80 research outputs found


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    The issues of youth involvement in the consumption of cultural product have been examined. The analysis of theoretical approaches to the construction of models of involvement has been carried out. The models and technologies of consumer engagement on the example of museum grounds have been considered. An engagement model has been developed. The main results of an empirical research, affecting the issues of the study of technologies involving young people in the consumption of a museum product have been described. The recommendations on the application of technologies involving in the consumption of the museum product have been provided

    Students’ attitudes to social advertising: results of a study

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    The article presents the results of an empirical study aimed at studying the attitude of students to social advertising.   The object of the empirical study is student youth.   The subject of the study is the students’ attitude to the placement channels and modern technologies for attracting attention to social advertising.   The topic of social advertising was chosen for the study – advertising aimed at helping homeless animals. The study was conducted in spring 2023 using a survey method. The study identified young people’s readiness to be involved in solving social problems; the work showed young people’s attitudes to channels of social advertising; this research determined the attitudes to the emotional component of social advertising and revealed attitude to new ways of attracting attention that are used in contemporary social advertising. The study results indicate that, firstly, most young people are ready to help shelters and foundations that support to homeless animals, however, young people are not ready to make an effort to find the necessary information; secondly, young people do not always notice social advertising, despite the fact that they actively use different media channels; thirdly, according to respondents, the most effective social advertising contains in the verbal or visual series direct encouragement to the target action; fourthly, in order to increase the level of involuntary attention of target groups to social advertising, it is necessary to use new techniques of visual impact on the audience using digital technologies. In conclusion of this article, findings and recommendations are formulated which can be applied in the development of social advertising campaigns

    Ecological awarenessof students (case study of attitudes towards the impact of the fashion industry on the environment)

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    Environmental regulation becomes an indispensable activity for preserving human life. The negative impact of the fashion industry on the environment is growing. The article presents the results of an empirical study conducted by the authors using the survey method in Spring 2023. The aim of the research is to determine the attitudes of contemporary Russian students to the impact of the fashion industry on the environment. The subject of the research are full-time students of Russian universities. The article considers the following issues: the involvement of young people in the consumer behavior of fashion industry products; the orientation of young people on the environmental promises of fashion brands when choosing goods; the consideration of price factors when deciding to buy fashion products; young people’s ideas about environmental and non-environmental fashion brands; awareness of the harmful effects of the fashion industry on the environment; the question of young people’s willingness to change their consumption patterns in order to reduce the negative impact of the fashion industry on the environment; the need to follow social practices related to environmental principles in the context of consumption of fashion industry products in everyday life. The conclusion has been made that it is necessary to develop communication campaigns aimed at the target audience of young people, which will highlight the issues of eco-friendly practices, environmentally friendly behavior, disclose the consequences of the negative impact of the fashion industry on the environment

    A study of young people’s attitudes towards the impact of the fashion industry on the environment

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    This article presents the results of an empirical study aimed at studying young people’s attitudes to the impact of the fashion industry on the environment. The survey is used as a research method. The study was conducted in the spring of 2023. As a result of the study, a high degree of awareness of young people about the negative impact of the fashion industry on the environment was revealed; the attitude of young people to the manifestations of the fashion industry was revealed; the willingness of young people to change their consumer practices in the fashion industry was determined; aspects of the behavior of young people associated with following eco-friendly principles (higher awareness when consuming industry goods fashion; more rare purchases of fashion industry products; rejection of genuine leather and fur in clothing; reduction of consumption of various goods; the purchase of goods in eco-friendly/recyclable packaging; focus on the purchase of eco-friendly products; the delivery of personal belongings for recycling; the use of second-hand goods); the positive attitude of young people to the types of activities that can be carried out by companies in the fashion industry aimed at solving environmental problems has been revealed

    Morfofunzionale sperimentali principi base trattamento di pulpite

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    Riassumendo i risultati della ricerca si può concludere che i processi di carie superficiali di cambiamento nella polpa sono reversibili e possono scomparire al trattamento terapeutico normale della carie dentale. Decadimento medio caratterizzata dallo sviluppo di reazioni di adattamento della polpa e cambiamenti condizionale reversibili, tattiche terapeutiche in cui devono essere affrontati nel caso specifico con prove cliniche. Con carie profonda sviluppano cambiamenti irreversibili, che possono essere eliminati con l'aiuto di pulpotomia. Carie profonda con perforazione della camera pulpare è caratterizzata da cambiamenti irreversibili in tutte le parti della camera di polpa, che è un'indicazione per pulpectomia

    Gastric cancer with multiple metastases in pregnancy: a case report

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    The mortality rate in gastric cancer during pregnancy is very high, which dictates the need to research and improve the methods of early diagnosis of malignancies, as well as studying the pathogenesis of malignant tumors in pregnant women. We report a lethal case of gastric cancer in a pregnant woman. The findings of the autopsy, histological, histochemical and immunohistochemical examinations verified gastric signet ring cells carcinoma with multiple metastases and infiltration of the placental intervillous space. The possible pathogenesis of cancer with changes in the hormonal background occurring in pregnant women is discussed. Understanding the endocrine mechanisms of carcinoma pathogenesis will be useful for developing new therapies for gastric cancer

    The transcriptional repressor protein NsrR senses nitric oxide directly via a [2Fe-2S] cluster

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    The regulatory protein NsrR, a member of the Rrf2 family of transcription repressors, is specifically dedicated to sensing nitric oxide (NO) in a variety of pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria. It has been proposed that NO directly modulates NsrR activity by interacting with a predicted [Fe-S] cluster in the NsrR protein, but no experimental evidence has been published to support this hypothesis. Here we report the purification of NsrR from the obligate aerobe Streptomyces coelicolor. We demonstrate using UV-visible, near UV CD and EPR spectroscopy that the protein contains an NO-sensitive [2Fe-2S] cluster when purified from E. coli. Upon exposure of NsrR to NO, the cluster is nitrosylated, which results in the loss of DNA binding activity as detected by bandshift assays. Removal of the [2Fe-2S] cluster to generate apo-NsrR also resulted in loss of DNA binding activity. This is the first demonstration that NsrR contains an NO-sensitive [2Fe-2S] cluster that is required for DNA binding activity

    Методи оптимізації збереження ланцюжка спадкоємності між викладанням патоморфології та топографічної анатомії в умовах кредитно-модульної системи

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    Міждисциплінарна інтеграція – один з найважливіших напрямків вдосконалення підготовки студентів в сучасному вузі. Суть її полягає у зростаючій ролі знань людини в області суміжних з майбутньою спеціальністю науках і вміння комплексно застосовувати їх при вирішенні професійних завдань, що дозволить акцентування уваги на головному. Майбутній фахівець повинен володіти вміннями та професійною мобільністю оперативно реагувати на постійно виникаючі зміни в практичній і науковій діяльності. Використання в умовах кредитно - модульної системи інноваційних методів навчання, інтеграційного зв’язку між базовими та клінічними дисциплінами, удосконалення методів контролю теоретичних знань та практичних навичок, отриманих студентами, дозволить сформувати творчу особистість, здатну до самостійної відповідальної праці

    Advanced technology and traditional means of teaching of pathomorphology in present terms

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    Для покращення ефективності навчального процесу, на нашу думку, необхідно органічне поєднання традиційних методів навчання з новітніми технологіями. Головною метою цих методів повинно бути засвоєння навчального матеріалу та розвиток клінічного мислення.; In order to improve the learning process, we believe it is necessary organic combination of traditional teaching methods with the latest technology. The main goal of these methods should be learning and the development of clinical thinking

    Goodpasture syndrome: case report

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    The Goodpasture syndrome is an immune-inflammatory pathology characterized by the formation of autoantibodies directed against the basement membranes of the renal glomeruli and pulmonary alveoli, manifested by hemorrhagic pneumonitis in combination with pulmonary hemorrhage (hemoptysis) and glomerulonephritis. To date, etiological mechanisms of the disease are unknown. Clinical observations indicate a relationship between the development of Goodpasture syndrome and viral infection, intake of medications, industrial hazards. The incidence of Goodpasture syndrome is estimated to be 1 case per 1 million population. Due to the rarity of this pathology, each case of Goodpasture syndrome is of great theoretical and practical interest. The authors conducted the analysis of clinical and morphological observation of Goodpasture syndrome. The postmortem study revealed morphological signs indicating the presence of Goodpasture syndrome inter vivos, whose main manifestations were hemorrhagic pneumonitis and mesangial-proliferative glomerulonephritis with fibroplastic transformation. The reported case is also of particular interest in terms of correct formulation of the final diagnosis, since there was a combination of two diseases: Goodpasture syndrome and phlegmonous appendicitis with focal peritonitis. In this case, pulmonary heart failure should be considered as the direct cause of death,since pulmonary lesions prevailed over the renal ones, which is fully consistent with the clinical presentation and findings of the laboratory tests. The diagnosis of Goodpasture syndrome made at the hospital is not always timely, as can be evidenced by patient’s severe condition, and it requires careful differentiation with a number of other diseases involving hemorrhagic pulmonary and renal syndrome, and the urgent need for active therapy with immunosuppressants, including prednisone and cytostatics. The timely adequate treatment significantly improves the prognosis.; У роботі наведені сучасні дані зарубіжної літератури, які стосуються синдрому Гудпасчера – імунно-запальної патології, що характеризується утворенням аутоантитіл до базальних мембран ниркових клубочків і легеневих альвеол, і виявляється геморагічним пневмонітом в поєднанні з легеневою кровотечею (кровохарканням) та гломерулонефритом. Етіологічні механізми захворювання достовірно не визначені. Клінічні спостереження вказують на зв'язок розвитку синдрому Гудпасчера з перенесеною вірусною інфекцією, прийомом лікарських препаратів, виробничою шкодою. Частота розвитку синдрому Гудпасчера становить 1 випадок на 1 млн. населення. У зв'язку з рідкістю даної патології кожен випадок синдрому Гудпасчера представляє великий теоретичний і практичний інтерес. Проведений аналіз власного клініко-морфологічного випадку синдрому Гудпасчера. При проведенні патологоанатомічного дослідження тіла померлого виявлені морфологічні ознаки, що свідчать про наявність при житті синдрому Гудпасчера, основними проявами якого слід вважати геморагічний пневмоніт і мезангіопроліферативний гломерулонефрит з подальшою фібропластичною трансформацією клубочків. В даному випадку безпосередньою причиною смерті слід вважати гостру легенево-серцеву недостатність, так як патоморфологічні зміни в легенях превалювали над такими в нирках, що повністю відповідає клінічній картині та результатам лабораторних досліджень. Певний інтерес даний випадок представляє також в сенсі грамотного формулювання остаточного діагнозу, так як можна говорити про поєднання двох захворювань: синдрому Гудпасчера і гострого флегмонозного апендициту з місцевим перитонітом. Постановка діагнозу синдрому Гудпасчера в клініці не завжди буває своєчасним, свідчить про важкий стан пацієнта, вимагає ретельної диференціальної діагностики з рядом інших захворювань, що супроводжуються геморагічним легенево-нирковим синдромом, і потребує невідкладного призначення активної терапії імуносупресорами, включаючи преднізолон і цитостатики. Вчасно розпочате адекватне лікування значно покращує прогноз пацієнтів