15,595 research outputs found

    On the propagation of semiclassical Wigner functions

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    We establish the difference between the propagation of semiclassical Wigner functions and classical Liouville propagation. First we re-discuss the semiclassical limit for the propagator of Wigner functions, which on its own leads to their classical propagation. Then, via stationary phase evaluation of the full integral evolution equation, using the semiclassical expressions of Wigner functions, we provide the correct geometrical prescription for their semiclassical propagation. This is determined by the classical trajectories of the tips of the chords defined by the initial semiclassical Wigner function and centered on their arguments, in contrast to the Liouville propagation which is determined by the classical trajectories of the arguments themselves.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. To appear in J. Phys. A. This version matches the one set to print and differs from the previous one (07 Nov 2001) by the addition of two references, a few extra words of explanation and an augmented figure captio

    Orbit bifurcations and the scarring of wavefunctions

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    We extend the semiclassical theory of scarring of quantum eigenfunctions psi_{n}(q) by classical periodic orbits to include situations where these orbits undergo generic bifurcations. It is shown that |psi_{n}(q)|^{2}, averaged locally with respect to position q and the energy spectrum E_{n}, has structure around bifurcating periodic orbits with an amplitude and length-scale whose hbar-dependence is determined by the bifurcation in question. Specifically, the amplitude scales as hbar^{alpha} and the length-scale as hbar^{w}, and values of the scar exponents, alpha and w, are computed for a variety of generic bifurcations. In each case, the scars are semiclassically wider than those associated with isolated and unstable periodic orbits; moreover, their amplitude is at least as large, and in most cases larger. In this sense, bifurcations may be said to give rise to superscars. The competition between the contributions from different bifurcations to determine the moments of the averaged eigenfunction amplitude is analysed. We argue that there is a resulting universal hbar-scaling in the semiclassical asymptotics of these moments for irregular states in systems with a mixed phase-space dynamics. Finally, a number of these predictions are illustrated by numerical computations for a family of perturbed cat maps.Comment: 24 pages, 6 Postscript figures, corrected some typo

    Geometric phases and hidden local gauge symmetry

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    The analysis of geometric phases associated with level crossing is reduced to the familiar diagonalization of the Hamiltonian in the second quantized formulation. A hidden local gauge symmetry, which is associated with the arbitrariness of the phase choice of a complete orthonormal basis set, becomes explicit in this formulation (in particular, in the adiabatic approximation) and specifies physical observables. The choice of a basis set which specifies the coordinate in the functional space is arbitrary in the second quantization, and a sub-class of coordinate transformations, which keeps the form of the action invariant, is recognized as the gauge symmetry. We discuss the implications of this hidden local gauge symmetry in detail by analyzing geometric phases for cyclic and noncyclic evolutions. It is shown that the hidden local symmetry provides a basic concept alternative to the notion of holonomy to analyze geometric phases and that the analysis based on the hidden local gauge symmetry leads to results consistent with the general prescription of Pancharatnam. We however note an important difference between the geometric phases for cyclic and noncyclic evolutions. We also explain a basic difference between our hidden local gauge symmetry and a gauge symmetry (or equivalence class) used by Aharonov and Anandan in their definition of generalized geometric phases.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure. Some typos have been corrected. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Calculation of the Aharonov-Bohm wave function

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    A calculation of the Aharonov-Bohm wave function is presented. The result is a series of confluent hypergeometric functions which is finite at the forward direction.Comment: 12 pages in LaTeX, and 3 PostScript figure

    Decoherence of Semiclassical Wigner Functions

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    The Lindblad equation governs general markovian evolution of the density operator in an open quantum system. An expression for the rate of change of the Wigner function as a sum of integrals is one of the forms of the Weyl representation for this equation. The semiclassical description of the Wigner function in terms of chords, each with its classically defined amplitude and phase, is thus inserted in the integrals, which leads to an explicit differential equation for the Wigner function. All the Lindblad operators are assumed to be represented by smooth phase space functions corresponding to classical variables. In the case that these are real, representing hermitian operators, the semiclassical Lindblad equation can be integrated. There results a simple extension of the unitary evolution of the semiclassical Wigner function, which does not affect the phase of each chord contribution, while dampening its amplitude. This decreases exponentially, as governed by the time integral of the square difference of the Lindblad functions along the classical trajectories of both tips of each chord. The decay of the amplitudes is shown to imply diffusion in energy for initial states that are nearly pure. Projecting the Wigner function onto an orthogonal position or momentum basis, the dampening of long chords emerges as the exponential decay of off-diagonal elements of the density matrix.Comment: 23 pg, 2 fi

    Orbiting Resonances and Bound States in Molecular Scattering

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    A family of orbiting resonances in molecular scattering is globally described by using a single pole moving in the complex angular momentum plane. The extrapolation of this pole at negative energies gives the location of the bound states. Then a single pole trajectory, that connects a rotational band of bound states and orbiting resonances, is obtained. These complex angular momentum singularities are derived through a geometrical theory of the orbiting. The downward crossing of the phase-shifts through pi/2, due to the repulsive region of the molecular potential, is estimated by using a simple hard-core model. Some remarks about the difference between diffracted rays and orbiting are also given.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Chaos and Quantum Thermalization

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    We show that a bounded, isolated quantum system of many particles in a specific initial state will approach thermal equilibrium if the energy eigenfunctions which are superposed to form that state obey {\it Berry's conjecture}. Berry's conjecture is expected to hold only if the corresponding classical system is chaotic, and essentially states that the energy eigenfunctions behave as if they were gaussian random variables. We review the existing evidence, and show that previously neglected effects substantially strengthen the case for Berry's conjecture. We study a rarefied hard-sphere gas as an explicit example of a many-body system which is known to be classically chaotic, and show that an energy eigenstate which obeys Berry's conjecture predicts a Maxwell--Boltzmann, Bose--Einstein, or Fermi--Dirac distribution for the momentum of each constituent particle, depending on whether the wave functions are taken to be nonsymmetric, completely symmetric, or completely antisymmetric functions of the positions of the particles. We call this phenomenon {\it eigenstate thermalization}. We show that a generic initial state will approach thermal equilibrium at least as fast as O(/Δ)t1O(\hbar/\Delta)t^{-1}, where Δ\Delta is the uncertainty in the total energy of the gas. This result holds for an individual initial state; in contrast to the classical theory, no averaging over an ensemble of initial states is needed. We argue that these results constitute a new foundation for quantum statistical mechanics.Comment: 28 pages in Plain TeX plus 2 uuencoded PS figures (included); minor corrections only, this version will be published in Phys. Rev. E; UCSB-TH-94-1

    Random fluctuation leads to forbidden escape of particles

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    A great number of physical processes are described within the context of Hamiltonian scattering. Previous studies have rather been focused on trajectories starting outside invariant structures, since the ones starting inside are expected to stay trapped there forever. This is true though only for the deterministic case. We show however that, under finitely small random fluctuations of the field, trajectories starting inside Arnold-Kolmogorov-Moser (KAM) islands escape within finite time. The non-hyperbolic dynamics gains then hyperbolic characteristics due to the effect of the random perturbed field. As a consequence, trajectories which are started inside KAM curves escape with hyperbolic-like time decay distribution, and the fractal dimension of a set of particles that remain in the scattering region approaches that for hyperbolic systems. We show a universal quadratic power law relating the exponential decay to the amplitude of noise. We present a random walk model to relate this distribution to the amplitude of noise, and investigate this phenomena with a numerical study applying random maps.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures - Up to date with corrections suggested by referee

    Amplitude distribution of eigenfunctions in mixed systems

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    We study the amplitude distribution of irregular eigenfunctions in systems with mixed classical phase space. For an appropriately restricted random wave model a theoretical prediction for the amplitude distribution is derived and good agreement with numerical computations for the family of limacon billiards is found. The natural extension of our result to more general systems, e.g. with a potential, is also discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures. Some of the pictures are included in low resolution only. For a version with pictures in high resolution see http://www.physik.uni-ulm.de/theo/qc/ or http://www.maths.bris.ac.uk/~maab