129 research outputs found

    Learning the Quality of Machine Permutations in Job Shop Scheduling

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    In recent years, the power demonstrated by Machine Learning (ML) has increasingly attracted the interest of the optimization community that is starting to leverage ML for enhancing and automating the design of algorithms. One combinatorial optimization problem recently tackled with ML is the Job Shop scheduling Problem (JSP). Most of the works on the JSP using ML focus on Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), and only a few of them leverage supervised learning techniques. The recurrent reasons for avoiding supervised learning seem to be the difficulty in casting the right learning task, i.e., what is meaningful to predict, and how to obtain labels. Therefore, we first propose a novel supervised learning task that aims at predicting the quality of machine permutations. Then, we design an original methodology to estimate this quality, and we use these estimations to create an accurate sequential deep learning model (binary accuracy above 95%). Finally, we empirically demonstrate the value of predicting the quality of machine permutations by enhancing the performance of a simple Tabu Search algorithm inspired by the works in the literature

    ClusterFix: A Cluster-Based Debiasing Approach without Protected-Group Supervision

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    The failures of Deep Networks can sometimes be ascribed to biases in the data or algorithmic choices. Existing debiasing approaches exploit prior knowledge to avoid unintended solutions; we acknowledge that, in real-world settings, it could be unfeasible to gather enough prior information to characterize the bias, or it could even raise ethical considerations. We hence propose a novel debiasing approach, termed ClusterFix, which does not require any external hint about the nature of biases. Such an approach alters the standard empirical risk minimization and introduces a per-example weight, encoding how critical and far from the majority an example is. Notably, the weights consider how difficult it is for the model to infer the correct pseudo-label, which is obtained in a self-supervised manner by dividing examples into multiple clusters. Extensive experiments show that the misclassification error incurred in identifying the correct cluster allows for identifying examples prone to bias-related issues. As a result, our approach outperforms existing methods on standard benchmarks for bias removal and fairness

    Can adversarial networks hallucinate occluded people with a plausible aspect?

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    When you see a person in a crowd, occluded by other persons, you miss visual information that can be used to recognize, re-identify or simply classify him or her. You can imagine its appearance given your experience, nothing more. Similarly, AI solutions can try to hallucinate missing information with specific deep learning architectures, suitably trained with people with and without occlusions. The goal of this work is to generate a complete image of a person, given an occluded version in input, that should be a) without occlusion b) similar at pixel level to a completely visible people shape c) capable to conserve similar visual attributes (e.g. male/female) of the original one. For the purpose, we propose a new approach by integrating the state-of-the-art of neural network architectures, namely U-nets and GANs, as well as discriminative attribute classification nets, with an architecture specifically designed to de-occlude people shapes. The network is trained to optimize a Loss function which could take into account the aforementioned objectives. As well we propose two datasets for testing our solution: the first one, occluded RAP, created automatically by occluding real shapes of the RAP dataset created by Li et al. (2016) (which collects also attributes of the people aspect); the second is a large synthetic dataset, AiC, generated in computer graphics with data extracted from the GTA video game, that contains 3D data of occluded objects by construction. Results are impressive and outperform any other previous proposal. This result could be an initial step to many further researches to recognize people and their behavior in an open crowded world

    How many Observations are Enough? Knowledge Distillation for Trajectory Forecasting

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    Accurate prediction of future human positions is an essential task for modern video-surveillance systems. Current state-of-the-art models usually rely on a "history" of past tracked locations (e.g., 3 to 5 seconds) to predict a plausible sequence of future locations (e.g., up to the next 5 seconds). We feel that this common schema neglects critical traits of realistic applications: as the collection of input trajectories involves machine perception (i.e., detection and tracking), incorrect detection and fragmentation errors may accumulate in crowded scenes, leading to tracking drifts. On this account, the model would be fed with corrupted and noisy input data, thus fatally affecting its prediction performance.In this regard, we focus on delivering accurate predictions when only few input observations are used, thus potentially lowering the risks associated with automatic perception. To this end, we conceive a novel distillation strategy that allows a knowledge transfer from a teacher network to a student one, the latter fed with fewer observations (just two ones). We show that a properly defined teacher supervision allows a student network to perform comparably to state-of-the-art approaches that demand more observations. Besides, extensive experiments on common trajectory forecasting datasets highlight that our student network better generalizes to unseen scenarios

    Training convolutional neural networks to score pneumonia in slaughtered pigs

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    The slaughterhouse can act as a valid checkpoint to estimate the prevalence and the economic impact of diseases in farm animals. At present, scoring lesions is a challenging and time‐consuming activity, which is carried out by veterinarians serving the slaughter chain. Over recent years, artificial intelligence(AI) has gained traction in many fields of research, including livestock production. In particular, AI‐based methods appear able to solve highly repetitive tasks and to consistently analyze large amounts of data, such as those collected by veterinarians during postmortem inspection in high‐throughput slaughterhouses. The present study aims to develop an AI‐based method capable of recognizing and quantifying enzootic pneumonia‐like lesions on digital images captured from slaughtered pigs under routine abattoir conditions. Overall, the data indicate that the AI‐based method proposed herein could properly identify and score enzootic pneumonia‐like lesions without interfering with the slaughter chain routine. According to European legislation, the application of such a method avoids the handling of carcasses and organs, decreasing the risk of microbial contamination, and could provide further alternatives in the field of food hygiene

    Scoring pleurisy in slaughtered pigs using convolutional neural networks

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    Diseases of the respiratory system are known to negatively impact the profitability of the pig industry, worldwide. Considering the relatively short lifespan of pigs, lesions can be still evident at slaughter, where they can be usefully recorded and scored. Therefore, the slaughterhouse represents a key check-point to assess the health status of pigs, providing unique and valuable feedback to the farm, as well as an important source of data for epidemiological studies. Although relevant, scoring lesions in slaughtered pigs represents a very time-consuming and costly activity, thus making difficult their systematic recording. The present study has been carried out to train a convolutional neural network-based system to automatically score pleurisy in slaughtered pigs. The automation of such a process would be extremely helpful to enable a systematic examination of all slaughtered livestock. Overall, our data indicate that the proposed system is well able to differentiate half carcasses affected with pleurisy from healthy ones, with an overall accuracy of 85.5%. The system was better able to recognize severely affected half carcasses as compared with those showing less severe lesions. The training of convolutional neural networks to identify and score pneumonia, on the one hand, and the achievement of trials in large capacity slaughterhouses, on the other, represent the natural pursuance of the present study. As a result, convolutional neural network-based technologies could provide a fast and cheap tool to systematically record lesions in slaughtered pigs, thus supplying an enormous amount of useful data to all stakeholders in the pig industry

    Predicting WNV circulation in Italy using earth observation data and extreme gradient boosting model

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    West Nile Disease (WND) is one of the most spread zoonosis in Italy and Europe caused by a vector-borne virus. Its transmission cycle is well understood, with birds acting as the primary hosts and mosquito vectors transmitting the virus to other birds, while humans and horses are occasional dead-end hosts. Identifying suitable environmental conditions across large areas containing multiple species of potential hosts and vectors can be difficult. The recent and massive availability of Earth Observation data and the continuous development of innovative Machine Learning methods can contribute to automatically identify patterns in big datasets and to make highly accurate identification of areas at risk. In this paper, we investigated the West Nile Virus (WNV) circulation in relation to Land Surface Temperature, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index and Surface Soil Moisture collected during the 160 days before the infection took place, with the aim of evaluating the predictive capacity of lagged remotely sensed variables in the identification of areas at risk for WNV circulation. WNV detection in mosquitoes, birds and horses in 2017, 2018 and 2019, has been collected from the National Information System for Animal Disease Notification. An Extreme Gradient Boosting model was trained with data from 2017 and 2018 and tested for the 2019 epidemic, predicting the spatio-temporal WNV circulation two weeks in advance with an overall accuracy of 0.84. This work lays the basis for a future early warning system that could alert public authorities when climatic and environmental conditions become favourable to the onset and spread of WNV

    Quick, accurate, smart: 3D computer vision technology helps assessing confined animals' behaviour

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    Mankind directly controls the environment and lifestyles of several domestic species for purposes ranging from production and research to conservation and companionship. These environments and lifestyles may not offer these animals the best quality of life. Behaviour is a direct reflection of how the animal is coping with its environment. Behavioural indicators are thus among the preferred parameters to assess welfare. However, behavioural recording (usually from video) can be very time consuming and the accuracy and reliability of the output rely on the experience and background of the observers. The outburst of new video technology and computer image processing gives the basis for promising solutions. In this pilot study, we present a new prototype software able to automatically infer the behaviour of dogs housed in kennels from 3D visual data and through structured machine learning frameworks. Depth information acquired through 3D features, body part detection and training are the key elements that allow the machine to recognise postures, trajectories inside the kennel and patterns of movement that can be later labelled at convenience. The main innovation of the software is its ability to automatically cluster frequently observed temporal patterns of movement without any pre-set ethogram. Conversely, when common patterns are defined through training, a deviation from normal behaviour in time or between individuals could be assessed. The software accuracy in correctly detecting the dogs' behaviour was checked through a validation process. An automatic behaviour recognition system, independent from human subjectivity, could add scientific knowledge on animals' quality of life in confinement as well as saving time and resources. This 3D framework was designed to be invariant to the dog's shape and size and could be extended to farm, laboratory and zoo quadrupeds in artificial housing. The computer vision technique applied to this software is innovative in non-human animal behaviour science. Further improvements and validation are needed, and future applications and limitations are discussed.</p