15,089 research outputs found

    Event-by-Event Search for Charged Neutral Fluctuations in Pb - Pb Collisions at 158-A-GeV

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    Results from the analysis of data obtained from the WA98 experiment at the CERN SPS have been presented. Some events have been filtered which show photon excess in limited ηϕ\eta-\phi zones within the overlap region of the charged particle and photon multiplicity detectors.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Two-Proton Radioactivity with 2p halo in light mass nuclei A==18-34

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    Two-proton radioactivity with 2p halo is reported theoretically in light mass nuclei A == 18-34. We predict 19^{19}Mg, 22^{22}Si, 26^{26}S, 30^{30}Ar and 34^{34}Ca as promising candidates of ground state 2p-radioactivity with S2p_{2p} 0. Observation of extended tail of spatial charge density distribution, larger charge radius and study of proton single particle states, Fermi energy and the wave functions indicate 2p halo like structure which supports direct 2p emission. The Coulomb and centrifugal barriers in experimentally identified 2p unbound 22^{22}Si show a quasi-bound state that ensures enough life time for such experimental probes. Our predictions are in good accord with experimental and other theoretical data available so far.Comment: 5 Pages, 5 figure

    Core-competitive Auctions

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    One of the major drawbacks of the celebrated VCG auction is its low (or zero) revenue even when the agents have high value for the goods and a {\em competitive} outcome could have generated a significant revenue. A competitive outcome is one for which it is impossible for the seller and a subset of buyers to `block' the auction by defecting and negotiating an outcome with higher payoffs for themselves. This corresponds to the well-known concept of {\em core} in cooperative game theory. In particular, VCG revenue is known to be not competitive when the goods being sold have complementarities. A bottleneck here is an impossibility result showing that there is no auction that simultaneously achieves competitive prices (a core outcome) and incentive-compatibility. In this paper we try to overcome the above impossibility result by asking the following natural question: is it possible to design an incentive-compatible auction whose revenue is comparable (even if less) to a competitive outcome? Towards this, we define a notion of {\em core-competitive} auctions. We say that an incentive-compatible auction is α\alpha-core-competitive if its revenue is at least 1/α1/\alpha fraction of the minimum revenue of a core-outcome. We study the Text-and-Image setting. In this setting, there is an ad slot which can be filled with either a single image ad or kk text ads. We design an O(lnlnk)O(\ln \ln k) core-competitive randomized auction and an O(ln(k))O(\sqrt{\ln(k)}) competitive deterministic auction for the Text-and-Image setting. We also show that both factors are tight

    Determination of Freeze-out Conditions from Lattice QCD Calculations

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    Freeze-out conditions in Heavy Ion Collisions are generally determined by comparing experimental results for ratios of particle yields with theoretical predictions based on applications of the Hadron Resonance Gas model. We discuss here how this model dependent determination of freeze-out parameters may eventually be replaced by theoretical predictions based on equilibrium QCD thermodynamics.Comment: presented at the International Conference "Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement - CPOD 2011", Wuhan, November 7-11, 201

    An investigation of Fe XV emission lines in solar flare spectra

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    Previously, large discrepancies have been found between theory and observation for Fe XV emission line ratios in solar flare spectra covering the 224-327 A wavelength range, obtained by the Naval Research Laboratory's S082A instrument on board Skylab. These discrepancies have been attributed to either errors in the adopted atomic data or the presence of additional atomic processes not included in the modelling, such as fluorescence. However our analysis of these plus other S082A flare observations (the latter containing Fe XV transitions between 321-482 A), performed using the most recent Fe XV atomic physics calculations in conjunction with a CHIANTI synthetic flare spectrum, indicate that blending of the lines is primarily responsible for the discrepancies. As a result, most Fe XV lines cannot be employed as electron density diagnostics for solar flares, at least at the spectral resolution of S082A and similar instruments (i.e. ~ 0.1 A). An exception is the intensity ratio I(321.8 A)/I(327.0 A), which appears to provide good estimates of the electron density at this spectral resolution.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Astronomy & Astrophysics, in pres

    Growth and yield of determinate and indeterminate cowpeas in dryland agriculture

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    Cowpea is an important food legume crop of arid and semi-arid regions of the tropics. In such climates whether a determinate or indeterminate type of growth habit would be more useful is not clear. In the present study a determinate and indeterminate cultivar of cowpea were grown at two population densities under rainfed conditions for 2 years. Grain yield was higher in the indeterminate variety for both years. At higher density more dry matter was produced but it had no effect on grain yield. Nitrogen analysis showed that it moved from leaves to developing pods. However, a large amount of nitrogen was still left in vegetative parts in contrast to cereals. Pod development was completed in 19 days and the rate of dry-matter accumulation during the peak period of growth was as high as 120 mg/day per fruit. It was difficult for the plant to cope with this high demand for photosynthates. It is suggested that more pods can develop on a plant provided the growth rate of individual pods is slower and extended to a longer period

    Extending local features with contextual information in graph kernels

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    Graph kernels are usually defined in terms of simpler kernels over local substructures of the original graphs. Different kernels consider different types of substructures. However, in some cases they have similar predictive performances, probably because the substructures can be interpreted as approximations of the subgraphs they induce. In this paper, we propose to associate to each feature a piece of information about the context in which the feature appears in the graph. A substructure appearing in two different graphs will match only if it appears with the same context in both graphs. We propose a kernel based on this idea that considers trees as substructures, and where the contexts are features too. The kernel is inspired from the framework in [6], even if it is not part of it. We give an efficient algorithm for computing the kernel and show promising results on real-world graph classification datasets.Comment: To appear in ICONIP 201

    The STAR Photon Multiplicity Detector

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    Details concerning the design, fabrication and performance of STAR Photon Multiplicity Detector (PMD) are presented. The PMD will cover the forward region, within the pseudorapidity range 2.3--3.5, behind the forward time projection chamber. It will measure the spatial distribution of photons in order to study collective flow, fluctuation and chiral symmetry restoration.Comment: 15 pages, including 11 figures; to appear in a special NIM volume dedicated to the accelerator and detectors at RHI