715 research outputs found

    An investigation into the effect of thickness of titanium dioxide and gold-silver nanoparticle titanium dioxide composite thin-films on photocatalytic activity and photo-induced oxygen production in a sacrificial system

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    Thin films of titanium dioxide and titanium dioxide with incorporated gold and silver nanoparticles were deposited onto glass microscope slides, steel and titanium foil coupons by two sol–gel dip-coating methods. The film's photocatalytic activity and ability to evolve oxygen in a sacrificial solution were assessed. It was found that photocatalytic activity increased with film thickness (from 50 to 500 nm thick samples) for the photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue in solution and resazurin redox dye in an intelligent ink dye deposited on the surface. Contrastingly, an optimum film thickness of [similar]200 nm for both composite and pure films of titanium dioxide was found for water oxidation, using persulfate (S2O82−) as a sacrificial electron acceptor. The nanoparticle composite films showed significantly higher activity in oxygen evolution studies compared with plain TiO2 films

    An Economic Sociological Look at Economic Anthropology

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    Controller Area Network Based Distributed Control for Autonomous Vehicles

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    The goal of this project was to evaluate the potential of a controller area network (CAN bus) to be used as the communication network for a distributed control system on an autonomous agricultural vehicle. The prototype system utilized microcontroller-driven nodes to act as control points along a CAN bus. Messages were transferred to the steering, transmission, and hitch control nodes via a task computer. The task computer utilized global positioning system data to generate appropriate control commands. Laboratory and field testing demonstrated that each of the control nodes could function simultaneously over the CAN bus. Results showed that the task computer adequately applied a feedback control model to the system and achieved guidance accuracy levels well within the desired range. Testing also demonstrated the system’s ability to complete normal field operations, such as headland turning and implement control

    Family support and cardiac rehabilitation: A comparative study of the experiences of South Asian and White-European patients and their carer's living in the United Kingdom

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    Background: Effective lifestyle modification facilitated by cardiac rehabilitation is known to reduce the occurrence of adverse coronary events and mortality. South Asians have poorer outcomes after a myocardial infarction than the general UK population, but little is known about their experiences of family support, cardiac rehabilitation and lifestyle change. Aims: To explore the nature of family support available to a sample of South Asian and White-European cardiac patients and to highlight similarities and differences between these groups with regard to cardiac rehabilitation and lifestyle modification. Methods: Using a qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews (in 1 of 6 languages) were conducted by researchers with; 45 South Asian patients and 37 carers and 20 White-European patients and 17 carers. Interviews were conducted in a home setting, up to eighteen months after discharge from hospital following myocardial infarction, coronary artery bypass surgery or unstable angina. Results: The main themes that emerged related to the provision of advice and information, family support and burden, dietary change and exercise regimes. Conclusions: Several cultural and ethnic differences were identified between patients and their families alongside similarities, irrespective of ethnicity. These may represent generic characteristics of recovery after a cardiac event. Health professionals should develop a cultural repertoire to engage with diversity and difference. Not every difficulty a person encounters as they try to access appropriate service delivery can be attributed to ethnic background. By improving services generally, support for South Asian populations can be improved. The challenge is to know when ethnicity makes a difference and mediates a person's relationship with service support and when it does not. (C) 2007 European Society of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Phase Evolution and Li Diffusion in LATP Solid-State Electrolyte Synthesized via a Direct Heat-Cycling Method

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    Herein, the direct synthesis of phase-pure lithium aluminum titanium phosphate (Li_{1.3}Al_{0.3}Ti_{1.7}(PO_{4})_{3}, LATP) solid-electrolyte powder in 220 min and relatively low temperatures (850 °C) is achieved via a new (cyclic) fast heat treatment (c-FHT) route. The complex structural evolution highlights rate-limited lithium incorporation of intermediate metal phosphates formed prior to the final phase-pure LATP. The prepared LATP product powder displays similar bulk (2 × 10^{−10} cm^{2} s^{−1}) and local (3 × 10^{−10} cm^{2} s^{−1}) values for lithium diffusion coefficients (D_{Li}) characterized by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and muon spin relaxation (μSR), respectively. The similarity between both D_{Li} values suggests excellent retention of inter- and intraparticle lithium diffusion, which is attributed to the absence of deleterious surface impurities such as AlPO4. A low-energy barrier (E_{a} = 73 meV) of lithium diffusion is also estimated from the μSR data

    Continuous Hydrothermal Synthesis of Metal Germanates (M₂GeO₄; M=Co, Mn, Zn) for High-Capacity Negative Electrodes in Li-Ion Batteries

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    Nanosized metal germanates (M2GeO4; M = Co, Mn, Zn) are synthesized using a continuous hydrothermal flow synthesis process for the first time. The electrochemical properties of all samples as active materials for negative electrodes in Li‐ion half cells are explored. The galvanostatic and potentiodynamic testing is conducted in the potential range of 3.00–0.05 V versus Li/Li+. The results suggest that both alloying and conversion reactions associated with Ge contribute to the stored charge capacity; Zn2GeO4 shows a high specific capacity of 600 mAh g−1 (ten cycles at 0.1 A g−1) due to alloying and conversion reactions for both Ge and Zn. Mn2GeO4 is studied for the first time as a potential negative electrode material in a Li‐ion half cell; an excellent specific charge capacity of 510 mAh g−1 (10 cycles per 0.1 A g−1) is obtained with a significant contribution to charge arising from the conversion reaction of Mn to MnO upon delithiation. In contrast, Co2GeO4 only shows a specific capacity of 240 mAh g−1, after ten cycles at the same current rate, which suggests that cobalt has little or no benefit for enhancing stored charge in germanate

    Rate Response Assessment from Various Granular VRT Applicators

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    Variable-rate technology (VRT) adds complexity to application equipment, thereby confounding the assessment of applicator performance. The intent of this investigation was to assess the rate response of various VRT granular applicators: two spinner spreaders (A and B), and two pneumatic applicators (C and D). Variable-rate (VR) tests were conducted to quantify the rate response characteristics (delay and transition times) for the applicators. A sigmoidal function was used to model the rate response for five of the six tests. Applicator A exhibited a linear response during decreasing rate changes. Results indicated that only applicator B demonstrated consistent delay and transition times, enabling the use of a single “look-ahead” time for rate response time correction. Contouring of prescription maps increased the transition times for applicator D by enlarging the adjustment area between management zones. Rate changes were quicker for the two newer VR control systems, signifying advancement in hydraulic control valve technology. This research illustrates the need for standard testing protocols for VRT systems to help guide VRT software developers, equipment manufacturers, and end users

    Quaternary ferrites by batch and continuous flow hydrothermal synthesis: a comparison

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    Crystalline spinel quaternary ferrites MxZn1−xFe2O4 (M = Co, Ni; x = 0.2, 0.35, 0.5, 0.65, 0.8) were synthesised through conventional batch hydrothermal synthesis (HT) at 135 °C as well as via continuous flow hydrothermal synthesis (CHFS). The as prepared compounds were thoroughly characterised from a compositional (ICP-MS, XPS) and structural (XRD) point of view in order to compare the synthetic approaches and achieve a greater understanding of how the chosen approach influences the characteristics of the resulting spinel

    Epstein-Barr Virus Immediate-Early Protein BRLF1 Induces the Lytic Form of Viral Replication through a Mechanism Involving Phosphatidylinositol-3 Kinase Activation

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    Expression of the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) immediate-early (IE) protein BRLF1 induces the lytic form of viral replication in most EBV-positive cell lines. BRLF1 is a transcriptional activator that binds directly to a GC-rich motif present in some EBV lytic gene promoters. However, BRLF1 activates transcription of the other IE protein, BZLF1, through an indirect mechanism which we previously showed to require activation of the stress mitogen-activated protein kinases. Here we demonstrate that BRLF1 activates phosphatidylinositol-3 (PI3) kinase signaling in host cells. We show that the specific PI3 kinase inhibitor, LY294002, completely abrogates the ability of a BRLF1 adenovirus vector to induce the lytic form of EBV infection, while not affecting lytic infection induced by a BZLF1 adenovirus vector. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the requirement for PI3 kinase activation in BRLF1-induced transcriptional activation is promoter dependent. BRLF1 activation of the SM early promoter (which occurs through a direct binding mechanism) does not require PI3 kinase activation, whereas activation of the IE BZLF1 and early BMRF1 promoters requires PI3 kinase activation. Thus, there are clearly two separate mechanisms by which BRLF1 induces transcriptional activation