545 research outputs found

    Learning to Draw Recognizable Graphic Representations During Mother-Child Interactions

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    The present study investigated the role of mother-child collaborative drawing in children’s creations of recognizable representations. Thirty-two 4- and 5-yearolds played a cooperative game with their mothers in which they were instructed to take turns drawing pictures of farm animals for the other to guess. Mothers and children often talked about their drawings, and many aspects (e.g., discussing features essential for identifying referents) of these conversations were related to microgenetic changes (over the course of the game) in the sophistication of children’s pictures. Children also appropriated features from their mothers’ drawings into their own drawings over the course of the game. This was particularly the case for “rudimentary” drawers. Results demonstrate that young children learn to create graphic representations through utilizing information from their mothers’ drawings and from conversations with their mothers about drawings, although the extent of children’s learning is related also in part to their level of drawing performance

    Chapter 3 Cultivation Theory: Gerbner, Fear, Crime, and Cops

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    The Routledge Companion to Media and Race serves as a comprehensive guide for scholars, students, and media professionals who seek to understand the key debates about the impact of media messages on racial attitudes and understanding. Broad in scope and richly presented from a diversity of perspectives, the book is divided into three sections: first, it summarizes the theoretical approaches that scholars have adopted to analyze the complexities of media messages about race and ethnicity, from the notion of "representation" to more recent concepts like Critical Race Theory. Second, the book reviews studies related to a variety of media, including film, television, print media, social media, music, and video games. Finally, contributors present a broad summary of media issues related to specific races and ethnicities and describe the relationship of the study of race to the study of gender and sexuality

    The light curve of the companion to PSR B1957+20

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    We present a new analysis of the light curve for the secondary star in the eclipsing binary millisecond pulsar system PSR B1957+20. Combining previous data and new data points at minimum from the Hubble Space Telescope, we have 100% coverage in the R-band. We also have a number of new K_s-band data points, which we use to constrain the infrared magnitude of the system. We model this with the Eclipsing Light Curve code (ELC). From the modelling with the ELC code we obtain colour information about the secondary at minimum light in BVRI and K. For our best fit model we are able to constrain the system inclination to 65 +/- 2 degrees for pulsar masses ranging from 1.3 -- 1.9 M_sun. The pulsar mass is unconstrained. We also find that the secondary star is not filling its Roche lobe. The temperature of the un-irradiated side of the companion is in agreement with previous estimates and we find that the observed temperature gradient across the secondary star is physically sustainable.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures & 3tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    A Sequence of Declining Outbursts from GX339-4

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    The flux and spectrum of the black hole candidate GX339-4 has been monitored by the Burst and Transient Source Experiment (BATSE) on the Compton Gamma-ray Observatory (CGRO) since the observatory became operational in May 1991. Between the summer of 1991 and the fall of 1996, eight outbursts from GX339-4 were observed. The history of these outbursts is one of declining fluence or total energy release, as well as a shortening of the time between outbursts. A rough linear correlation exists between the fluence emitted during an outburst and the time elapsed between the end of the previous outburst and the beginning of the current one. The peak flux is also roughly linearly correlated with outburst fluence. The lightcurves of the earlier, more intense, outbursts (except for the second one) can be modeled by a fast exponential (time constant ~ 10 days) followed by a slower exponential (~ 100 days) on the rise and a fast exponential decay (~ 5 days) on the fall. The later, weaker, outbursts are modeled with a single rising time constant (~ 20 days) and a longer decay on the fall (~ 50 days). An exponential model gives a marginally better fit than a power law to the rise/decay profiles. GX339-4 is a unique source in having more frequent outbursts than other low mass x-ray binary black hole candidates. These observations can be used to constrain models of the behavior of the accretion disk surrounding the compact object.Comment: Accepted for Publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters, AASTE

    X-ray Spectroscopy of Candidate Ultracompact X-ray Binaries

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    We present high-resolution spectroscopy of the neutron star/low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) 4U 1850-087 and 4U 0513-40 as part of our continuing study of known and candidate ultracompact binaries. The LMXB 4U 1850-087 is one of four systems in which we had previously inferred an unusual Ne/O ratio in the absorption along the line of sight, most likely from material local to the binaries. However, our recent Chandra X-ray Observatory LETGS spectrum of 4U 1850-087 finds a Ne/O ratio by number of 0.22+/-0.05, smaller than previously measured and consistent with the expected interstellar value. We propose that variations in the Ne/O ratio due to source variability, as previously observed in these sources, can explain the difference between the low- and high-resolution spectral results for 4U 1850-087. Our XMM-Newton RGS observation of 4U 0513-40 also shows no unusual abundance ratios in the absorption along the line of sight. We also present spectral results from a third candidate ultracompact binary, 4U 1822-000, whose spectrum is well fit by an absorbed power-law + blackbody model with absorption consistent with the expected interstellar value. Finally, we present the non-detection of a fourth candidate ultracompact binary, 4U 1905+000, with an upper limit on the source luminosity of < 1 x 10^{32} erg s^{-1}. Using archival data, we show that the source has entered an extended quiescent state.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication to the Astrophysical Journa

    Tomography of X-ray Nova Muscae 1991: Evidence for ongoing mass transfer and stream-disc overflow

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    We present a spectroscopic analysis of the black hole binary Nova Muscae 1991 in quiescence using data obtained in 2009 with MagE on the Magellan Clay telescope and in 2010 with IMACS on the Magellan Baade telescope at the Las Campanas Observatory. Emission from the disc is observed in H alpha, H beta and Ca II (8662 A). A prominent hotspot is observed in the Doppler maps of all three emission lines. The existence of this spot establishes ongoing mass transfer from the donor star in 2009-2010 and, given its absence in the 1993-1995 observations, demonstrates the presence of a variable hotspot in the system. We find the radial distance to the hotspot from the black hole to be consistent with the circularization radius. Our tomograms are suggestive of stream-disc overflow in the system. We also detect possible Ca II (8662 A) absorption from the donor star.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in MNRA
