235 research outputs found

    Polarization state of a biphoton: quantum ternary logic

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    Polarization state of biphoton light generated via collinear frequency-degenerate spontaneous parametric down-conversion is considered. A biphoton is described by a three-component polarization vector, its arbitrary transformations relating to the SU(3) group. A subset of such transformations, available with retardation plates, is realized experimentally. In particular, two independent orthogonally polarized beams of type-I biphotons are transformed into a beam of type-II biphotons. Polarized biphotons are suggested as ternary analogs of two-state quantum systems (qubits)

    Measurement of qutrits

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    We proposed the procedure of measuring the unknown state of the three-level system - the qutrit, which was realized as the arbitrary polarization state of the single-mode biphoton field. This procedure is accomplished for the set of the pure states of qutrits; this set is defined by the properties of SU(2) transformations, that are done by the polarization transformers.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Limit quantum efficiency for violation of Clauser-Horne Inequality for qutrits

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    In this paper we present the results of numerical calculations about the minimal value of detection efficiency for violating the Clauser - Horne inequality for qutrits. Our results show how the use of non-maximally entangled states largely improves this limit respect to maximally entangled ones. A stronger resistance to noise is also found.Comment: Phys. Rev. A in pres

    Multiple Current States of Two Phase-Coupled Superconducting Rings

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    The states of two phase-coupled superconducting rings have been investigated. Multiple current states have been revealed in the dependence of the critical current on the magnetic field. The performed calculations of the critical currents and energy states in a magnetic field have made it possible to interpret the experiment as the measurement of energy states into which the system comes with different probabilities because of the equilibrium and non-equilibrium noises upon the transition from the resistive state to the superconducting state during the measurement of the critical currentComment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Qutrit state engineering with biphotons

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    The novel experimental realization of three-level optical quantum systems is presented. We use the polarization state of biphotons to generate a specific sequence of states that are used in the extended version of BB84 protocol. We experimentally verify the orthogonality of the basis states and demonstrate the ability to easily switch between them. The tomography procedure is employed to reconstruct the density matrices of generated states.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. typos correcte

    On Preparing Entangled Pairs of Polarization Qubits in the Frequency Non-Degenerate Regime

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    The problems associated with practical implementation of the scheme proposed for preparation of arbitrary states of polarization ququarts based on biphotons are discussed. The influence of frequency dispersion effects are considered, and the necessity of group velocities dispersion compensation in the frequency non-degenerate case even for continuous pumping is demonstrated. A method for this compensation is proposed and implemented experimentally. Physical restrictions on the quality of prepared two-photon states are revealed.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    30-year lidar observations of the stratospheric aerosol layer state over Tomsk (Western Siberia, Russia)

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    There are only four lidar stations in the world which have almost continuously performed observations of the stratospheric aerosol layer (SAL) state over the last 30 years. The longest time series of the SAL lidar measurements have been accumulated at the Mauna Loa Observatory (Hawaii) since 1973, the NASA Langley Research Center (Hampton, Virginia) since 1974, and Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany) since 1976. The fourth lidar station we present started to perform routine observations of the SAL parameters in Tomsk (56.48° N, 85.05° E, Western Siberia, Russia) in 1986. In this paper, we mainly focus on and discuss the stratospheric background period from 2000 to 2005 and the causes of the SAL perturbations over Tomsk in the 2006–2015 period. During the last decade, volcanic aerosol plumes from tropical Mt. Manam, Soufrière Hills, Rabaul, Merapi, Nabro, and Kelut and extratropical (northern) Mt. Okmok, Kasatochi, Redoubt, Sarychev Peak, Eyjafjallajökull, and Grímsvötn were detected in the stratosphere over Tomsk. When it was possible, we used the NOAA HYSPLIT trajectory model to assign aerosol layers observed over Tomsk to the corresponding volcanic eruptions. The trajectory analysis highlighted some surprising results. For example, in the cases of the Okmok, Kasatochi, and Eyjafjallajökull eruptions, the HYSPLIT air mass backward trajectories, started from altitudes of aerosol layers detected over Tomsk with a lidar, passed over these volcanoes on their eruption days at altitudes higher than the maximum plume altitudes given by the Smithsonian Institution Global Volcanism Program. An explanation of these facts is suggested. The role of both tropical and northern volcanic eruptions in volcanogenic aerosol loading of the midlatitude stratosphere is also discussed. In addition to volcanoes, we considered other possible causes of the SAL perturbations over Tomsk, i.e., the polar stratospheric cloud (PSC) events and smoke plumes from strong forest fires. At least two PSC events were detected in 1995 and 2007. We also make an assumption that the Kelut volcanic eruption (Indonesia, February 2014) could be the cause of the SAL perturbations over Tomsk during the first quarter of 2015