23,079 research outputs found

    Synthetic considerations in the self-assembly of coordination polymers of pyridine-functionalised hybrid Mn-Anderson polyoxometalates

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    The incorporation of polyoxometalates (POMs) as structural units into ordered porous constructs such as metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) is desirable for a range of applications where intrinsic properties inherited from both the MOF and POM are utilised, including catalysis and magnetic data storage. The controlled self-assembly of targeted MOF topologies containing POM units is hampered by the wide range of oxo and hydroxo units on the peripheries of POMs that can act as coordinating groups towards linking metal cations leading to a diverse range of structures, but incorporation of organic donor units into hybrid POMs offers an alternative methodology to programmably synthesise POM/MOF conjugates. Herein, we report six coordination polymers obtained serendipitously wherein Zn2+ and Cu2+ link pyridine-appended Mn-Anderson clusters into two- and three-dimensional network solids with complex connectivities and topologies. Careful inspection of their solid-state structures has allowed us to identify common structure-directing features across these coordination polymers, including a square motif where two Zn2+ cations bridge two POMs. By correlating certain structural motifs with synthetic conditions we have formulated a series of design considerations for the self-assembly of coordination polymers of hybrid POMs, encompassing the selection of reaction conditions, co-ligands and linking metal cations. We anticipate that these synthetic guidelines will inform the future assembly of hybrid POMs into functional MOF materials

    Short and efficient synthesis of fluorinated δ-lactams

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    The diastereoselective synthesis of fluorinated δ-lactams has been achieved through an efficient five step process. The route can tolerate a range of functionalities, and provides a quick route for the generation of new fluorinated medicinal building blocks

    Encapsulation of a {Cu16} cluster containing four [Cu4O4] cubanes within an isopolyoxometalate {W44} cluster

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    We report a {Cu16} embedded within a {W44} cluster containing four cubane-like [Cu4O4] units within an isopolyoxotungstate (isoPOT) in a {Na4Cu4[(H2W11O38) (CH3COO)(OH)3]}4·88H2O (1) and a polyanion Cu-linked {W11} chain Na6Cu2[(H2W11O38)(CH3COO)(OH)]·26H2O (2). Electronically, the redox properties show that both compounds 1 and 2 undergo irreversible reductions resulting in the demetalation of the compounds, whilst the magnetic behavior of 1 and 2 shows a weak antiferromagnetic and a stronger ferromagnetic coupling, respectively

    Dynamically Induced Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in 3-3-1 Models

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    We show that in SU(3)_C X SU(3)_L X U(1)_N (3-3-1) models embedded with a singlet scalar playing the role of the axion, after imposing scale invariance, dynamical symmetry breaking of Peccei-Quinn symmetry occurs through the one-loop effective potential for the singlet field. We, then, analyze the structure of spontaneous symmetry breaking by studying the new scalar potential for the model, and verify that electroweak symmetry breaking is tightly connected to the 3-3-1 breaking by the strong constraints among their vacuum expectation values. This offers a valuable guide to write down the correct pattern of symmetry breaking for multi-scalar theories. We also obtained that the accompanying massive pseudo-scalar, instead of acquiring mass of order of Peccei-Quinn scale as we would expect, develops a mass at a much lower scale, a consequence solely of the dynamical breaking.Comment: 12 pages, typos corrected, improved text, conclusions unchange

    The eclipsing X-ray pulsar X-7 in M33

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    Using our extensive ROSAT X-ray observations of M33, we confirm a 3.45 day eclipse period for the Einstein source X-7 (Larson & Schulman, 1997) and discover evidence for a 0.31-s pulse period. The orbital period, pulse period and observed X-ray luminosity are remarkably similar to SMC X-1. We therefore suggest M33 X-7 is a neutron star high mass X-ray binary with a 15-40 Msol O/B companion and a binary separation of 25-33 Rsol if the companion is almost filling its Roche lobe.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    Tuning electronic structures via epitaxial strain in Sr2IrO4 thin films

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    We have synthesized epitaxial Sr2IrO4 thin-films on various substrates and studied their electronic structures as a function of lattice-strains. Under tensile (compressive) strains, increased (decreased) Ir-O-Ir bond-angles are expected to result in increased (decreased) electronic bandwidths. However, we have observed that the two optical absorption peaks near 0.5 eV and 1.0 eV are shifted to higher (lower) energies under tensile (compressive) strains, indicating that the electronic-correlation energy is also affected by in-plane lattice-strains. The effective tuning of electronic structures under lattice-modification provides an important insight into the physics driven by the coexisting strong spin-orbit coupling and electronic correlation.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl