2,462 research outputs found

    Fermi surface topology and vortex state in MgB2

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    Based on a detailed modeling of the Fermi surface topology of MgB2 we calculated the anisotropy of the upper critical field Bc2 within the two gap model. The sigma-band is modeled as a distorted cylinder and the pi-band as a half-torus, with parameters determined from bandstructure calculations. Our results show that the unusual strong temperature dependence of the Bc2 anisotropy, that has been observed recently, can be understood due to the small c-axis dispersion of the cylindrical Fermi surface sheets and the small interband pairing interaction as obtained from bandstructure calculations. We calculate the magnetic field dependence of the density of states within the vortex state for field in c-axis direction and compare with recent measurements of the specific heat on MgB2 single crystals.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figure

    A spectroscopic examination of accretion diagnostics for near solar mass stars in IC 348

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    High-resolution optical and moderate-resolution near-infrared spectra were obtained for 40 near solar mass (~2.0-0.5 M⊙) members of the 2-3 Myr old cluster IC 348 in order to examine established accretion diagnostics and the coupling between inner disk gas and hot, micron-sized dust grains inferred from thermal and mid-infrared excesses. The stellar sample was drawn from the cluster census of Luhman in 2003 with membership being confirmed by radial velocity analysis and the presence of strong Li I λ6708 absorption. Of the stars included in this survey, 12 were classified by Lada in 2006 as hosting primordial, optically thick circumstellar disks, 5 as weak or transition disk systems, and 23 as non-excess stars using the measured slope of the stellar spectral energy distribution (SED) through the four Infrared Array Camera channels (3.6-8.0 μm) of Spitzer Space Telescope. Using the velocity width of Hα as an accretion indicator, we find that 11 primordial disk candidates are suspected accretors, suggesting a strong correlation between gaseous inner disks and optically thick dust emission. Of the five weak or transition disk systems observed, two (L21 and L67) exhibit spectroscopic features indicative of accretion. The presence of gas within the inner disk of these systems, which are free of infrared excess emission shortward of ~4.5 μm, may place constraints upon the physical mechanism responsible for inner disk clearing. Mass accretion rates (M) were determined for all suspected accretors using continuum excess measurements near λ6500 and established relationships between He I λ5876, Hα, Ca II λ8542, Paβ, and Brγ line fluxes and accretion luminosity. M values were found to range from log M to –7.2 M⊙ yr^–1, with a median value of –8.1 M⊙ yr^–1. Magnetospheric accretion models of Hα, Paβ, and Brγ emission by Muzerolle et al. and Kurosawa et al. are found to be in relative agreement with observed fluxes and derived M estimates. He I λ10830 with its metastable lower level is confirmed to be a critical indicator of magnetospheric accretion, although deep subcontinuum absorption profiles often associated with its emission are not fully understood. No statistically significant correlation is found between M and the slope of the SED from 3.6 to 8.0 μm or from 8.0 to 24.0 μm; however, the small number of suspected accretors examined does not allow broader conclusions to be drawn

    Transfer-matrix approach to multiband Josephson junctions

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    We study the influence of multiple bands on the properties of Josephson junctions. In particular we focus on the two gap superconductor magnesium diboride. We present a formalism to describe tunneling at a point contact between two MgB2 electrodes generalizing the transfer-matrix approach to multiple bands. A simple model is presented to determine the effective hopping amplitudes between the different energy bands as a function of the misorientation angle of the electrodes. We calculate the critical current and the current-voltage characteristics for N-I-S and S-I-S contacts with different orientation for junctions with both high and low transparency. We find that interband tunneling processes become increasingly important with increasing misorientation angle. This is reflected in certain features in the differential tunneling conductance in both the tunneling limit as well as for multiple Andreev reflections.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Spitzer spectroscopy of circumstellar disks in the 5 Myr old upper Scorpius OB association

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    We present mid-infrared spectra between 5.2 and 38 μm for 26 disk-bearing members of the ~5 Myr old Upper Scorpius OB association obtained with the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) onboard the Spitzer Space Telescope. We find clear evidence for changes in the spectral characteristics of dust emission between the early-type (B+A) and late-type (K+M) infrared excess stars. The early-type members exhibit featureless continuum excesses that become apparent redward of ~8 μm. In contrast, 10 and 20 μm silicate features or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emission are present in all but one of the late-type excess members of Upper Scorpius. The strength of silicate emission among late-type Upper Scorpius members is spectral-type dependent, with the most prominent features being associated with K5-M2-type stars. By fitting the spectral energy distributions (SED) of a representative sample of low-mass stars with accretion disk models, we find that the SEDs are consistent with models having inner disk radii ranging from ~0.2 to 1.2 AU. Complementary high-resolution (R ~ 33,000) optical (λλ4800-9200) spectra for the Upper Scorpius excess stars were examined for signatures of gaseous accretion. Of the 35 infrared excess stars identified in Upper Scorpius, only seven (all late-type) exhibit definitive signatures of accretion. Mass-accretion rates (M) for these stars were estimated to range from 10^–11 to 10^–8.9 M⊙ yr^–1. Compared to Class II sources in Taurus-Auriga, the disk population in Upper Scorpius exhibits reduced levels of near- and mid-infrared excess emission and an order of magnitude lower mass-accretion rates. These results suggest that the disk structure has changed significantly over the 2-4 Myr in age separating these two stellar populations. The ubiquity of depleted inner disks in the Upper Scorpius excess sample implies that such disks are a common evolutionary pathway that persists for some time

    An Optical Survey of the Partially Embedded Young Cluster in NGC 7129

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    NGC 7129 is a bright reflection nebula located in the molecular cloud complex near l=105.4, b=+9.9, about 1.15 kpc distant. Embedded within the reflection nebula is a young cluster dominated by a compact grouping of four early-type stars: BD+65 1638 (B3V), BD+65 1637 (B3e), SVS 13 (B5e), and LkH-alpha 234 (B8e). About 80 H-alpha emission sources brighter than V~23 are identified in the region, many of which are presumably T Tauri star members of the cluster. We also present deep (V~23), optical (VRI) photometry of a field centered on the reflection nebula and spectral types for more than 130 sources determined from low dispersion, optical spectroscopy. The narrow pre-main sequence evident in the color-magnitude diagram suggests that star formation was rapid and coeval. A median age of about 1.8 Myr is inferred for the H-alpha and literature-identified X-ray emission sources having established spectral types, using pre-main sequence evolutionary models. Our interpretation of the structure of the molecular cloud and the distribution of young stellar objects is that BD+65 1638 is primarily responsible for evacuating the blister-like cavity within the molecular cloud. LkH-alpha 234 and several embedded sources evident in near infrared adaptive optics imaging have formed recently within the ridge of compressed molecular gas. The compact cluster of low-mass stars formed concurrently with the early-type members, concentrated within a central radius of ~0.7 pc. Star formation is simultaneously occurring in a semi-circular arc some ~3 pc in radius that outlines remaining dense regions of molecular gas. High dispersion, optical spectra are presented for BD+65 1638, BD+65 1637, SVS 13, LkH-alpha 234, and V350 Cep. These spectra are discussed in the context of the circumstellar environments inferred for these stars.Comment: 45 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Effect of a Normal-State Pseudogap on Optical Conductivity in Underdoped Cuprate Superconductors

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    We calculate the c-axis infrared conductivity σc(ω)\sigma_c(\omega) in underdoped cuprate superconductors for spinfluctuation exchange scattering within the CuO2_2-planes including a phenomenological d-wave pseudogap of amplitude EgE_g. For temperatures decreasing below a temperature T∗∼Eg/2T^* \sim E_g/2, a gap for ω<2Eg\omega < 2E_g develops in σc(ω)\sigma_c(\omega) in the incoherent (diffuse) transmission limit. The resistivity shows 'semiconducting' behavior, i.e. it increases for low temperatures above the constant behavior for Eg=0E_g=0. We find that the pseudogap structure in the in-plane optical conductivity is about twice as big as in the interplane conductivity σc(ω)\sigma_c(\omega), in qualitative agreement with experiment. This is a consequence of the fact that the spinfluctuation exchange interaction is suppressed at low frequencies as a result of the opening of the pseudogap. While the c-axis conductivity in the underdoped regime is described best by incoherent transmission, in the overdoped regime coherent conductance gives a better description.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev. B (November 1, 1999

    Spectrum of low energy excitations in the vortex state: comparison of Doppler shift method to quasiclassical approach

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    We present a detailed comparison of numerical solutions of the quasiclassical Eilenberger equations with several approximation schemes for the density of states of s- and d-wave superconductors in the vortex state, which have been used recently. In particular, we critically examine the use of the Doppler shift method, which has been claimed to give good results for d-wave superconductors. Studying the single vortex case we show that there are important contributions coming from core states, which extend far from the vortex cores into the nodal directions and are not present in the Doppler shift method, but significantly affect the density of states at low energies. This leads to sizeable corrections to Volovik's law, which we expect to be sensitive to impurity scattering. For a vortex lattice we also show comparisons with the method due to Brandt, Pesch, and Tewordt and an approximate analytical method, generalizing a method due to Pesch. These are high field approximations strictly valid close to the upper critical field Bc2. At low energies the approximate analytical method turns out to give impressively good results over a broad field range and we recommend the use of this method for studies of the vortex state at not too low magnetic fields.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures; revised version, error in Fig. 6b remove

    The role of local facilities in fostering social interaction in suburban housing developments in England

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    Mixed-use development, in the form of local facilities, has been promoted by the UK government in new housing developments as an urban form which provides opportunities for people to interact which in turn is seen as a prerequisite for ‘building new communities’. There is a lack of empirical evidence testing the claimed relationship between the provision of local facilities, their use and social interaction levels at them. Therefore, the aim of this research is to determine whether these claimed relationships exist and to what extent local facilities are used as service providers and to what extent they constitute places of frequent social interaction. In order to investigate the different factors affecting local facility use and social interaction at those facilities, the factors were grouped into those relating to the facilities themselves (including micro-scale, urban design features), the area the facilities are located in and the profile of the users. The methodology adopted in this research is primarily quantitative, using a survey questionnaire and structured observations to collect the data and the nature and extent of relationships were investigated through statistical analysis and behaviour mapping techniques. The findings show that a number of factors positively influence frequent use and frequent social interaction at local facilities. With regard to the role of local facilities as service providers, the findings highlight the importance of providing adequate and accessible local facilities for different groups of residents, but also highlight that perceived homogeneity and social ties between residents in the wider area influence whether local facilities are used. The findings also support the assertions that local facilities can make a contribution towards the building of communities through constituting places of frequent social interaction. However, this only extends to certain facility types and certain residents, questioning the government’s implied assertion that communities can be built as long as any mix of facilities is supplied in any type of neighbourhood. Furthermore, perceived homogeneity in the area the users lived in was found to influence the frequency of social interaction at local facilities. This has wider policy implications regarding the role local facilities can play in reducing social segregation
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