4 research outputs found
Rheoencefalographic study of the cerebrovascular circulation in human lead poisoning
Cerebralna cirkulacija je ispitivana reoencefalografskom (REG) metodom na grupi od 34 radnika u kojih je kliničkim i laboratorijskim ispitivanjem dokazano trovanje olovom. Kontrolna grupa se sastojala od 24 osobe, približno iste starosti, koje u svojoj profesionalnoj aktivnosti nisu bile eksponirane olovu. U osoba trovanih olovom nađeno je signifikantno produženje trajanja anakrotske faze reograma uz morfološke alteracije reografskih talasa, koje ukazuju na smanjenu rastegljivost i povećan tonus cerebralnih arterija, pretežno arteriola. U 7 ispitanika nađene su reografske promene koje govore u prilog difuznih promena na cerebralnim arterijama. Autori smatraju da je glavobolja pri trovanju olovom vaskularne geneze.Cerebral circulation was investigated by the REG method in a group of thirty-four workers in whom lead poisoning had been proved by clinical and laboratory examinations. A control group consisted of twenty-four subjects of approximately the same age, with no previous occupational exposure to lead. The duration of the anacrotic phase was significantly longer in lead poisoned subjects. In addition, morphological alterations of REG waves in these subjects indicated a decreased distensibility and increased tonus of cerebral blood vessels, primarily arterioles. Seven subjects showed REG changes which reflected diffuse alterations of the cerebral artery. The authors consider that headache in subjects poisoned by lead is of vascular origin