831 research outputs found

    Service evaluation of aluminum-brazed titanium (ABTi)

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    Long term creep-rupture, flight service and jet engine exhaust tests on aluminum-brazed titanium (ABTi), originally initiated under the DOT/SST follow-on program, were completed. These tests included exposure to natural airline service environments for up to 6 years. The results showed that ABTi has adequate corrosion resistance for long time commercial airplane structural applications. Special precautions are required for those sandwich structures designed for sound attenuation that utilize perforated skins. ABTi was also shown to have usable creep-rupture strength and to be metallurgically stable at temperatures up to 425 C (800 F)

    Tracking and data acquisition system for the 1990's. Volume 8: TDAS frequency planning

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    Current planning calls for the TDAS to support new user and crosslink services, in addition to TDRSS-compatible services. TDRSS-compatible services would operate in current S-band and K-band channels used by TDRSS. New services, however, can take advantage of technology advances at microwave and optical frequencies. For augmented space-to-space services, 60 GHz and GaAs laser systems offer technical advantages, relative freedom from RFI, and a benign regulatory environment (i.e., minimal congestion and, in the case of 60 GHz, maximum regulatory support for TDAS-type services). For TDAS Earth-to-space and space-to-Earth services, the 30/20 GHz band offers the best mix of technical and regulatory advantages. But use of these bands would have to be coordinated with the U.S. military

    Titanium honeycomb structure

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    A brazed titanium honeycomb sandwich system for supersonic transport wing cover panels provides the most efficient structure spanwise, chordwise, and loadwise. Flutter testing shows that high wing stiffness is most efficient in a sandwich structure. This structure also provides good thermal insulation if liquid fuel is carried in direct contact with the wing structure in integral fuel tanks

    Structural and Compositional Changes in the Upper Atmosphere Related to the PEDE‐2018 Dust Event on Mars as Observed by MAVEN NGIMS

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    The onset of the planet encircling dust event (PEDE‐2018) started around 1 June 2018 as observed by Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter/Mars Color Imager, peaking around 7–10 July and persisting through mid‐October 2018. After the onset of the event, the upper atmosphere underwent significant changes in density and thermal structures. Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution‐Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer (MAVEN NGIMS) had a good opportunity to observe these changes from the first detection in the upper atmosphere and throughout the duration of the PEDE. The compositional changes included increased density at a constant altitude for CO2 and Ar, while the O decreased from the peak throughout the decay of the bulk of the PEDE.Plain Language SummaryFrom June through October 2018 Mars experienced a planet encircling dust event (PEDE‐2018), a fairly rare event last observed in 2007. The dust storm grew from a local event to cover the entire planet and was opaque enough that so little sunlight reached the surface that the solar‐powered opportunity rover ceased operations and all attempts to re‐establish contact with it were unsuccessful. Meanwhile, the orbiter Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) was able to observe changes in the upper atmosphere in the composition as a result of this globally extensive PEDE. MAVEN observed increases in both the CO2 and Ar while also observing an unexpected reduction in the O densities.Key PointsMAVEN/NGIMS observed increased of CO2 and Ar densities observed in the upper atmosphere corresponding to the peak of the dust eventUnexpected decrease in O densities in the upper atmosphere (160–250 km) was simultaneously observedComparisons between model and data results show good agreement with scale height and temperatures, further M‐GITM model revisions needed to capture circulation effectsPeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154472/1/grl59716_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154472/2/grl59716.pd

    First Evidence of Persistent Nighttime Temperature Structures in the Neutral Thermosphere of Mars

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    Using two Mars years of data collected by the Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer on the Mars Atmosphere and Volatiles EvolutioN spacecraft, we reconstruct the local solar time structure of the Martian equatorial thermosphere for the dawn and dusk sectors. The results indicate the presence of several persistent features near the dusk and dawn terminators appearing in the neutral temperature and in the O, Ar, N2, and CO2 densities. The dusk temperature features include a minimum at the terminator surrounded by two local maxima with amplitudes between 20 and 40 K. A nighttime temperature enhancement occurs at a local solar time of 4–5 hr and has an amplitude between 50 and 100 K relative to the surrounding temperatures. The observed enhancements are interpreted to be a result of either nighttime dynamical heating caused by converging and downwelling winds or of a terminator wave originating in the lower atmosphere.Plain Language SummaryNASA’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatiles EvolutioN (MAVEN) spacecraft has been collecting information about the Mars’ upper atmosphere since November 2014. In our study we examined the temperature in the upper atmosphere measured by a gas analyzer on MAVEN that periodically sniffs the air around it. By combining several years of data, we reconstructed a map of atmospheric temperatures dividing it into equatorial daytime, morning, evening, and nighttime regions. The results indicate that local patches of warm atmosphere extend about 300–600 km along the Martian equator (3–6 hr driving distance at highway speeds) on the nightside near morning and evening. One possible reason for these nighttime warm spots is the air currents in the Martian upper atmosphere. As the sun heats the dayside atmosphere, it expands and causes wind currents to blow away from the dayside region. These wind currents can extend away from the equator then return on the nightside colliding in the morning and evening regions. The resulting meeting of wind currents can heat the upper atmosphere. Warmer air escapes from the upper atmosphere faster. Because of this, these nighttime patches of warm air could have contributed to a faster escape of Martian atmospheric gases than previously believed.Key PointsPersistent neutral density and temperature enhancements are observed within 30 min of the dusk terminatorA persistent neutral density enhancement is also observed prior to the dawn terminator at around 4–5 local timeThe neutral density features are observed in all species and appear to be associated with enhancements in neutral temperaturePeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146482/1/grl57932.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146482/2/grl57932_am.pd

    He bulge revealed: He and CO2 diurnal and seasonal variations in the upper atmosphere of Mars as detected by MAVEN NGIMS

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    Analysis of the Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer (NGIMS) on the Mars Atmosphere Volatiles and EvolutioN (MAVEN) spacecraft closed source data from all orbits with good pointing revealed an enhanced Helium [He] density on the nightside orbits and a depressed He density on the dayside by about a factor of 10–20. He was also found to be larger in the polar regions than in the equatorial regions. The northern polar winter nightside He bulge was approximately twice that of the northern polar summer nightside bulge. The first 6 weeks of the MAVEN prime mission had periapsis at high latitudes on the nightside during northern winter, followed by the midlatitudes on the dayside moving to low latitudes on the nightside returning to the high latitudes during northern summer. In this study we examined the NGIMS data not only in the different latitudes but sorted by solar longitude (Ls) in order to separate the diurnal or local solar time (LST) effects from the seasonal effects. The Mars Global Ionosphere‐Thermosphere Model (M‐GITM) has predicted the formation of a He bulge in the upper atmosphere of Mars on the nightside early morning hours (Ls = 2–5 h) with more He collecting around the poles. Taking a slice at constant altitude across all orbits indicates corresponding variations in He and CO2 with respect to LST and Ls and a diurnal and seasonal dependence.Key PointsData using MAVEN NGIMS for 1 Martian year reveal diurnal and seasonal variations in He and CO2 indicating a changing He bulge in upper atmosphereObserved He bulge is found to agree preliminarily with M‐GITM modeling effortsHe bulge found at Mars is similar to those found at Earth and VenusPeer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136361/1/jgra53312_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/136361/2/jgra53312.pd