85 research outputs found


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    Purpose of the study: To study the ways to increase the communicative competence of social sphere specialists, aimed at the formation of professional and personal qualities, communicative skills, and development of professional interest and success. Methodology: Some theoretical and empirical research methods are used: analysis of publications in social work, normative documentation on the research issue; diagnostic methods: questioning, testing, interviews; experimental methods: ascertaining, forming, and control stages of the experiment; stating, forming and control stages of the experiment; methods of statistical processing of research results. Main Findings: The main results of the study showed that the modern practice of successful organization of social service activities requires a thoughtful approach. The head, together with the full-time psychologist, should monitor the communicative competence of the specialists working at this service and timely organize the work to overcome the manifestations of professional burnout of specialists and prevent their professional deformation. The significance of the influence of active teaching methods on interpersonal communication has allowed us to develop and test several practically effective teaching methods that increase the effectiveness of interaction with others in professional communication. Applications of this study: This study reveals the possibilities of improving the communicative competence of the specialists working at social service departments in modern conditions of systematic emotional overload when performing their professional duties. This theme is quite relevant for the activities of any service within “person to person” interaction, especially a social one, having its specifics and directed at helping a person facing a social problem. Novelty/Originality of this study: The novelty of this study is in justifying the need for organizing activities to improve the communicative competence of social service specialists using modern socio-psychological developments. In the modern practice of holding social work, this component is often overlooked, which subsequently leads to frequent conflicts among social service employees and recipients of social services, a gradual loss of interest in the work performed, and, as a result, its indifferent fulfilment

    Інноваційні засоби та технології моніторингу освіти у ВНЗ

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    У тезах розглядається проблема моніторингу якості освіти при підготовці майбутніх фахівців у ВНЗ; охарактеризовано дефініцію «моніторинг» та визначено її зміст, проаналізовано різні погляди вчених на моніторинг у сфері освіти; доведено, що проблема якості освіти нерозривно пов’язана з проблемою моніторингових досліджень

    Психологічні та соціально-педагогічні чинники розвитку особистості в умовах інноваційного педагогічного середовища

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    Ключовими чинниками розвитку особистості традиційно вважаються спадковість, соціальне середовище і виховання. Останні два чинника відіграють неабияку роль в аспекті становлення гармонійної особистості

    Исследование термодинамических функций борида железа Fe₂B

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    Проблематика. Сплави системи Fe-B мають широке практичне застосування завдяки комплексу унікальних фізичних властивостей, але в літературі відсутні відомості щодо термодинамічних функцій фаз цих сплавів з урахуванням внесків, що відповідають за опис флуктуаційних процесів. Мета дослідження. Метою роботи було дослідити фізичні властивості та термодинамічні функції бориду Fе₂B, їх залежність від температури з урахуванням нульового ступеня наближення високотемпературного розвинення термодинамічного потенціалу бінарних сплавів системи Fe-В. Методика реалізації. Дослідження проводили на сплавах системи Fe-В з масовим вмістом бору 9,3–15,0 %, інше – залізо. Для визначення фізичних властивостей сплавів використовували мікроструктурний, рентгеноструктурний та калориметричний аналізи. Результати дослідження. Було визначено фазовий склад сплавів FeВ, фізичні властивості бориду Fе₂B та отримано залежність теплоємності сплавів Fe-В від температури. Визначено термодинамічні функції бориду Fe₂В та їх залежність від температури з використанням моделі Хіллерта і Стеффонсона з урахуванням нульового ступеня наближення високотемпературного розвинення термодинамічного потенціалу бінарних сплавів системи Fe-В. Висновки. Вперше за допомогою моделі Хіллерта й Стеффонсона з урахуванням внеску нульового ступеня наближення високотемпературного розвинення термодинамічного потенціалу бориду заліза Fе₂B у бінарному сплаві Fe-B отримано залежності ентропії, ентальпії та теплоємності Ср від температури. Розрахунковим методом визначено температуру утворення бориду заліза, яка збігається з даними, наведеними на діаграмі стану Fe-B.Background. The alloys of Fe-B system find wide application because of a complex of unique physical properties, but in the literature there is no information about thermodynamic functions of phases for these alloys with accounting for the contributions, which are responsible for fluctuation processes description. Objective. Objective of the paper is to study the physical properties and thermodynamic functions of boride Fe₂B, and their temperature dependence with accounting for the zeroth-order approximation for high-temperature expansion of thermodynamic potential for Fe-B system binary alloys. Methods. Investigation was performed for Fe-B system alloys with boron content of 9,3—15,0 % (wt.), the rest is iron. We use the microstructure, X-ray structural and calorimetric analysis to ascertain the physical properties of alloys. Results. The phase composition of Fe-B alloys and physical properties of Fe₂В boride is determined and temperature dependence of heat capacity for Fe-B alloys is obtained. The thermodynamic functions for Fе₂B boride and their temperature dependence are calculated by means of Hillert and Staffonsson model with accounting for the zeroth-order approximation for high-temperature expansion of thermodynamic potential for Fe-B system binary alloys. Conclusions. The temperature dependence of entropy, enthalpy and heat capacity Cp of iron boride Fe₂B in binary Fe-B alloy is obtained for the first time on the basis of Hillert and Staffonsson model with accounting for the zeroth-order contribution of high-temperature expansion of thermodynamic potential. The temperature of iron boride formation is calculated and it agrees with Fe-B diagram data.Проблематика. Сплавы системы Fe-B имеют широкое практическое применение благодаря комплексу уникальных физических свойств, но в литературе отсутствуют данные о термодинамических функциях фаз этих сплавов с учетом вкладов, отвечающих за описание флуктуационных процессов. Цель исследования. Целью работы было исследовать физические и термодинамические функции борида Fe₂B, их зависимость от температуры с учетом нулевой степени приближения высокотемпературного разложения термодинамического потенциала бинарных сплавов системы Fe-B. Методика реализации. Исследование проводили на сплавах системы Fe-B с массовым содержанием бора 9,3–15,0 %, остальное – железо. Для определения физических свойств сплавов использовали микроструктурный, рентгеноструктурный и калориметрический анализы. Результаты исследования. Проведено исследование фазового состава сплавов Fe-B, физических свойств борида Fe₂B, и получена зависимость теплоемкости сплавов Fe-B от температуры. При использовании модели Хиллерта и Стеффонсона определены термодинамические функции борида Fe₂В и их зависимость от температуры с учетом нулевой степени приближения высокотемпературного разложения термодинамического потенциала бинарных сплавов системы Fe-B. Выводы. Впервые при помощи модели Хиллерта и Стеффонсона с учетом вклада нулевой степени приближения высокотемпературного разложения термодинамического потенциала борида железа Fe₂B в бинарном сплаве Fe-B получены зависимости энтропии, энтальпии и теплоемкости Cp от температуры. Расчетным методом определена температура образования борида железа, которая совпадает с данными, приведенными на диаграмме состояния Fe-B


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    The paper is devoted to study of peculiarities of emotional communication in families of drug addicts as well as personal characteristics of their mothers, and possible violations in receiving of social assistance. 91 families have been surveyed: 30 families of healthy individuals and 61 families of patients with drug addiction. Survey included: level of co-dependence, the intensity of psychopathological symptoms, level of anxiety and depressive experience of the mothers of drug addicts, their styles of emotional communication and level of social assistance. Study revealed the negative styles of emotional communications in the parent families of drug addicts in comparison with the styles of emotional communications in the families of healthy persons. The mothers of drug addicts differed from the mothers of healthy persons with increased level of paranoid features, suspiciousness, high hostility, anxiety, increased number of phobic fears and obsessions; they are less socially integrated, and are reluctant to seek emotional and instrumental support from others. Статья посвящена изучению особенностей эмоциональных коммуникаций в семьях наркозависимых, а также личностных особенностей их матерей и возможных нарушений в получении социальной поддержки. Была обследована 91 семья: 30 семей здоровых лиц и 61 семья больных наркотической зависимостью. Были изучены уровень созависимости, выраженность психопатологических симптомов, уровень тревоги и депрессивных переживаний у матерей наркозависимых, их стили эмоциональных коммуникаций и уровень социальной поддержки. Были выделены негативные стили эмоциональных коммуникаций в родительских семьях наркозависимых с сравнении со стилями эмоциональных коммуникаций в семьях здоровых лиц. Матери зависимых от ПАВ отличались от матерей здоровых лиц повышенным уровнем паранойяльности, подозрительностью, высокой враждебностью, тревожностью, повышенным количеством фобических переживаний и навязчивостей; они менее социально интегрированы и не склонны обращаться за эмоциональной и инструментальной поддержкой к другим людям.

    Development of SimCells as a novel chassis for functional biosensors

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    This work serves as a proof-of-concept for bacterially derived SimCells (Simple Cells), which contain the cell machinery from bacteria and designed DNA (or potentially a simplified genome) to instruct the cell to carry out novel, specific tasks. SimCells represent a reprogrammable chassis without a native chromosome, which can host designed DNA to perform defined functions. In this paper, the use of Escherichia coli MC1000 ∆minD minicells as a non-reproducing chassis for SimCells was explored, as demonstrated by their ability to act as sensitive biosensors for small molecules. Highly purified minicells derived from E. coli strains containing gene circuits for biosensing were able to transduce the input signals from several small molecules (glucarate, acrylate and arabinose) into the production of green fluorescent protein (GFP). A mathematical model was developed to fit the experimental data for induction of gene expression in SimCells. The intracellular ATP level was shown to be important for SimCell function. A purification and storage protocol was developed to prepare SimCells which could retain their functions for an extended period of time. This study demonstrates that SimCells are able to perform as 'smart bioparticles' controlled by designed gene circuits

    Bi-Directional Effect of Cholecystokinin Receptor-2 Overexpression on Stress-Triggered Fear Memory and Anxiety in the Mouse

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    Fear, an emotional response of animals to environmental stress/threats, plays an important role in initiating and driving adaptive response, by which the homeostasis in the body is maintained. Overwhelming/uncontrollable fear, however, represents a core symptom of anxiety disorders, and may disturb the homeostasis. Because to recall or imagine certain cue(s) of stress/threats is a compulsory inducer for the expression of anxiety, it is generally believed that the pathogenesis of anxiety is associated with higher attention (acquisition) selectively to stress or mal-enhanced fear memory, despite that the actual relationship between fear memory and anxiety is not yet really established. In this study, inducible forebrain-specific cholecystokinin receptor-2 transgenic (IF-CCKR-2 tg) mice, different stress paradigms, batteries of behavioral tests, and biochemical assays were used to evaluate how different CCKergic activities drive fear behavior and hormonal reaction in response to stresses with different intensities. We found that in IF-CCKR-2 tg mice, contextual fear was impaired following 1 trial of footshock, while overall fear behavior was enhanced following 36 trials of footshock, compared to their littermate controls. In contrast to a standard Yerkes-Dodson (inverted-U shaped) stress-fear relationship in control mice, a linearized stress-fear curve was observed in CCKR-2 tg mice following gradient stresses. Moreover, compared to 1 trial, 36 trials of footshock in these transgenic mice enhanced anxiety-like behavior in other behavioral tests, impaired spatial and recognition memories, and prolonged the activation of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and glucocorticoids (CORT) following new acute stress. Taken together, these results indicate that stress may trigger two distinctive neurobehavioral systems, depending on both of the intensity of stress and the CCKergic tone in the brain. A “threshold theory” for this two-behavior system has been suggested

    Resolving the neural circuits of anxiety

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    Although anxiety disorders represent a major societal problem demanding new therapeutic targets, these efforts have languished in the absence of a mechanistic understanding of this subjective emotional state. While it is impossible to know with certainty the subjective experience of a rodent, rodent models hold promise in dissecting well-conserved limbic circuits. The application of modern approaches in neuroscience has already begun to unmask the neural circuit intricacies underlying anxiety by allowing direct examination of hypotheses drawn from existing psychological concepts. This information points toward an updated conceptual model for what neural circuit perturbations could give rise to pathological anxiety and thereby provides a roadmap for future therapeutic development.National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (U.S.) (NIH Director’s New Innovator Award DP2-DK-102256-01)National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (NIH) R01-MH102441-01)JPB Foundatio