1,596 research outputs found

    Dicke-like quantum phase transition and vacuum entanglement with two coupled atomic ensembles

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    We study the coherent cooperative phenomena of the system composed of two interacting atomic ensembles in the thermodynamic limit. Remarkably, the system exhibits the Dicke-like quantum phase transition and entanglement behavior although the governing Hamiltonian is fundamentally different from the spin-boson Dicke Hamiltonian, offering the opportunity for investigating collective matter-light dynamics with pure matter waves. The model can be realized with two Bose-Einstein condensates or atomic ensembles trapped in two optical cavities coupled to each other. The interaction between the two separate samples is induced by virtual photon exchange

    Five-dimensional metric f(R)f(R) gravity and the accelerated universe

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    The metric f(R)f(R) theories of gravity are generalized to five-dimensional spacetimes. By assuming a hypersurface-orthogonal Killing vector field representing the compact fifth dimension, the five-dimensional theories are reduced to their four-dimensional formalism. Then we study the cosmology of a special class of f(R)=αRmf(R)=\alpha R^m models in a spatially flat FRW spacetime. It is shown that the parameter mm can be constrained to a certain range by the current observed deceleration parameter, and its lower bound corresponds to the Kaluza-Klein theory. It turns out that both expansion and contraction of the extra dimension may prescribe the smooth transition from the deceleration era to the acceleration era in the recent past as well as an accelerated scenario for the present universe. Hence five-dimensional f(R)f(R) gravity can naturally account for the present accelerated expansion of the universe. Moreover, the models predict a transition from acceleration to deceleration in the future, followed by a cosmic recollapse within finite time. This differs from the prediction of the five-dimensional Brans-Dicke theory but is in consistent with a recent prediction based on loop quantum cosmology.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures; Version published in PR

    Distributed coherent manipulation of qutrits by virtual excitation processes

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    We propose a scheme for the deterministic coherent manipulation of two atomic qutrits, trapped in separate cavities coupled through a short optical fibre or optical resonator. We study such a system in the regime of dispersive atom-field interactions, where the dynamics of atoms, cavities and fibre operates through virtual population of both the atomic excited states and photonic states in the cavities and fibre. We show that the resulting effective dynamics allows for the creation of robust qutrit entanglement, and thoroughly investigate the influence of imperfections and dissipation, due to atomic spontaneous emission and photon leakage, on the entanglement of the two qutrits state.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Generating entanglement between microwave photons and qubits in multiple cavities coupled by a superconducting qutrit

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    We discuss how to generate entangled coherent states of four \textrm{microwave} resonators \textrm{(a.k.a. cavities)} coupled by a superconducting qubit. We also show \textrm{that} a GHZ state of four superconducting qubits embedded in four different resonators \textrm{can be created with this scheme}. In principle, \textrm{the proposed method} can be extended to create an entangled coherent state of nn resonators and to prepare a Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state of nn qubits distributed over nn cavities in a quantum network. In addition, it is noted that four resonators coupled by a coupler qubit may be used as a basic circuit block to build a two-dimensional quantum network, which is useful for scalable quantum information processing.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Online gaming addiction: the role of sensation seeking, self-control, neuroticism, aggression, state anxiety and trait anxiety

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    Research into online gaming has steadily increased over the last decade, although relatively little research has examined the relationship between online gaming addiction and personality factors. This study examined the relationship between a number of personality traits (sensation seeking, self-control, aggression, neuroticism, state anxiety, and trait anxiety) and online gaming addiction. Data were collected over a 1-month period using an opportunity sample of 123 university students at an East Midlands university in the United Kingdom. Gamers completed all the online questionnaires. Results of a multiple linear regression indicated that five traits (neuroticism, sensation seeking, trait anxiety, state anxiety, and aggression) displayed significant associations with online gaming addiction. The study suggests that certain personality traits may be important in the acquisition, development, and maintenance of online gaming addiction, although further research is needed to replicate the findings of the present study

    Time-Dependent Spin-Polarized Transport Through a Resonant Tunneling Structure with Multi-Terminal

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    The spin-dependent transport of the electrons tunneling through a resonant tunneling structure with ferromagnetic multi-terminal under dc and ac fields is explored by means of the nonequilibrium Green function technique. A general formulation for the time-dependent current and the time-averaged current is established. As its application the systems with two and three terminals in noncollinear configurations of the magnetizations under dc and ac biases are investigated, respectively. The asymmetric factor of the relaxation times for the electrons with different spin in the central region is uncovered to bring about various behaviours of the TMR. The present three-terminal device is different from that discussed in literature, which is coined as a spin transistor with source. The current-amplification effect is found. In addition, the time-dependent spin transport for the two-terminal device is studied. It is found that the photonic sidebands provide new channels for the electrons tunneling through the barriers, and give rise to new resonances of the TMR, which is called as the photon-asisted spin-dependent tunneling. The asymmetric factor of the relaxation times is observed to lead to additional resonant peaks besides the photon-asisted resonances.Comment: 32 pages,14 figure

    Supersymmetric Modified Korteweg-de Vries Equation: Bilinear Approach

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    A proper bilinear form is proposed for the N=1 supersymmetric modified Korteweg-de Vries equation. The bilinear B\"{a}cklund transformation of this system is constructed. As applications, some solutions are presented for it.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX using packages amsmath and amssymb, some corrections mad

    Spin-Polarized Transport in Ferromagnet-Marginal Fermi Liquid Systems

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    Spin-polarized transport through a marginal Fermi liquid (MFL) which is connected to two noncollinear ferromagnets via tunnel junctions is discussed in terms of the nonequilibrium Green function approach. It is found that the current-voltage characteristics deviate obviously from the ohmic behavior, and the tunnel current increases slightly with temperature, in contrast to those of the system with a Fermi liquid. The tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) is observed to decay exponentially with increasing the bias voltage, and to decrease slowly with increasing temperature. With increasing the coupling constant of the MFL, the current is shown to increase linearly, while the TMR is found to decay slowly. The spin-valve effect is observed.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, Phys. Rev. B 71, 064412 (2005

    Jaynes-Cummings model with a collective atomic mode

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    We study the dynamics of a single control atom and an atomic sample interacting with a nonresonant cavity mode. The control atom is driven by an auxiliary classical field. Under certain conditions, the coherent energy exchange between the control atom and the atomic sample induced by the cavity mode is described by the Jaynes-Cummings model. The idea provides a possibility for quantum-state engineering and reconstruction for collective atomic modes.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0812.472
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