101 research outputs found

    Vortex Plasma in a Superconducting Film with Magnetic Dots

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    We consider a superconducting film, placed upon a magnetic dot array. Magnetic moments of the dots are normal to the film and randomly oriented. We determine how the concentration of the vortices in the film depends on the magnetic moment of a dot at low temperatures. The concentration of the vortices, bound to the dots, is proportional to the density of the dots and depends on the magnetization of a dot in a step-like way. The concentration of the unbound vortices oscillates about a value, proportional to the magnetic moment of the dots. The period of the oscillations is equal to the width of a step in the concentration of the bound vortices.Comment: RevTeX, 4 page

    Competing symmetries and broken bonds in superconducting vortex-antivortex molecular crystals

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    Hall probe microscopy has been used to image vortex-antivortex molecules induced in superconducting Pb films by the stray fields from square arrays of magnetic dots. We have directly observed spontaneous vortex-antivortex pairs and studied how they interact with added free (anti)fluxons in an applied magnetic field. We observe a variety of phenomena arising from competing symmetries which either drive added antivortices to join antivortex shells around dots or stabilize the translationally symmetric antivortex lattice between the dots. Added vortices annihilate antivortex shells, leading first to a stable “nulling state” with no free fluxons and then, at high densities, to vortex shells around the dots stabilized by the asymmetric antipinning potential. Our experimental findings are in good agreement with Ginzburg-Landau calculations

    Nonequilibrium steady states of driven magnetic flux lines in disordered type-II superconductors

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    We investigate driven magnetic flux lines in layered type-II superconductors subject to various configurations of strong point or columnar pinning centers by means of a three-dimensional elastic line model and Metropolis Monte Carlo simulations. We characterize the resulting nonequilibrium steady states by means of the force-velocity / current-voltage curve, static structure factor, mean vortex radius of gyration, number of double-kink and half-loop excitations, and velocity / voltage noise spectrum. We compare the results for the above observables for randomly distributed point and columnar defects, and demonstrate that the three-dimensional flux line structures and their fluctuations lead to a remarkable variety of complex phenomena in the steady-state transport properties of bulk superconductors.Comment: 23 pages, IOP style, 18 figures include

    The 0 and the pi phase Josephson coupling through an insulating barrier with magnetic impurities

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    We have studied temperature and field dependencies of the critical current ICI_{C} in the Nb-Fe0.1_{0.1}Si0.9_{0.9}-Nb Josephson junction with tunneling barrier formed by paramagnetic insulator. We demonstrate that in these junctions the co-existence of both the 0 and the π\pi states within one tunnel junction takes place which leads to the appearance of a sharp cusp in the temperature dependence IC(T)I_{C}(T) similar to the IC(T)I_{C}(T) cusp found for the 0π0-\pi transition in metallic π\pi junctions. This cusp is not related to the 0π0-\pi temperature induced transition itself, but is caused by the different temperature dependencies of the opposing 0 and π\pi supercurrents through the barrier.Comment: Accepted in Physical Review

    Interaction of mesoscopic magnetic textures with superconductors

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    Journals published by the American Physical Society can be found at http://journals.aps.org/Here we report a method to calculate the vortex and magnetization arrangement for a system of interacting superconductors and ferromagnets separated in space. The method is based on static London-Maxwell equations and the corresponding energy. Possible superconducting vortices are included in this system. Using this method we analyze screening currents in a superconducting film induced by magnetic textures in a thin magnetic film. We assume that the two films are parallel and positioned close to each to other, but interact exclusively via magnetic fields. We also consider possible vortices within this superconducting film and their interactions with magnetic texture. As an example of such magnetic texture we use a single magnetic dot with magnetization either perpendicular or parallel to the film. We derive a condition where spontaneous formation of one, two, or more vortices and antivortices is energetically favorable. We prove that, in the case of such a circular magnetic dot with perpendicular magnetization, when the vortex emerges in the superconducting film the normal component of magnetic field near the superconducting film changes sign outside of the dot range

    Squeezing superfluid from a stone: Coupling superfluidity and elasticity in a supersolid

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    In this work we start from the assumption that normal solid to supersolid (NS-SS) phase transition is continuous, and develop a phenomenological Landau theory of the transition in which superfluidity is coupled to the elasticity of the crystalline 4^4He lattice. We find that the elasticity does not affect the universal properties of the superfluid transition, so that in an unstressed crystal the well-known λ\lambda-anomaly in the heat capacity of the superfluid transition should also appear at the NS-SS transition. We also find that the onset of supersolidity leads to anomalies in the elastic constants near the transition; conversely, inhomogeneous strains in the lattice can induce local variations of the superfluid transition temperature, leading to a broadened transition.Comment: 4 page

    Re-entrant superconductivity in Nb/Cu(1-x)Ni(x) bilayers

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    We report on the first observation of a pronounced re-entrant superconductivity phenomenon in superconductor/ferromagnetic layered systems. The results were obtained using a superconductor/ferromagnetic-alloy bilayer of Nb/Cu(1-x)Ni(x). The superconducting transition temperature T_{c} drops sharply with increasing thickness d_{CuNi} of the ferromagnetic layer, until complete suppression of superconductivity is observed at d_{CuNi}= 4 nm. Increasing the Cu(1-x)Ni(x) layer thickness further, superconductivity reappears at d_{CuNi}=13 nm. Our experiments give evidence for the pairing function oscillations associated with a realization of the quasi-one dimensional Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) like state in the ferromagnetic layer.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, REVTEX4/twocolum

    Theory of Hysteresis Loop in Ferromagnets

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    We consider three mechanisms of hysteresis phenomena in alternating magnetic field: the domain wall motion in a random medium, the nucleation and the retardation of magnetization due to slow (critical) fluctuations. We construct quantitative theory for all these processes. The hysteresis is characterized by two dynamic threshold fields, by coercive field and by the so-called reversal field. Their ratios to the static threshold field is shown to be function of two dimensionless variables constituted from the frequency and amplitude of the ac field as well as from some characteristics of the magnet. The area and the shape of the hysteresis loop are found. We consider different limiting cases in which power dependencies are valid. Numerical simulations show the domain wall formation and propagation and confirm the main theoretical predictions. Theory is compared with available experimental data.Comment: RevTex, 13 pages, 8 figures (PostScript), acknowledgements adde

    Breakdown of the lattice polaron picture in La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 single crystals

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    When heated through the magnetic transition at Tc, La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 changes from a band metal to a polaronic insulator. The Hall constant R_H, through its activated behavior and sign anomaly, provides key evidence for polaronic behavior. We use R_H and the Hall mobility to demonstrate the breakdown of the polaron phase. Above 1.4Tc, the polaron picture holds in detail, while below, the activation energies of both R_H and the mobility deviate strongly from their polaronic values. These changes reflect the presence of metallic, ferromagnetic fluctuations, in the volume of which the Hall effect develops additional contributions tied to quantal phases.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, final version to appear in Phys. Rev. B Rapi