362 research outputs found

    The data chase : what's out there on trade costs and nontariff barriers ?

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    Trade costs and nontariff barriers are at the forefront of discussions on competitiveness and expanding trade opportunities for developing countries. This paper provides a summary overview of data and indicators relevant to these issues and has been informed by work underway at the World Bank on trade facilitation over the past several years to catalogue data sets and indicators. Although there has been progress in expanding data sets and developing policy-relevant indicators on trade costs and barriers, much more is needed. In order to assess progress toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals, evaluating the impact of development projects, and whether meeting Aid for Trade goals will be met, for example, a dedicated and expansive new effort to collect and assess data is needed. This paper attempts to highlight gaps in data on trade costs and provides insight into the type of new data that might be developed in the future.Transport Economics Policy&Planning,Economic Theory&Research,Trade Law,Free Trade,Trade Policy

    Active control of multi-element rotor blade airfoils

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    A multi-element rotor blade includes an individually controllable main element and fixed aerodynamic surface in an aerodynamically efficient location relative to the main element. The main element is controlled to locate the fixed aerodynamic surface in a position to increase lift and/or reduce drag upon the main element at various azimuthal positions during rotation

    Tuning Magnetic Avalanches in Mn12-ac

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    Using micron-sized Hall sensor arrays to obtain time-resolved measurements of the local magnetization, we report a systematic study in the molecular magnet Mn12_{12}-acetate of magnetic avalanches controllably triggered in different fixed external magnetic fields and for different values of the initial magnetization. The speeds of propagation of the spin-reversal fronts are in good overall agreement with the theory of magnetic deflagration of Garanin and Chudnovsky \cite{Garanin}.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures; discussion expanded and revise

    Spatial Determination of Magnetic Avalanche Ignition Points

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    Using time-resolved measurements of local magnetization in the molecular magnet Mn12-ac, we report studies of the propagation of magnetic avalanches (fast magnetization reversals) that originate from points inside the crystals rather than at the edges. The curved nature of the fronts produced by avalanches is reflected in the time-of-arrival at micro-Hall sensors placed at the surface of the sample. Assuming that the avalanche interface is a spherical bubble that grows with a radius proportional to time, we are able to locate the approximate ignition point of each avalanche in a two-dimensional cross-section of the crystal. For the samples used in these studies, avalanches in a given crystal are found to originate in a small region with a radius of roughly 150 microns.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Transcriptomic-metabolomic reprogramming in EGFR-mutant NSCLC early adaptive drug escape linking TGFβ2-bioenergetics-mitochondrial priming.

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    The impact of EGFR-mutant NSCLC precision therapy is limited by acquired resistance despite initial excellent response. Classic studies of EGFR-mutant clinical resistance to precision therapy were based on tumor rebiopsies late during clinical tumor progression on therapy. Here, we characterized a novel non-mutational early adaptive drug-escape in EGFR-mutant lung tumor cells only days after therapy initiation, that is MET-independent. The drug-escape cell states were analyzed by integrated transcriptomic and metabolomics profiling uncovering a central role for autocrine TGFβ2 in mediating cellular plasticity through profound cellular adaptive Omics reprogramming, with common mechanistic link to prosurvival mitochondrial priming. Cells undergoing early adaptive drug escape are in proliferative-metabolic quiescent, with enhanced EMT-ness and stem cell signaling, exhibiting global bioenergetics suppression including reverse Warburg, and are susceptible to glutamine deprivation and TGFβ2 inhibition. Our study further supports a preemptive therapeutic targeting of bioenergetics and mitochondrial priming to impact early drug-escape emergence using EGFR precision inhibitor combined with broad BH3-mimetic to interrupt BCL-2/BCL-xL together, but not BCL-2 alone

    Restless legs syndrome shows increased silent postmortem cerebral microvascular disease with gliosis

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    Background Patients with restless legs syndrome (RLS) have increased silent microvascular disease by magnetic resonance imaging. However, there has been no previous autopsy confirmation of these magnetic resonance imaging findings. RLS is also frequently associated with inflammatory and immunologically mediated medical disorders. The postmortem cortex in patients with RLS was therefore evaluated for evidence of microvascular and immunological changes. Methods and Results Ten microvascular injury samples of precentral gyrus in 5 patients with RLS (3 men, 2 women; mean age, 81 years) and 9 controls (2 men, 7 women; mean age, 90 years) were studied by hematoxylin and eosin stains in a blinded fashion. None of the subjects had a history of stroke or neurologic insults. In a similar manner, the following immunohistochemistry stains were performed: (1) glial fibrillary acidic protein (representing gliosis, reactive change of glial cells in response to damage); (2) CD3 (a T-cell marker); (3) CD19 (a B-cell marker); (4) CD68 (a macrophage marker); and (5) CD117 (a mast cell marker). Patients with RLS had significantly greater silent microvascular disease

    Crystal structure of the CusBA heavy-metal efflux complex of Escherichia coli

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    Gram-negative bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, expel toxic chemicals via tripartite efflux pumps spanning both the inner and outer membranes. The three parts are: 1) a membrane fusion protein connecting 2) a substrate-binding inner membrane transporter to 3) an outer membrane-anchored channel in the periplasmic space. A crystallographic model of this tripartite efflux complex has been unavailable simply because co-crystallization of different components of the system has proven to be extremely difficult. We previously described the crystal structures of both the inner membrane transporter CusA1 and membrane fusion protein CusB2 of the CusCBA efflux system3,4 from E. coli. We here report the co-crystal structure of the CusBA efflux complex, revealing the trimeric CusA efflux pump interacts with six CusB protomers at the upper half of the periplasmic domain. These six CusB molecules form a channel extending contiguously from the top of the pump. The affinity of the CusA and CusB interaction was found to be in the micromolar range. Finally, we predicted a three-dimensional structure of the trimeric CusC outer membrane channel, and develop a model of the tripartite efflux assemblage. This CusC3-CusB6-CusA3 model presents a 750 kDa efflux complex spanning the entire bacterial cell envelope to export Cu(I)/Ag(I) ions