499 research outputs found

    Uncertainty of the implementation time of geodynamic monitoring system in multi-criteria ranking of alternatives

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    The paper deals with the problem of ranking alternatives to geodynamic monitoring systems in the case of uncertainty of their implementation time. The problem is characterized by the fact that the choice of alternatives and the effect of it depends on the quality properties of the applied organizational and technical solutions, taking into account the time of implementation. The ordering of alternatives is proposed taking into account the uncertainty of the implementation time factors. Ranking is realized by comparing the trees of functional characteristics of alternatives taking into account the compliance of their characteristics with time-varying requirement

    Meromorphic traveling wave solutions of the complex cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau equation

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    We look for singlevalued solutions of the squared modulus M of the traveling wave reduction of the complex cubic-quintic Ginzburg-Landau equation. Using Clunie's lemma, we first prove that any meromorphic solution M is necessarily elliptic or degenerate elliptic. We then give the two canonical decompositions of the new elliptic solution recently obtained by the subequation method.Comment: 14 pages, no figure, to appear, Acta Applicandae Mathematica

    Совершенствование системы внешнего муниципального финансового контроля в условиях реформирования публичной власти

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    The subject. The implementation of external municipal financial control cannot be called fully competent in Russia. Many practical problems are currently being addressed mainly through the transfer of powers to implement external financial control to a higher level. Amendment to Art. 131–133 of the Russian Federation's Constitution in terms of clarifying the powers of local self-government and incorporating it into public authority, predetermines subsequent amendments to the legislation on local self-government, which can be aimed, among other things, at improving the system of external municipal financial control. The aim of the article is to confirm or disprove the following hypothesis. The reform of public authority will lead to a change in the system of external municipal financial control. Therefore it is possible to propose ways to improve the activities of municipal auditing and accounting authorities on the basis of constitutional novels and the analysis of the existing problems of implementing external municipal financial control. The methodology. The authors apply general scientific methods of comparative, logical and statistical research. The study is based on the analysis of academic literature, statistical data about the practice of the auditing and accounting bodies of municipalities. Russian judicial practice is also analyzed. The main results, scope of application. The organization of a modern system of external municipal financial control shows that it actually works only at the level of urban districts and municipal regions, and that is not always effective. Municipal control and accounting bodies are not created in settlements and the authority to exercise external financial control is transferred either to the level of the municipal district or to the level of the region of the Russian Federation. Conclusion. The municipal auditing and accounting body should retain the authority to exercise control without transferring it to the level of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. However, at the same time, its role should be strengthened by increasing its status (for example, fixing at the federal level the criteria for the number of employees of the control and accounting body, financial support guarantees).В статье обозначен ряд проблем деятельности муниципальных контрольно-счетных органов и обозначены пути их решения. Отмечается неэффективность внешнего муниципального финансового контроля и бесперспективность попыток решать проблемы в этой сфере только за счет передачи полномочий по его осуществлению на вышестоящий уровень. Отмечается, что поправки к ст. 131–133 Конституции РФ в части уточнения полномочий местного самоуправления и включения его в состав органов публичной власти могут быть использованы для совершенствования системы внешнего муниципального финансового контроля. Делается вывод о том, что муниципальный контрольно-счетный орган должен сохранить за собой полномочия по осуществлению контроля без передачи их на уровень субъекта Российской Федерации. Однако в то же время роль такого органа должна быть усилена за счет повышения его статуса (закрепления на федеральном уровне критериев численности работников контрольно-счетного органа, гарантий финансовой поддержки)

    Approach to the choice of modernization directions for the system of geodynamic monitoring in cases of using components intensity uncertainty

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    The problem of the optimum choice of the modernization directions for geodynamic monitoring systems, which is solved in the conditions of changing the parameters of natural-technical systems (NTS) is considered in the work. The solution of the task is creating a list of the components modernization directions and validate ranking the most effective of them. As criterion of modernization the value of decrease in resource intensity of subsystem application is usin

    Photoproduction of Long-Lived Holes and Electronic Processes in Intrinsic Electric Fields Seen through Photoinduced Absorption and Dichroism in Ca_3Ga_{2-x}Mn_xGe_3O_{12} Garnets

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    Long-lived photoinduced absorption and dichroism in the Ca_3Ga_{2-x}Mn_xGe_3O_{12} garnets with x < 0.06 were examined versus temperature and pumping intensity. Unusual features of the kinetics of photoinduced phenomena are indicative of the underlying electronic processes. The comparison with the case of Ca_3Mn_2Ge_3O_{12}, explored earlier by the authors, permits one to finally establish the main common mechanisms of photoinduced absorption and dichroism caused by random electric fields of photoproduced charges (hole polarons). The rate of their diffusion and relaxation through recombination is strongly influenced by the same fields, whose large statistical straggling is responsible for a broad continuous set of relaxation components (observed in the relaxation time range from 1 to about 1000 min). For Ca_3Ga_{2-x}Mn_xGe_3O_{12}, the time and temperature dependences of photoinduced absorption and dichroism bear a strong imprint of structure imperfection increasing with x.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Low-frequency properties of the phonon spectra, and low-temperature thermodynamics of disordered solid solutions

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    This is an analysis of the properties of quasi-local vibrations, and the conditions of the formation thereof, in a realistic model of the crystal lattice on a microscopic scale. The evolution of quasi-local vibrations with an increase in the concentration of impurity atoms, is examined. It is shown that the formation of boson peaks occurs mainly due to the additional dispersion of high-velocity acoustic phonons (connected to the atomic vibrations of the main lattice), caused by the scattering of these phonons by the quasi-local vibrations localized at the impurities. We demonstrate a connection between the boson peaks in disordered systems, and the first van Hove singularity, in regular crystal structures. We analyze the manifestation of quasi-local vibrations and boson peaks, as it relates to the behavior of low-temperature heat capacity, and how it changes with an increasing impurity concentration

    Highly Dispersed Palladium on Carbon Nanofibers for Hydrogenation of Nitrocompounds to Amines

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    The effect of palladium dispersion and nature of the support on catalytic performance in hydrogenation of nitrobenzene to aniline was studied. It was shown that the type of the support and modification of palladium with phosphorus make it possible to stabilize highly dispersed (1.5-2 nm) palladium particles in the metallic state, thus increasing the efficiency of new catalysts


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    The concept of elaboration of mobile laboratories of integrated assessment and forecasting of emergency situations was developed. They provide operational radiation control in routine and emergency situations, remote and contact monitoring of concentration of harmful chemical contaminants in the atmosphere, soil, water, food, forage, etc. High technology equipment in theselaboratories enables to carry out assessment of the integral man-made and natural risks, to anticipate arising and development of emergency situations promptly, to forecast development and implementation of priority measures, to mitigate and eliminate potential effects of accidents and disasters.Розроблена концепція зі створення мобільних лабораторій комплексної оцінки та прогнозування надзвичайних ситуацій, які забезпечать оперативний радіаційний контроль в штатних і аварійних ситуаціях, дистанційний і контактний контроль концентрацій шкідливих хімічних домішок в атмосфері, ґрунті, воді, продуктах харчування, кормах та ін. Наукомістка апаратура таких лабораторій дає можливість проводити інтегральну оцінку техногенних і природних ризиків, прогнозувати виникнення та розвиток надзвичайних ситуацій, оперативно здійснювати розробку і впровадження першочергових заходів з ліквідації та пом'якшення можливих наслідків аварій і катастроф