7,721 research outputs found

    Quasiconformality and mass

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    We identify universal quasiconformal (walking) behaviour in non-Abelian gauge field theories based on the mass-dependent all-order beta-function introduced in arXiv:0908.1364. We find different types of walking behaviour in the presence of (partially) massive species. We employ our findings to the construction of candidate theories for dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking by walking technicolour.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures

    Magnification relations in gravitational lensing via multidimensional residue integrals

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    We investigate the so-called magnification relations of gravitational lensing models. We show that multidimensional residue integrals provide a simple explanation for the existence of these relations, and an effective method of computation. We illustrate the method with several examples, thereby deriving new magnification relations for galaxy lens models and microlensing (point mass lensing).Comment: 16 pages, uses revtex4, submitted to Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Gravitational Lenses With More Than Four Images: I. Classification of Caustics

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    We study the problem of gravitational lensing by an isothermal elliptical density galaxy in the presence of a tidal perturbation. When the perturbation is fairly strong and oriented near the galaxy's minor axis, the lens can produce image configurations with six or even eight highly magnified images lying approximately on a circle. We classify the caustic structures in the model and identify the range of models that can produce such lenses. Sextuple and octuple lenses are likely to be rare because they require special lens configurations, but a full calculation of the likelihood will have to include both the existence of lenses with multiple lens galaxies and the strong magnification bias that affects sextuple and octuple lenses. At optical wavelengths these lenses would probably appear as partial or complete Einstein rings, but at radio wavelengths the individual images could probably be resolved.Comment: 30 pages, including 12 postscript figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    The Post-Newtonian Limit of f(R)-gravity in the Harmonic Gauge

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    A general analytic procedure is developed for the post-Newtonian limit of f(R)f(R)-gravity with metric approach in the Jordan frame by using the harmonic gauge condition. In a pure perturbative framework and by using the Green function method a general scheme of solutions up to (v/c)4(v/c)^4 order is shown. Considering the Taylor expansion of a generic function ff it is possible to parameterize the solutions by derivatives of ff. At Newtonian order, (v/c)2(v/c)^2, all more important topics about the Gauss and Birkhoff theorem are discussed. The corrections to "standard" gravitational potential (tttt-component of metric tensor) generated by an extended uniform mass ball-like source are calculated up to (v/c)4(v/c)^4 order. The corrections, Yukawa and oscillating-like, are found inside and outside the mass distribution. At last when the limit f→Rf\rightarrow R is considered the f(R)f(R)-gravity converges in General Relativity at level of Lagrangian, field equations and their solutions.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Exotic Statistics for Ordinary Particles in Quantum Gravity

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    Objects exhibiting statistics other than the familiar Bose and Fermi ones are natural in theories with topologically nontrivial objects including geons, strings, and black holes. It is argued here from several viewpoints that the statistics of ordinary particles with which we are already familiar are likely to be modified due to quantum gravity effects. In particular, such modifications are argued to be present in loop quantum gravity and in any theory which represents spacetime in a fundamentally piecewise-linear fashion. The appearance of unusual statistics may be a generic feature (such as the deformed position-momentum uncertainty relations and the appearance of a fundamental length scale) which are to be expected in any theory of quantum gravity, and which could be testable.Comment: Awarded an honourable mention in the 2008 Gravity Research Foundation Essay Competitio

    Acupuncture randomized trials (ART) in patients with chronic low back pain and osteoarthritis of the knee - Design and protocols

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    Background: We report on the study design and protocols of two randomized controlled trials (Acupuncture Randomized Trials = ART) that investigate the efficacy of acupuncture in the treatment of chronic low back pain and osteoarthritis of the knee, respectively. Objective: To investigate whether acupuncture is more efficacious than (a) no treatment or (b) minimal acupuncture in the treatment of low back pain and osteoarthritis. Design: Two randomized, controlled, multicenter trials with three treatment arms and a total follow-up time of 52 weeks. Setting: 30 practitioners and outpatient units in Germany specialized in acupuncture treatment. Patients: 300 patients will be included in each study. In the low back pain trial, patients will be included according to clinical diagnosis. In the osteoarthritis pain trial, patients will be included according to the American College of Rheumatology criteria. Interventions: Patients are randomly assigned to receive either (1) semi-standardized acupuncture (150 patients), (2) minimal acupuncture at non-acupuncture points (75 patients), or (3) no treatment for two months followed by semi-standardized acupuncture (75 patients, waiting list control). Acupuncture treatment consists of 12 sessions per patient over a period of 8 weeks. Main Outcome Measure: The main outcome measure is the difference between baseline and the end of the 8-week treatment period in the following parameters: pain intensity as measured by a visual analogue scale (VAS; 0-100 mm) in the low back pain trial and by the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Score (WOMAC) in the osteoarthritis trial. Outlook: The results of these two studies (available in 2004) will provide health care providers and policy makers with the information needed to make scientifically sound assessments of acupuncture therapy

    Monte Carlo simulations of the screening potential of the Yukawa one-component plasma

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    A Monte Carlo scheme to sample the screening potential H(r) of Yukawa plasmas notably at short distances is presented. This scheme is based on an importance sampling technique. Comparisons with former results for the Coulombic one-component plasma are given. Our Monte Carlo simulations yield an accurate estimate of H(r) as well for short range and long range interparticle distances.Comment: to be published in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Genera

    Towards quantitative prediction of proteasomal digestion patterns of proteins

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    We discuss the problem of proteasomal degradation of proteins. Though proteasomes are important for all aspects of the cellular metabolism, some details of the physical mechanism of the process remain unknown. We introduce a stochastic model of the proteasomal degradation of proteins, which accounts for the protein translocation and the topology of the positioning of cleavage centers of a proteasome from first principles. For this model we develop the mathematical description based on a master-equation and techniques for reconstruction of the cleavage specificity inherent to proteins and the proteasomal translocation rates, which are a property of the proteasome specie, from mass spectroscopy data on digestion patterns. With these properties determined, one can quantitatively predict digestion patterns for new experimental set-ups. Additionally we design an experimental set-up for a synthetic polypeptide with a periodic sequence of amino acids, which enables especially reliable determination of translocation rates.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, submitted to J. Stat. Mech. (Special issue for proceedings of 5th Intl. Conf. on Unsolved Problems on Noise and Fluctuations in Physics, Biology & High Technology, Lyon (France), June 2-6, 2008

    The Heat Kernel Expansion on a Cone and Quantum Fields Near Cosmic Strings

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    An asymptotic expansion of the trace of the heat kernel on a cone where the heat coefficients have a delta function behavior at the apex is obtained. It is used to derive the renormalized effective action and total energy of a self-interacting quantum scalar field on the cosmic string space-time. Analogy is pointed out with quantum theory with boundaries. The surface infinities in the effective action are shown to appear and are removed by renormalization of the string tension. Besides, the total renormalized energy turns out to be finite due to cancelation of the known non-integrable divergence in the energy density of the field with a counterterm in the bare string tension.Comment: 20 pages, JINR preprint August, 1993, E2-93-291, LATEX fil
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