24 research outputs found

    Protection of structure against fire

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    W referacie przedstawiono system ochrony biernej i czynnej konstrukcji stalowych przed ogniem.The paper presents a system of passive and active protection of steel structures against fire

    Using Structured Controversy to Teach Diversity Content and Cultural Competence

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    Structured controversy is one type of cooperative learning strategy. It involves students in researching positions on topics and then debating each other. A unique aspect of this strategy is that students then reverse sides and argue the other position. This paper discusses the use of the structuredcontroversy process to teach diversity content in the classroom. It addresses the advantages and barriers to using structured controversy, and identifies ways in which structured controversy can be used in the social work curriculum to teach cultural competence. The article also reports on an evaluation of the structured controversy process that was used in BSW and MSW classrooms. The findings from this evaluation suggest thatstructured controversy is an extremely useful technique for teaching diversity and cultural competence. The vast majority of students reported increased knowledge about and sensitivity to the concerns of people from diverse backgrounds

    Gender Differences in Correlates of Homophobia and Transphobia

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    A scale of prejudice against transgender individuals was developed, validated, and contrasted with a homophobia measure in 153 female and 157 male US college undergraduates. For both sexes, transphobia and homophobia were highly correlated with each other and with right-wing authoritarianism, religious fundamentalism, and hostile sexism, but aggression proneness was predictive of transphobia and homophobia only in men. Benevolent sexism and rape myth acceptance were more predictive of transphobia and homophobia in women than men. With homophobia partialled out, authoritarianism, fundamentalism, and aggression proneness no longer predicted transphobia for men, but authoritarianism, fundamentalism, benevolent sexism, and rape myth acceptance continued to predict transphobia in women. Discussion focused on gender differences in issues that drive prejudice against transgender and homosexual individuals. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR

    Os efeitos das alterações comportamentais das vítimas de trauma crânio-encefálico para o cuidador familiar Los efectos de las alteraciones comportamentales de las victimas de trauma cráneo encefálico para el cuidador familiar Effect of the behavioral alterations of victims of traumatic brain injury for the family caregiver

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    O estudo teve como objetivos identificar alterações na intensidade que os comportamentos negativos das vítimas de Trauma Craniencefálico (TCE) afetavam o cuidador familiar principal, comparando o período anterior ao posterior ao trauma e verificar a relação entre intensidade dessas alterações e tempo decorrido após o evento traumático. Incluiu 50 cuidadores de vítimas com diferentes níveis de dependência após TCE. Os efeitos dos comportamentos da vítima para o cuidador foram mensurados por meio da escala Likert, tendo em vista onze comportamentos negativos citados em literatura. Na visão do cuidador, a vítima ficou mais agressiva, ansiosa, dependente, deprimida, irritada, esquecida, com temperamento mais explosivo, após o trauma, além de mais egocêntrica, impulsiva, com maior inadequação social e oscilação de humor. Os seis primeiros comportamentos citados eram os que afetaram mais negativamente o cuidador. Não houve relação entre o tempo decorrido e os efeitos das alterações comportamentais.<br>El estudio tiene como objetivos identificar las alteraciones en la intensidad con que los comportamientos negativos de las victimas de Trauma Cráneo-Encefálico (TCE) inciden sobre el cuidador familiar principal, comparando los periodos anterior y posterior al trauma, y verificar la relación entre la intensidad de esas alteraciones y el tiempo transcurrido después del evento traumático. Los participantes son 50 casos de cuidadores de victimas con diferentes niveles de dependencia tras TCE. Los efectos de los comportamientos de la victima para con el cuidador fueron medidos por medio de una escala Likert, teniéndose en cuenta once comportamientos negativos mencionados en la literatura. En la visión del cuidador, la victima después del trauma está más agresiva, ansiosa, dependiente, deprimida, irritada, olvidadiza, con temperamento más explosivo, además de más egocentrista, impulsiva, con mayor inadecuación social y variación de humor. Los seis primeros comportamientos mencionados fueron los que más incidieron negativamente sobre el cuidador. No se encontró relación entre el tiempo transcurrido y los efectos de las alteraciones comportamentales.<br>This study aimed to identify alterations in the intensity at which the negative behaviors of the victims of traumatic brain injury (TBI) affect the main family caregiver comparing the periods before and after the trauma and to verify the relation between the intensity of these alterations and time passed after the traumatic event. Participants were 50 caregivers of victims with different levels of dependence after TBI. The effect of the victim&#8217;s behaviors on the caregiver was measured by means of a Likert scale, in view of eleven negative behaviors cited in literature. According to the caregiver, the victim was more aggressive, anxious, dependent, depressed, irritated, and forgetful after the trauma, with a more explosive temperament, more self-centered, impulsive, with greater social inadequacy and mood oscillation. The first six cited behaviors were the ones that affected the caregiver more negatively. No relation was found between the passed time and the effect of the behavioral alteration