415 research outputs found

    Cubulating a free-product-by-cyclic group

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    Let G=H1...HkFrG = H_1 * ... * H_k * F_r be a torsion-free group and ϕ\phi an automorphism of GG that preserves this free factor system. We show that when ϕ\phi is fully irreducible and atoroidal relative to this free factor system, the mapping torus Γ=GϕZ\Gamma = G \rtimes_{\phi} \mathbb{Z} acts relatively geometrically on a hyperbolic CAT(0) cube complex. This is a generalisation of a result of Hagen and Wise for hyperbolic free-by-cyclic groups.Comment: 10 figures, incorporated referee suggestions. Final version, to appear in Alg. Geom. Topo

    Relative hyperbolicity of hyperbolic-by-cyclic groups

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    Let GG be a torsion-free hyperbolic group and α\alpha an automorphism of GG. We show that there exists a canonical collection of subgroups that are polynomially growing under α\alpha, and that the mapping torus of GG by α\alpha is hyperbolic relative to the suspensions of the maximal polynomially growing subgroups under α\alpha.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figur

    Λ\Lambda CDM jerk parameter in symmetric teleparallel cosmology

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    In this paper, we have examined the recently proposed modified symmetric teleparallel gravity, in which gravitational Lagrangian is given by an arbitrary function of non-metricity scalar QQ. We have considered the Λ\LambdaCDM jerk parameter to express the Hubble rate. Moreover, we have used 57 points of Hubble H(z)H\left( z\right) and 1048 points of Pantheon datasets to constraint our model parameters by means of the Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis. The mean values and the best fit obtained give consistent Hubble rate and deceleration parameter compared to the observation values. In order to study the current accelerated expansion scenario of the Universe with the presence of the cosmological fluid as a perfect fluid, we have considered two forms of teleparallel gravity. We have studied the obtained field equations with the proposed forms of f(Q)f(Q) models, specifically, linear f(Q)=αQ+βf\left( Q\right) =\alpha Q+\beta and non-linear f(Q)=Q+mQnf\left( Q\right) =Q+mQ^{n} models. Next, we have discussed the physical behavior of cosmological parameters such as energy density, pressure, EoS parameter, and deceleration parameter for both model. To ensure the validity of our proposed cosmological models, we have checked all energy conditions. The properties of these parameters confirm that our models describe the current acceleration of the expansion of the Universe. This result is also corroborated by the energy conditions criteria. the Finally, the EoS parameter for both models indicates that the cosmological fluid behaves like a quintessence dark energy model.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Circumcaval ureter with synchronous ipsilateral transitional cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis and the urinary bladder: report of a case and review of the literature

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    We report a case of concomitant transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) in a circumcaval ureter and invasive bladder cancer. The diagnosis was based on the findings of excretory urography (IVU) and contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT). IVU showed a typical J-shaped deformity in the dilated right proximal ureteric segment with moderate hydronephrosis and a filling defect in the renal pelvis, while abdominal CT with contrast showed right hydronephrosis with an intrapelvic tumor. The patient underwent radical cystoprostatectomy and nephroureterectomy. No recurrence was detected after 12 months of follow-up.Key Words: Circumcaval, retrocaval, ureter, bladder, transitional cell carcinom

    Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes in Sand Rat (Psammomys obesus) and Production of Collagen in Cultured Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells. Influence of Insulin

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    In this report, we have shown that the standard laboratory diet administered to Psammomys obesus (sand rat) from Beni Abbes in Algeria, induced a non-insulin dependant diabetes, characterised by increase of body weight (p<0.001) as well as hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia and hypercholesterolemia. In cultured aortic smooth muscle cells (SMC) of sand rats, type I and type III collagen biosynthesis and insulin effects, at low dose, on these parameters were investigated. In all experimental conditions of cultured SMC study, The α chains of type I collagen were analysed by immunoblotting in media and cells

    Lateral Torsional Buckling of an Eccentrically Loaded Channel Section Beam

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    Профили металлопроката находят широкое практическое применение в качестве балок. Однако в стандарте Еврокод 3 отсутствуют рекомендации по расчету балок из профилей металлопроката в условиях нагружения с эксцентриситетом, т.е. смещения линии нагружения относительно центра сдвига. Выполнен расчет критических нагрузок для профилей металлопроката в условиях изгиба с эксцентриситетом, а его результаты сравниваются с данными, полученными методом конечных элементов на основании параметрического подхода. Предложен новый метод расчета, хорошо согласующийся с положениями стандарта Еврокод 3.Профілі металопрокату знаходять широке практичне застосування як балки. Проте у стандарті Єврокод 3 відсутні рекомендації щодо розрахунку балок з профілів металопрокату в умовах навантаження з ексцентриситетом, тобто зміщення лінії навантаження відносно центра зсуву. Виконано розрахунок критичних навантажень для профілів металопрокату в умовах їхнього згину з ексцентриситетом, а його результати порівнюються з даними, отриманими методом скінченних елементів на основі параметричного підходу. Запропоновано новий метод розрахунку, який добре узгоджується з положеннями стандарту Єврокод 3

    Assessment of dysarthric speech through rhythm metrics

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    AbstractThis paper reports the results of acoustic investigation based on rhythmic classifications of speech from duration measurements carried out to distinguish dysarthric speech from healthy speech. The Nemours database of American dysarthric speakers is used throughout experiments conducted for this study. The speakers are eleven young adult males with dysarthria caused by cerebral palsy (CP) or head trauma (HT) and one non-dysarthric adult male. Eight different sentences for each speaker were segmented manually to vocalic and intervocalic segmentation (176 sentences). Seventy-four different sentences for each speaker were automatically segmented to voiced and non-voiced intervals (1628 sentences). A two-parameters classification related to rhythm metrics was used to determine the most relevant measures investigated through bi-dimensional representations. Results show the relevance of rhythm metrics to distinguish healthy speech from dysarthrias and to discriminate the levels of dysarthria severity. The majority of parameters was more than 54% successful in classifying speech into its appropriate group (90% for the dysarthric patient classification in the feature space (%V, ΔV)). The results were not significant for voiced and unvoiced intervals relatively to the vocalic and intervocalic intervals (the highest recognition rates were: 62.98 and 90.30% for dysarthric patient and healthy control classification respectively in the feature space (ΔDNV, %DV))


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    The reaction of propargyl bromide and 6-bromo-1,3-dihydro­imidazo[4,5-b]pyridin-2-one in refluxing dimethyl­formamide yields the title compound, C12H8BrN3O, which features nitro­gen-bound propadienyl and propynyl substituents. The imidazolopyridine fused ring is planar (r.m.s. deviation = 0.012 Å); the propadienyl chain is coplanar with the fused ring as it is conjugated with it, whereas the propynyl chain is not as the nitro­gen-bound C atom is a methyl­ene linkage. The acetyl­enic H atom is hydrogen bonded to the carbonyl O atom of an adjacent mol­ecule, forming a helical chain runnning along the b axis

    Whispering gallery mode resonator based ultra-narrow linewidth external cavity semiconductor laser

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    We demonstrate a miniature self-injection locked DFB laser using resonant optical feedback from a high-Q crystalline whispering gallery mode resonator. The linewidth reduction factor is greater than 10,000, with resultant instantaneous linewidth less than 200 Hz. The minimal value of the Allan deviation for the laser frequency stability is 3x10^(-12) at the integration time of 20 us. The laser possesses excellent spectral purity and good long term stability.Comment: To be published in Optics Letter

    Welcome Wagons: A Block Chain based Web Application for Car Booking

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    Blockchain applications are decentralized applications that provides security assurance for any online transactions. Online car reservation system is nowadays popular that makes the travel easier than the traditional methods. Welcome Wagons is a decentralized web application (DApp) for car booking that allows passengers to hail a ride and drivers to charge fares and get paid. This web application is built with an advanced tools such as React js, Next js. Tailwind CSS is used for styling. Firebase, Blockchain web3.0 is used as backend. This new web application provides secure payment based car booking serive