,834 research outputs found

    Analysis of delamination in fiber composite laminates out-of-plane under bending

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    Delamination in the form of cracking or separation between plies in an advanced fiber composite laminate is a problem of major concern. Both advanced analytical methods and advanced computational analyses are conducted to: (1) develop an asymptotic solution for a composite laminate subject to out-of-plane bending; (2) construct advanced singular finite elements in conjunction with the development of nonsingular elements for this bending problem; and (3) evaluate the delamination failure mechanics parameters and the subsequent modes of fracture. A parametric study was also conducted to evaluate the influences of various lamination parameters on the delaminated composites

    Horizon Mass Theorem

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    A new theorem for black holes is found. It is called the horizon mass theorem. The horizon mass is the mass which cannot escape from the horizon of a black hole. For all black holes: neutral, charged or rotating, the horizon mass is always twice the irreducible mass observed at infinity. Previous theorems on black holes are: 1. the singularity theorem, 2. the area theorem, 3. the uniqueness theorem, 4. the positive energy theorem. The horizon mass theorem is possibly the last general theorem for classical black holes. It is crucial for understanding Hawking radiation and for investigating processes occurring near the horizon.Comment: A new theorem for black holes is establishe

    Spectrum of low-lying s3QQˉs^{3}Q\bar{Q} configurations with negative parity

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    Spectrum of low-lying five-quark configurations with strangeness quantum number S=−3S=-3 and negative parity is studied in three kinds of constituent quark models, namely the one gluon exchange, Goldstone Boson exchange, and instanton-induced hyperfine interaction models, respectively. Our numerical results show that the lowest energy states in all the three employed models are lying at ∼\sim1800 MeV, about 200 MeV lower than predictions of various quenched three-quark models. In addition, it is very interesting that the state with the lowest energy in one gluon exchange model is with spin 3/2, but 1/2 in the other two models.Comment: Version published in Phys. Rev.

    δ\delta meson effects on neutron stars in the modified quark-meson coupling model

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    The properties of neutron stars are investigated by including δ\delta meson field in the Lagrangian density of modified quark-meson coupling model. The Σ−\Sigma^- population with δ\delta meson is larger than that without δ\delta meson at the beginning, but it becomes smaller than that without δ\delta meson as the appearance of Ξ−\Xi^-. The δ\delta meson has opposite effects on hadronic matter with or without hyperons: it softens the EOSes of hadronic matter with hyperons, while it stiffens the EOSes of pure nucleonic matter. Furthermore, the leptons and the hyperons have the similar influence on δ\delta meson effects. The δ\delta meson increases the maximum masses of neutron stars. The influence of (σ∗,ϕ)(\sigma^*,\phi) on the δ\delta meson effects are also investigated.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 4 table

    From Jeff=1/2 insulator to p-wave superconductor in single-crystal Sr2Ir1-xRuxO4 (0 < x< 1)

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    Sr2IrO4 is a magnetic insulator assisted by strong spin-orbit coupling (SOC) whereas the Sr2RuO4 is a p-wave superconductor. The contrasting ground states have been shown to result from the critical role of the strong SOC in the iridate. Our investigation of structural, transport, and magnetic properties reveals that substituting 4d Ru4+ (4d4) ions for 5d Ir4+(5d5) ions in Sr2IrO4 directly adds holes to the t2g bands, reduces the SOC and thus rebalances the competing energies in single-crystal Sr2Ir1-xRuxO4. A profound effect of Ru doping driving a rich phase diagram is a structural phase transition from a distorted I41/acd to a more ideal I4/mmm tetragonal structure near x=0.50 that accompanies a phase transition from an antiferromagnetic-insulating state to a paramagnetic-metal state. We also make a comparison drawn with Rh doped Sr2IrO4, highlighting important similarities and differences.Comment: 18 pages,7 figure

    Origin of the X-ray Emission in the Nuclei of FR Is

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    We investigate the X-ray origin in FRIs using the multi-waveband high resolution data of eight FR I sources, which have very low Eddington ratios. We fit their multi-waveband spectrum using a coupled accretion-jet model. We find that X-ray emission in the source with the highest L_X (~1.8*10^-4 L_Edd) is from the advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF). Four sources with moderate L_X(~several*10^-6 L_Edd) are complicated. The X-ray emission of one FR I is from the jet, and the other three is from the sum of the jet and ADAF. The X-ray emission in the three least luminous sources (L_X<1.0*10^-6L_Edd) is dominated by the jet. These results roughly support the predictions of Yuan and Cui(2005) where they predict that when the X-ray luminosity of the system is below a critical value, the X-radiation will not be dominated by the emission from the ADAF any longer, but by the jet. We also find that the accretion rates in four sources must be higher than the Bondi rates, which implies that other fuel supply (e.g., stellar winds) inside the Bondi radius should be important.Comment: 6 pages. To published in Journal of Physics, in proceedings of "The Universe under the Microscope - Astrophysics at High Angular Resolution" (Bad Honnef, Germany, April 2008), eds. R. Schoedel, A. Eckart, S. Pfalzner, and E. Ro

    Single top production in the tt-channel at LHC: a realistic test of electroweak models

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    We compute the complete electroweak one-loop effect on the process of tt-channel single top production at LHC in the Standard Model and in the MSSM within the mSUGRA symmetry breaking scheme. We find that the one-loop electroweak SM effect is large, and decreases the cross section of an amount that is of the same size as that of the NLO QCD one. The genuine SUSY effect in the mSUGRA scheme, for a general choice of benchmark points, is rather small. It might become large and visible in more general scenarios around thresholds involving light stop and neutralino mass values.Comment: 28 pages, 10 eps figure
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