15,915 research outputs found

    GAELS Project Final Report: Information environment for engineering

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    The GAELS project was a collaboration commenced in 1999 between Glasgow University Library and Strathclyde University Library with two main aims:· to develop collaborative information services in support of engineering research at the Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde· to develop a CAL (computer-aided learning package) package in advanced information skills for engineering research students and staff The project was funded by the Scottish Higher Education Funding Council (SHEFC) from their Strategic Change Initiative funding stream, and funding was awarded initially for one year, with an extension of the grant for a further year. The project ended in June 2001.The funding from SHEFC paid for two research assistants, one based at Glasgow University Library working on collaborative information services and one based at Strathclyde University Library developing courseware. Latterly, after these two research assistants left to take up other posts, there has been a single researcher based at Glasgow University Library.The project was funded to investigate the feasibility of new services to the Engineering Faculties at both Universities, with a view to making recommendations for service provision that can be developed for other subject areas

    Simulation tools for future interferometers

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    For the design and commissioning of the LIGO interferometer, simulation tools have been used explicitly and implicitly. The requirement of the advanced LIGO interferometer is much more demanding than the first generation interferometer. Development of revised simulation tools for future interferometers are underway in the LIGO Laboratory. The outline of those simulation tools and applications are discussed

    Elliptic Flow, Initial Eccentricity and Elliptic Flow fluctuations in Heavy Ion Collisions at RHIC

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    We present measurements of elliptic flow and event-by-event fluctuations established by the PHOBOS experiment. Elliptic flow scaled by participant eccentricity is found to be similar for both systems when collisions with the same number of participants or the same particle area density are compared. The agreement of elliptic flow between Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions provides evidence that the matter is created in the initial stage of relativistic heavy ion collisions with transverse granularity similar to that of the participant nucleons. The event-by-event fluctuation results reveal that the initial collision geometry is translated into the final state azimuthal particle distribution, leading to an event-by-event proportionality between the observed elliptic flow and initial eccentricity.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the Lake Louise Winter Institute 2007. The proceedings of the institute will be published by World Scientifi

    Feasibility of using neutron radiography to inspect the Space Shuttle solid rocket booster aft skirt, forward skirt and frustum. Part 1: Summary report

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    The space shuttle's solid rocket boosters (SRB) include components made primarily of aluminum that are parachuted back for retrieval from the ocean and refurbished for repeated usage. Nondestructive inspection methods used on these aging parts to reduce the risk of unforeseen problems include x-ray, ultrasonics, and eddy current. Neutron radiography tests on segments of an SRB component show that entrapped moisture and naturally occurring aluminum corrosion can be revealed by neutron radiography even if present in only small amounts. Voids in sealant can also be evaluated. Three alternatives are suggested to follow-up this study: (1) take an SRB component to an existing neutron radiography system; (2) take an existing mobile neutron radiography system to the NASA site; or (3) plan a dedicated system custom designed for NASA applications

    Analytic approach to the evolutionary effects of genetic exchange

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    We present an approximate analytic study of our previously introduced model of evolution including the effects of genetic exchange. This model is motivated by the process of bacterial transformation. We solve for the velocity, the rate of increase of fitness, as a function of the fixed population size, NN. We find the velocity increases with lnN\ln N, eventually saturated at an NN which depends on the strength of the recombination process. The analytical treatment is seen to agree well with direct numerical simulations of our model equations

    Gauge Theories with Cayley-Klein SO(2;j)SO(2;j) and SO(3;j)SO(3;j) Gauge Groups

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    Gauge theories with the orthogonal Cayley-Klein gauge groups SO(2;j)SO(2;j) and SO(3;j)SO(3;{\bf j}) are regarded. For nilpotent values of the contraction parameters j{\bf j} these groups are isomorphic to the non-semisimple Euclid, Newton, Galilei groups and corresponding matter spaces are fiber spaces with degenerate metrics. It is shown that the contracted gauge field theories describe the same set of fields and particle mass as SO(2),SO(3)SO(2), SO(3) gauge theories, if Lagrangians in the base and in the fibers all are taken into account. Such theories based on non-semisimple contracted group provide more simple field interactions as compared with the initial ones.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Development of a CCD for ultraviolet imaging using a CCD photocathode combination

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    CCD in the electron-in mode, coupled with a bi-alkali photocathode to produce UV photon conversion, provides the following desirable features: (1) high UV response of the bi-alkali photocathode; (2) excellent imaging quality of a CCD area array; and (3) high signal-to-noise ratio due to the EBS (electron bombarded silicon) gain of the CCD operating in a tube configuration. This paper describes the rationale and progress made in developing a CCD for use as an UV imager

    Novel features of the energy momentum tensor of a Casimir apparatus in a weak gravitational field

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    The influence of the gravity acceleration on the regularized energy-momentum tensor of the quantized electromagnetic field between two plane parallel conducting plates is derived. A perturbative expansion, to first order in the constant acceleration parameter, of the Green functions involved and of the energy-momentum tensor is derived by means of the covariant geodesic point splitting procedure. The energy-momentum tensor is covariantly conserved and satisfies the expected relation between gauge-breaking and ghost parts.Comment: 8 pages, based on a talk given by Luigi Rosa at the QFEXT07 Conference, Leipzig. Equation (13) and the formulae for rho and energy E stored in the Casimir device have been amended, jointly with related discussio