38 research outputs found

    Tolerance, Adaptation, and Cell Response Elicited by Micromonospora sp. Facing Tellurite Toxicity: A Biological and Physical-Chemical Characterization

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    The intense use of tellurium (Te) in industrial applications, along with the improper disposal of Te-derivatives, is causing their accumulation in the environment, where oxyanion tellurite (TeO32−) is the most soluble, bioavailable, and toxic Te-species. On the other hand, tellurium is a rare metalloid element whose natural supply will end shortly with possible economic and technological effects. Thus, Te-containing waste represents the source from which Te should be recycled and recovered. Among the explored strategies, the microbial TeO32− biotransformation into less toxic Te-species is the most appropriate concerning the circular economy. Actinomycetes are ideal candidates in environmental biotechnology. However, their exploration in TeO32− biotransformation is scarce due to limited knowledge regarding oxyanion microbial processing. Here, this gap was filled by investigating the cell tolerance, adaptation, and response to TeO32− of a Micromonospora strain isolated from a metal(loid)-rich environment. To this aim, an integrated biological, physical-chemical, and statistical approach combining physiological and biochemical assays with confocal or scanning electron (SEM) microscopy and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy in attenuated total reflectance mode (ATR-FTIR) was designed. Micromonospora cells exposed to TeO32− under different physiological states revealed a series of striking cell responses, such as cell morphology changes, extracellular polymeric substance production, cell membrane damages and modifications, oxidative stress burst, protein aggregation and phosphorylation, and superoxide dismutase induction. These results highlight this Micromonospora strain as an asset for biotechnological purposes

    Scientific Guidance on the data required for the risk assessment of flavourings to be used in or on foods

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    Following a request from the European Commission, EFSA developed a new scientific guidance to assist applicants in the preparation of applications for the authorisation of flavourings to be used in or on foods. This guidance applies to applications for a new authorisation as well as for a modification of an existing authorisation of a food flavouring, submitted under Regulation (EC) No 1331/2008. It defines the scientific data required for the evaluation of those food flavourings for which an evaluation and approval is required according to Article 9 of Regulation (EC) No 1334/2008. This applies to flavouring substances, flavouring preparations, thermal process flavourings, flavour precursors, other flavourings and source materials, as defined in Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 1334/2008. Information to be provided in all applications relates to: (a) the characterisation of the food flavouring, including the description of its identity, manufacturing process, chemical composition, specifications, stability and reaction and fate in foods; (b) the proposed uses and use levels and the assessment of the dietary exposure and (c) the safety data, including information on the genotoxic potential of the food flavouring, toxicological data other than genotoxicity and information on the safety for the environment. For the toxicological studies, a tiered approach is applied, for which the testing requirements, key issues and triggers are described. Applicants should generate the data requested in each section to support the safety assessment of the food flavouring. Based on the submitted data, EFSA will assess the safety of the food flavouring and conclude whether or not it presents risks to human health and to the environment, if applicable, under the proposed conditions of use

    Fuzzy Win-Win: A Novel Approach to Quantify Win-Win Using Fuzzy Logic

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    The classic notion of a win–win situation has a key flaw in that it cannot always offer the parties equal amounts of winningsbecause each party believes they are winners. In reality, one party may win more than the other. This strategy is not limited to a single product or negotiation; it may be applied to a variety of situations in life. We present a novel way to measure the win–win situation in this paper. The proposed method employs fuzzy logic to create a mathematical model that aids negotiators in quantifying their winning percentages. The model is put to the test on real-life negotiation scenarios such as the Iraqi–Jordanian oil deal and iron ore negotiation (2005–2009), in addition to scenarios from the game of chess. The presented model has proven to be a useful tool in practice and can be easily generalized to be utilized in other domains as well

    The abdominal wall incisional hernia repair in cirrhotic patients

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    BACKGROUND: The incidence of abdominal wall hernia in cirrhotic patients with ascites is between 20 and 40%. Controversies regarding the treatment modality and surgical timing of abdominal wall incisional hernia repair in cirrhotic patients remain. The study proposed wants to analyze the abdominal incisional hernia repair in cirrhotic patients with ascites performed in a single center to determine post-operative morbidity, mortality and complication rate. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Cirrhotic patients with abdominal incisional hernia that underwent surgical operation for abdominal wall hernia repair at the "Policlinico Paolo Giaccone" at Palermo University Hospital between January 2015 and December 2016 were identified and the data collected were retrospectively reviewed; patients' medical and surgical records were collected from charts and the surgical and ICU registries. The degree of hepatic dysfunction was classified using Child-Pugh classification. Post-operative mortality was considered up to 30-days after surgery. A follow-up period of 6 months at least was performed to evaluate hernia recurrence and complications. RESULTS: Mortality rate is of 18.5% (p 0.002). Recurrence rate (p 0.004) and seroma formation rate (p 0.001) are most frequent in urgency group. The elevated ASA score and the prediction of a complicated post-operative course is higher in urgency group (p 0.004) as higher is the in-hospital stay (p 0.001) and the ICU stay (p 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Elective surgery for abdominal wall hernia repair in cirrhotic patients seems to be successful and associated with lower mortality/morbidity rate and recurrence rate than urgency