583 research outputs found

    Deep Luminosity Functions and Colour-Magnitude Relations for Cluster Galaxies at 0.2 < z < 0.6

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    We derive deep II band luminosity functions and colour-magnitude diagrams from HST imaging for eleven 0.2<z<0.60.2<z<0.6 clusters observed at various stages of merging, and a comparison sample of five more relaxed clusters at similar redshifts. The characteristic magnitude M∗M^* evolves passively out to z=0.6z=0.6, while the faint end slope of the luminosity function is α∼−1\alpha \sim -1 at all redshifts. Cluster galaxies must have been completely assembled down to MI∼−18M_I \sim -18 out to z=0.6z=0.6. We observe tight colour-magnitude relations over a luminosity range of up to 8 magnitudes, consistent with the passive evolution of ancient stellar populations. This is found in all clusters, irrespective of their dynamical status (involved in a collision or not, or even within subclusters for the same object) and suggests that environment does not have a strong influence on galaxy properties. A red sequence luminosity function can be followed to the limits of our photometry: we see no evidence of a weakening of the red sequence to z=0.6z=0.6. The blue galaxy fraction rises with redshift, especially at fainter absolute magnitudes. We observe bright blue galaxies in clusters at z>0.4z > 0.4 that are not encountered locally. Surface brightness selection effects preferentially influence the detectability of faint red galaxies, accounting for claims of evolution at the faint end.Comment: 21 pages. A series of figures for individual clusters (the full sample) will be made available on the MNRAS website. Accepted by MNRA

    Morphological evolution in situ: Disk-dominated cluster red sequences at z ~ 1.25

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    We have carried out a joint photometric and structural analysis of red sequence galaxies in four clusters at a mean redshift of z ~ 1.25 using optical and near-IR HST imaging reaching to at least 3 magnitudes fainter than M∗M^*. As expected, the photometry and overall galaxy sizes imply purely passive evolution of stellar populations in red sequence cluster galaxies. However, the morphologies of red sequence cluster galaxies at these redshifts show significant differences to those of local counterparts. Apart from the most massive galaxies, the high redshift red sequence galaxies are significantly diskier than their low redshift analogues. These galaxies also show significant colour gradients, again not present in their low redshift equivalents, most straightforwardly explained by radial age gradients. A clear implication of these findings is that red sequence cluster galaxies originally arrive on the sequence as disk-dominated galaxies whose disks subsequently fade or evolve secularly to end up as high S\'ersic index early-type galaxies (classical S0s or possibly ellipticals) at lower redshift. The apparent lack of growth seen in a comparison of high and low redshift red sequence galaxies implies that any evolution is internal and is unlikely to involve significant mergers. While significant star formation may have ended at high redshift, the cluster red sequence population continues to evolve (morphologically) for several Gyrs thereafter.Comment: Accepted by MNRA

    The K-selected Butcher-Oemler Effect

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    [abridged] We investigate the Butcher-Oemler effect in a sample of K-selected galaxies in 33 clusters at 0.15 < z < 0.92. We attempt to duplicate the original Butcher-Oemler analysis as closely as possible given the characteristics of our data. We find that the infrared selected blue fractions are lower than those measured in the optical and that the trend with redshift is much weaker. Comparison with optical data in clusters in common with Butcher & Oemler (1984) shows that infrared selection is the primary difference between our study and optically selected samples. We suggest that the Butcher-Oemler effect is in large part due to a population of star-forming low mass galaxies which will evolve into dwarf galaxies. These early results point to the need for larger and deeper infrared samples of cluster galaxies to address this issueComment: 37 pages, 19 figures, ApJ accepted (vol 598 n1

    Scaling relations of the colour-detected cluster RzCS 052 at z=1.016 and of some other high redshift clusters

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    We report on the discovery of the z=1.016 cluster RzCS 052 using a modified red sequence method, followup spectroscopy and X-ray imaging. This cluster has a velocity dispersion of 710+-150 km/s, a virial mass of 4.0e14 Msol (based on 21 spectroscopically confirmed members) and an X-ray luminosity of (0.68+- 0.47)e44 ergs/s in the [1-4] keV band. This optically selected cluster appears to be of richness class 3 and to follow the known L_X-sigma_v relation for high redshift X-ray selected clusters. Using these data, we find that the halo occupation number for this cluster is only marginally consistent with what expected assuming a self-similar evolution of cluster scaling relations, suggesting perhaps a break of them at z~1. We also rule out a strong galaxy merging activity between z=1 and today. Finally, we present a Bayesian approach to measuring cluster velocity dispersions and X-ray luminosities in the presence of a background: we critically reanalyze recent claims for X-ray underluminous clusters using these techniques and find that the clusters can be accommodated within the existing L_X -sigma_v relation.Comment: MNRAS, in pres

    Evolution of the UV upturn in cluster galaxies:Abell 1689

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    We have measured the strength of the UV upturn for red sequence galaxies in the Abell~1689 cluster at z=0.18z=0.18, reaching to or below the L∗L^* level and therefore probing the general evolution of the upturn phenomenon. We find that the range of UV upturn strengths in the population as a whole has not declined over the past 2.2 Gyrs. This is consistent with a model where hot horizontal branch stars, produced by a Helium-enriched population, provide the required UV flux. Based on local counterparts, this interpretation of the result implies Helium abundances of at least 1.5 times the primordial value for this HB population, along with high formation and assembly redshifts for the galaxies and at least a subset of their stellar populations.Comment: MNRAS, in pres

    Anthropic pressures on Nature 2000 Sites: recommendations and monitoring criteria for the pollution emergency response activities within the Orbetello lagoon

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    L’elevato valore naturalistico e socioeconomico di un Sito Natura 2000 richiede che tutte le attività antropiche che si svolgono al suo interno (es. pesca, turismo, trasporti, attività industriali, etc.) siano gestite in maniera tale da non pregiudicare le specie e gli habitat per i quali l’area è stata designata. Molti di questi Siti sono ambienti di transizione, ovvero zone che costituiscono il passaggio naturale tra terra e mare. La loro posizione di interfaccia tra questi due ambienti li rende ecosistemi unici e biologicamente molto produttivi, sede di meccanismi di regolazione dei processi interattivi della biosfera nelle due fasi, terrestre e marina. In alcuni Siti la presenza di attività antropiche diffuse e prolungate nel tempo ha portato al riscontro di stati di contaminazione elevata, fino all’inclusione di queste zone, o parti di esse, tra i Siti di bonifica di Interesse Nazionale (SIN). Il presente lavoro descrive le linee di indirizzo e le attività di monitoraggio da attuare per la salvaguardia della salute pubblica e dell’ambiente nel corso degli interventi di messa in sicurezza di emergenza predisposti nell’area lagunare antistante l’area industriale Ex Sitoco, all’interno della perimetrazione del SIN di Orbetello, incluso in un Sito di Importanza Comunitaria. Le matrici ambientali potenzialmente a rischio a causa dell’esecuzione di tali interventi sono: acqua, sedimento, biocenosi acquatiche, avifauna, uomo. È altresì importante valutare gli effetti che le ipotetiche modifiche su microscala, apportate a livello di ogni matrice, potrebbero causare nel lungo periodo su macroscala.The high naturalistic and socio-economic value of Natura 2000 sites requires that all human activities performed within their borders (e.g. fishing, tourism, transports, industrial activities) are regulated. Indeed, the site management should assure the effective safeguard of all species and habitats of European interest included in the protected area. A lot of such sites are located in transitional environments, that are areas characterised by a natural progression from the terrestrial to the water environments. Such environments include unique and very productive habitats, and they represent the regulation mechanisms of the interactive processes of the terrestrial and marine biosphere. In some sites, the presence of human activities that are distributed both in space and time has led to high levels of contamination, that in some cases even required their inclusion in Reclamation Sites of National Interest (SIN). The present study describes the planning and monitoring activities to be performed in order to safeguard human and environment health during the actions of MISE in the lagoonal area in front of the industrial area Ex Sitoco, within the borders of the Orbetello SIN, included in a SCI. The environmental parameters that are potentially at risk due to such activities are: water, sediment, water biocenosis, birds, humans. Furthermore, it is important to evaluate the effects that potential variations at the microscale level may cause at the macroscale level

    Dim galaxies and outer halos of galaxies missed by 2MASS ? The near-infrared luminosity function and density

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    By using high-resolution and deep Ks band observations of early-type galaxies of the nearby Universe and of a cluster at z=0.3 we show that the two luminosity functions (LFs) of the local universe derived from 2MASS data miss a fair fraction of the flux of the galaxies (more than 20 to 30%) and a whole population of galaxies of central brightness fainter than the isophote used for detection, but bright enough to be included in the published LFs. In particular, the fraction of lost flux increases as the galaxy surface brightness become fainter. Therefore, the so far derived LF slopes and characteristic luminosity as well as luminosity density are underestimated. Other published near-infrared LFs miss flux in general, including the LF of the distant field computed in a 3 arcsec aperture.Comment: A&A in pres
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