5,709 research outputs found

    Mkn 1239: A highly polarized NLS1 with a steep X-ray spectrum and strong NeIX emission

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    We report the results of an XMM-Newton observation of the Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxy Mkn 1239. This optically highly polarized AGN has one of the steepest X-ray spectra found in AGN with alpha-X = +3.0 based on ROSAT PSPC data. The XMM-Newton EPIC PN and MOS data confirm this steep X-ray spectrum. The PN data are best-fit by a powerlaw with a partial covering absorption model suggesting two light paths between the continuum source and the observer, one indirect scattered one which is less absorbed and a highly absorbed direct light path. This result agrees with the wavelength dependent degree of polarization in the optical/UV band. Residuals in the X-ray spectra of all three XMM-Newton EPIC detectors around 0.9 keV suggest the presence of an emission line feature, most likely the Ne IX triplet. The detection of NeIX and the non-detection of OVII/OVIII suggest a super-solar Ne/O ratio.Comment: Submitted to Aj, 11 pages, 8 figue

    A Survey of Metal Lines at High-redshift (I) : SDSS Absorption Line Studies - The Methodology and First Search Results for OVI

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    We report the results of a systematic search for signatures of metal lines in quasar spectra of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 3(DR3), focusing on finding intervening absorbers via detection of their OVI doublet. Here we present the search algorithm, and criteria for distinguishing candidates from spurious Lyman α\alpha{} forest lines. In addition, we compare our findings with simulations of the Lyman α\alpha{} forest in order to estimate the detectability of OVI doublets over various redshift intervals. We have obtained a sample of 1756 OVI doublet candidates with rest-frame equivalent width > 0.05 \AA{} in 855 AGN spectra (out of 3702 objects with redshifts in the accessible range for OVI detection). This sample is further subdivided into 3 groups according to the likelihood of being real and the potential for follow-up observation of the candidate. The group with the cleanest and most secure candidates is comprised of 145 candidates. 69 of these reside at a velocity separation > 5000 km/s from the QSO, and can therefore be classified tentatively as intervening absorbers. Most of these absorbers have not been picked up by earlier, automated QSO absorption line detection algorithms. This sample increases the number of known OVI absorbers at redshifts beyond z$_{abs} > 2.7 substantially.Comment: 41 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, accepted by AJ. This is a substantially altered version, including an appendix with details on the validity of the search algorithm on one pixel rather than binning. Also note that M. Pieri was added as autho

    Manufacture of fiber-epoxy test specimens: Including associated jigs and instrumentation

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    Experimental work on the manufacture and strength of graphite-epoxy composites is considered. The correct data and thus a true assessment of the strength properties based on a proper and scientifically modeled test specimen with engineered design, construction, and manufacture has led to claims of a very broad spread in optimized values. Such behavior is in the main due to inadequate control during manufacture of test specimen, improper curing, and uneven scatter in the fiber orientation. The graphite fibers are strong but brittle. Even with various epoxy matrices and volume fraction, the fracture toughness is still relatively low. Graphite-epoxy prepreg tape was investigated as a sandwich construction with intermittent interlaminar bonding between the laminates in order to produce high strength, high fracture toughness composites. The quality and control of manufacture of the multilaminate test specimen blanks was emphasized. The dimensions, orientation and cure must be meticulous in order to produce the desired mix

    The information paradox: A pedagogical introduction

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    The black hole information paradox is a very poorly understood problem. It is often believed that Hawking's argument is not precisely formulated, and a more careful accounting of naturally occurring quantum corrections will allow the radiation process to become unitary. We show that such is not the case, by proving that small corrections to the leading order Hawking computation cannot remove the entanglement between the radiation and the hole. We formulate Hawking's argument as a `theorem': assuming `traditional' physics at the horizon and usual assumptions of locality we will be forced into mixed states or remnants. We also argue that one cannot explain away the problem by invoking AdS/CFT duality. We conclude with recent results on the quantum physics of black holes which show the the interior of black holes have a `fuzzball' structure. This nontrivial structure of microstates resolves the information paradox, and gives a qualitative picture of how classical intuition can break down in black hole physics.Comment: 38 pages, 7 figures, Latex (Expanded form of lectures given at CERN for the RTN Winter School, Feb 09), typo correcte

    Extracting surface rotation periods of solar-like Kepler targets

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    We use various method to extract surface rotation periods of Kepler targets exhibiting solar-like oscillations and compare their results.Comment: Proceedings of the CoRoT3-KASC7 Conference. 2 pages, 1 figur

    SU(N) Coherent States

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    We generalize Schwinger boson representation of SU(2) algebra to SU(N) and define coherent states of SU(N) using 2(2N−1−1)2(2^{N-1}-1) bosonic harmonic oscillator creation and annihilation operators. We give an explicit construction of all (N-1) Casimirs of SU(N) in terms of these creation and annihilation operators. The SU(N) coherent states belonging to any irreducible representations of SU(N) are labelled by the eigenvalues of the Casimir operators and are characterized by (N-1) complex orthonormal vectors describing the SU(N) manifold. The coherent states provide a resolution of identity, satisfy the continuity property, and possess a variety of group theoretic properties.Comment: 25 pages, LaTex, no figure

    Dark Matter from Early Decays

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    Two leading dark matter candidates from supersymmetry and other theories of physics beyond the standard model are WIMPs and weak scale gravitinos. If the lightest stable particle is a gravitino, then a WIMP will decay into it with a natural lifetime of order a month ~ M_{pl}^2/M_{weak}^3. We show that if the bulk of dark matter today came from decays of neutral particles with lifetimes of order a year or smaller, then it could lead to a reduction in the amount of small scale substructure, less concentrated halos and constant density cores in the smallest mass halos. Such beneficial effects may therefore be realized naturally, as discussed by Cembranos, Feng, Rajaraman, and Takayama, in the case of supersymmetry.Comment: Matches version accepted for publication in PRD. Added a paragraph to Sec V. 9 pages, 3 figure

    Spherically symmetric trapping horizons, the Misner-Sharp mass and black hole evaporation

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    Understood in terms of pure states evolving into mixed states, the possibility of information loss in black holes is closely related to the global causal structure of spacetime, as is the existence of event horizons. However, black holes need not be defined by event horizons, and in fact we argue that in order to have a fully unitary evolution for black holes, they should be defined in terms of something else, such as a trapping horizon. The Misner-Sharp mass in spherical symmetry shows very simply how trapping horizons can give rise to black hole thermodynamics, Hawking radiation and singularities. We show how the Misner-Sharp mass can also be used to give insights into the process of collapse and evaporation of locally defined black holes.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure
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