18 research outputs found

    Biodegradation of Some Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by a Bacterial Consortium Isolated from the Red Sea of Jeddah

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are considered organic pollutants, which are stable, highly toxic, and carcinogenic. Therefore, it was necessary to find an environmentally friendly way to degrade these compounds and remove them from polluted environments. Water samples polluted with petroleum hydrocarbons were collected from the coast of Jeddah on the Red Sea - Saudi Arabia. The results of the current study showed the ability of bacterial consortium that was enriched from the coast of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia to degrade petroleum hydrocarbons wastewater, which proved its ability to degrade PAHs in saline conditions. The bacterial union degraded BENZ compound by more than 95% at the concentration of 100 and 250 mg/L, while the degradation of this compound at the concentration of 1000 mg/L was recorded about 83% while the ANT degradation rate was recorded at more than 90% at different concentrations. In addition, this study revealed the ability of bacterial consortium to treat petroleum hydrocarbons wastewater in bioreactor (CSTR) with 92.7% of COD removed under saline conditions. Hence, this study recommends the investment of bacterial consortium in the treatment of petroleum hydrocarbons wastewater in marine environments and to remove pollutants from them

    Evaluation of Treatment-Related Mortality Among Paediatric Cancer Deaths: a population based analysis.

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    BACKGROUND: Objectives were to describe the proportion of deaths due to treatment-related mortality (TRM) and to identify risk factors and probable causes of TRM among paediatric cancer deaths in a population-based cohort. METHODS: We included children with cancer ⩽18 years diagnosed and treated in Ontario who died between January 2003 and December 2012. Deaths were identified using a provincial registry, the Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario Networked Information System. Probable causes of TRM were described. RESULTS: Among the 964 deaths identified, 821 were included. The median age at diagnosis was 6.6 years (range 0-18.8) and 51.8% had at least one relapse. Of the deaths examined, TRM occurred in 217/821 (26.4%) while 604/821 (73.6%) were due to progressive cancer. Deaths from TRM did not change over time. Using multiple regression, younger age, leukaemia diagnosis and absence of relapse were independently positively associated with TRM. The most common probable causes of TRM were respiratory, infection and haemorrhage. CONCLUSIONS: TRM was responsible for 26.4% of deaths in paediatric cancer. Underlying diagnosis, younger age and absence of relapse were associated with TRM and causes of TRM differed by diagnosis group. Future work should evaluate TRM rate and risk factors among newly diagnosed cancer patients

    Saudi SCD patients’ symptoms and quality of life relative to the number of ED visits

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    Background Individuals living with sickle cell disease (SCD) have significantly increased emergency department (ED) use compared to the general population. In Saudi Arabia, health care is free for all individuals and therefore has no bearing on increased ED visits. However, little is known about the relationship between quality of life (QoL) and frequency of acute care utilization in this patient population. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted on 366 patients with SCD who attended the outpatient department at King Fahad Hospital, Hofuf, Saudi Arabia. Data were collected through self-administered surveys, which included: demographics, SCD-related ED visits, clinical issues, and QoL levels. We assessed the ED use by asking for the number of SCD-related ED visits within a 6-month period. Results The self-report survey of ED visits was completed by 308 SCD patients. The median number of SCD-related ED visits within a 6-month time period (IQR) was four (2-7 visits). According to the unadjusted negative binomial model, the rate of SCD-related ED visits increased by (46, 39.3, 40, and 53.5 %) for patients with fever, skin redness with itching, swelling, and blood transfusion, respectively. Poor QoL tends to increase the rate of SCD-related ED visits. Well education and poor general health positively influenced the rate of SCD-related ED visits. Well education tends to increase the rate of SCD-related ED visits by 50.2 %. The rate of SCD-related ED visits decreased by 1.4 % for every point increase in general health. Conclusion Saudi patients with sickle cell disease reported a wide range of SCD-related ED visits. It was estimated that six of 10 SCD patients had at least three ED visits within a 6-month period. Well education and poor general health resulted in an increase in the rate of SCD-related ED visits

    Performance of Digital Algorithms for n/&#947 Pulse Shape Discrimination Using a Liquid Scintillation Detector

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    We have investigated the use of digital data acquisition techniques to analyze the performance of pulse shape discrimination from a liquid scintillation detector in mixed neutron/gamma radiation fields. Three digital pulse shape discrimination methods were explored, applied to pulses digitized from a liquid scintillator using a high-speed waveform digitizer. The various features of these digital discrimination techniques are discussed and quality of the resulting n/gamma pulse shape discrimination is compared. The digital approach is useful with regard to developing a compact neutron monitor that is capable of fast neutron spectroscopy in the presence of strong mixed n/gamma radiation fields.</p

    Digital signal processing to simulate heart beats as a medical education tools

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    ABSTRACT We explore new methods for medical education using digital signal processing to simulate heart beats and compare normal and abnormal heart pulses. In this work the healthy heart is replaced by a fixed heart-like pulse generator as an AD/DA converter. A visual basic code with friendly interface is written for this purpose. Additionally, abnormal heart beat corresponding to different heart disease were simulated using a waveform generator that allowed production of variable signals we stored in its library. Both of the normal and abnormal heart pulses were displayed using PC oscilloscope. Medical students are allowed to select the heart beats from a drop menu for diseases and compare the characteristics e.g. time intervals, pulse amplitudes and pulse shape deformation with the already displayed healthy heart beats. We believe our teaching methodology enhances the way knowledge are introduced to students in order to meet their educational preferences

    Biodegradation of Some Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by a Bacterial Consortium Isolated from the Red Sea of Jeddah

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are considered organic pollutants, which are stable, highly toxic, and carcinogenic. Therefore, it was necessary to find an environmentally friendly way to degrade these compounds and remove them from polluted environments. Water samples polluted with petroleum hydrocarbons were collected from the coast of Jeddah on the Red Sea - Saudi Arabia. The results of the current study showed the ability of bacterial consortium that was enriched from the coast of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia to degrade petroleum hydrocarbons wastewater, which proved its ability to degrade PAHs in saline conditions. The bacterial union degraded BENZ compound by more than 95% at the concentration of 100 and 250 mg/L, while the degradation of this compound at the concentration of 1000 mg/L was recorded about 83% while the ANT degradation rate was recorded at more than 90% at different concentrations. In addition, this study revealed the ability of bacterial consortium to treat petroleum hydrocarbons wastewater in bioreactor (CSTR) with 92.7% of COD removed under saline conditions. Hence, this study recommends the investment of bacterial consortium in the treatment of petroleum hydrocarbons wastewater in marine environments and to remove pollutants from them


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    BACKGROUND: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a worldwide health alarm that is rising for the most part of the world as the result of increasing incidences of diabetes, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, the aim of this pilot study was to provide data about risk factors for CKD in Hail region, KSA to plan for a comprehensive survey in the area.METHODS: A survey was performed, employing household visits, covered 300 individuals, selected from two areas in Hail region to fulfill the planned sample for this pilot setting. A questionnaire was used to obtained information about CKD risk factors. Results: High percentages of risk factors were indicated in a family history (FH) of DM representing 72%, followed by family history of hypertension, recurrent urinary tract infection, DM, family history of renal disease, hypertension, and analgesic abuse, constituting 65%, 59%, 26%,26%, 25%, and 22%, respectively. Conclusion: This study shows increased risk factors for CKD in Hail area. There is an urgent need for more detailed measurement for these risk factors through a comprehensive survey to evaluate individuals with risk factors, to enable earlier detection, and risk factor reduction through rising of awareness. CONTEXT: Insuficiența renală cronică (IRC) constituie&nbsp; o alarmă de sănătate la nivel mondial, care este &icirc;n creștere, &icirc;n cea mai mare parte a lumii, ca rezultat al incidenţei crescute a cazurilor de diabet zaharat, hipertensiune arterială și alte boli cardiovasculare. Prin urmare, scopul acestui studiu pilot a fost de a furniza date cu privire la factorii de risc pentru IRC din regiunea Hail, Regatul Arabiei Saudite, pentru&nbsp; planificarea unui studiu cuprinzător &icirc;n zona.METODE: Studiul a fost efectuat folosind vizitele &icirc;n gospodării, acoperind 300 de persoane selectate din două zone din regiunea Hail, pentru a completa eşantionul planificat pentru această testare pilot. A fost utilizat un chestionar pentru obținerea de informații cu privire la factorii de risc ai IRC.REZULTATE: Un procent ridicat de factori de risc au fost identificaţi &icirc;ntr-un istoric familial (IF) de DZ, reprezent&acirc;nd 72%, urmat de antecedente familiale de hipertensiune arterială, infecții recurente ale tractului urinar, DZ, antecedente familiale de boli renale, hipertensiune arterială, și abuz de analgezice, constituind 65 %,&nbsp; 59%,&nbsp; 26%, 2 6%,&nbsp; 25%, și respectiv 22%.CONCLUZIE: Acest studiu identifică factorii de risc crescut pentru IRC &icirc;n zona Hail. Este o nevoie urgentă de măsurare mai detaliată a acestor factori de risc printr-un studiu cuprinzător pentru a evalua persoanele cu factori de risc, pentru a permite depistarea din timp, și reducerea factorilor de risc, prin creșterea gradului de conștientizare.&nbsp;Cuvinte cheie: boala cronică de rinichi, hipertensiune arterială, diabet zaharat, Hail

    Impacts of Dietary Selenium Nanoparticles from <i>Spirulina platensis</i> on Growth Performance, Physio-Biochemical Components and Alleviating Effect against Cadmium Toxicity in Pacific White Shrimp <i>Litopenaeus vannamei</i>

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    Shrimp culture is quite important and popular across the world. This study aimed to evaluate the growth-promoting potential of synthesized selenium nanoparticles from Spirulina platensis extract (SP-SeNPs) as a food source for Pacific whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). However, pollution is considered a significant element affecting shrimp health and development. The effectiveness of SP-SeNPs in alleviating the negative effects of cadmium toxicity was also evaluated. Firstly, the shrimps (about 120 individuals with 6.0 ± 0.12 g of initial weight) were divided randomly into four groups in triplicates (30 shrimps/ treatment). The control group (SP-SeNPs—0 mg/kg diet) and three treatments were fed dietary SP-SeNPs (0.250, 0.50, and 1.0 mg/kg diet) for 56 days. Growth performance, digestive enzymes activities (protease, amylase, and lipase), and other biochemical components (total protein, lipid, amino acids, and carbohydrate) were evaluated. After 56 days of growth, another 150 adult shrimps were used under laboratory conditions to determine median lethal concentration of cadmium (96 h LC50), and 30 individuals were treated with cadmium (1/2 of LC50, 0.2 mg L−1) for 10 days only. Tissue samples were collected for measuring catalase (CAT), total antioxidant capacity (TAC), superoxide dismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA) levels, cadmium bioaccumulation, and histopathological investigation. The results illustrated that the application of SP-SeNPs as feed additives at varying levels significantly improved growth performance (high weight gain, specific growth rate, and low feed conversion rates) relative to the control group. Furthermore, dietary SP-SeNPs enhanced digestive enzyme activities and the concentrations of biochemical components more than the control group. Upon concurrent exposure to cadmium, the antioxidative status was significantly enhanced, and histopathological alterations were mitigated. In conclusion, this study recommended supplementation of SP-SeNPs at 0.50 mg/kg diet to enhance optimal growth rate, digestive enzyme activities, levels of antioxidants in Litopenaeus vannamei, and mitigate the pathological alternations induced with Cd toxicity