379 research outputs found

    An equity-oriented rethink of global rankings with complex networks mapping development

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    Nowadays, world rankings are promoted and used by international agencies, governments and corporations to evaluate country performances in a specific domain, often providing a guideline for decision makers. Although rankings allow a direct and quantitative comparison of countries, sometimes they provide a rather oversimplified representation, in which relevant aspects related to socio-economic development are either not properly considered or still analyzed in silos. In an increasingly data-driven society, a new generation of cutting-edge technologies is breaking data silos, enabling new use of public indicators to generate value for multiple stakeholders. We propose a complex network framework based on publicly available indicators to extract important insight underlying global rankings, thus adding value and significance to knowledge provided by these rankings. This approach enables the unsupervised identification of communities of countries, establishing a more targeted, fair and meaningful criterion to detect similarities. Hence, the performance of states in global rankings can be assessed based on their development level. We believe that these evaluations can be crucial in the interpretation of global rankings, making comparison between countries more significant and useful for citizens and governments and creating ecosystems for new opportunities for development

    Mechanisms underlying activity of antiretroviral drugs in HIV-1-infected macrophages: New therapeutic strategies

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    Monocyte-derived macrophages (M/M) are considered the second cellular target of HIV-1 and a crucial virus reservoir. M/M are widely distributed in all tissues and organs, including the CNS, where they represent the most common HIV-infected cells. Differently from activated CD4+ T lymphocytes, M/M are resistant to the cytopathic effect of HIV and survive HIV infection for a long lime. Moreover, HIV-1 replication in M/M is a key pathogenetic event during the course of HIV-1 infection. Overall findings strongly support the clinical relevance of anti-HIV drugs in M/M. Nucleoside RT inhibitors (NRTIs) are more active against HIV in M/M than in CD4+ T lymphocytes. Their activity is further boosted by the presence of an additional monophosphate group (i.e., a phosphonate group, as in the case of Tenofovir), thus overcoming the bottleneck of the low phosphorylation ability of M/M. In contrast, the antiviral activity of non-NRTIs (not affecting the DNA chain elongation) in M/M is similar to that in CD4+ T lymphocytes. Protease inhibitors are the only clinically approved drugs acting at a late stage of the HIV lifecycle. They are able to interfere with HIV replication in HIV-1 chronically infected M/M, even if at concentrations greater than those observed in HIV-1 chronically infected CD4+ T lymphocytes. Finally, several new drugs have been shown to interfere efficiently with HIV replication in M/M, including entry inhibitors. A better understanding of the activity of the anti-HIV drugs in M/M may represent a key element for the design of effective anti-HIV chemotherapy. © Society for Leukocyte Biology

    Comparative antiviral activity of integrase inhibitors in human monocyte-derived macrophages and lymphocytes

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    The activity of raltegravir and 4 other integrase inhibitors (MK-2048, L870,810, IN2, and IN5) was investigated in primary human macrophages, PBMC and C8166-lymphocytic T cells, in order to determine their relative potency and efficacy in different cellular systems of HIV infection. Raltegravir showed better protective efficacy in all cell types; MK-2048, L870,810 and IN5 showed a potent anti-HIV-1 activity in macrophages, while in lymphocytes only MK-2048 and L870,810 showed an inhibitory effect comparable to raltegravir. IN2 was a poorly effective anti-HIV-1 compound in all cellular systems. All effective integrase inhibitors exhibited a potent antiviral activity against both X4 and R5 HIV-1 strains. In general, raltegravir, MK-2048, L870,810 and IN5 showed anti HIV activity similar or slightly higher in macrophages compared to PBMC and C8166 T cells: for MK-2048, the EC(50) was 0.4, 0.9, 11.5nM in macrophages, in PBMCs and T cells, respectively; for L870,810, the EC(50) was 1.5, 14.3, and 10.6nM, respectively; for IN5 the EC(50) was 0.5, 13.7, and 5.7nM, respectively

    Pacing-induced regional differences in adenosine receptors mRNA expression in a Swine model of dilated cardiomyopathy.

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    The adenosinergic system is essential in the mediation of intrinsic protection and myocardial resistance to insult; it may be considered a cardioprotective molecule and adenosine receptors (ARs) represent potential therapeutic targets in the setting of heart failure (HF). The aim of the study was to test whether differences exist between mRNA expression of ARs in the anterior left ventricle (LV) wall (pacing site: PS) compared to the infero septal wall (opposite region: OS) in an experimental model of dilated cardiomyopathy. Cardiac tissue was collected from LV PS and OS of adult male minipigs with pacing-induced HF (n = 10) and from a control group (C, n = 4). ARs and TNF-α mRNA expression was measured by Real Time-PCR and the results were normalized with the three most stably expressed genes (GAPDH, HPRT1, TBP). Immunohistochemistry analysis was also performed. After 3 weeks of pacing higher levels of expression for each analyzed AR were observed in PS except for A1R (A1R: C = 0.6±0.2, PS = 0.1±0.04, OS = 0.04±0.01, p<0.0001 C vs. PS and OS respectively; A2AR: C = 1.04±0.59, PS = 2.62±0.79, OS = 2.99±0.79; A2BR: C = 1.2±0.1, PS = 5.59±2.3, OS = 1.59±0.46; A3R: C = 0.76±0.18, PS = 8.40±3.38, OS = 4.40±0.83). Significant contractile impairment and myocardial hypoperfusion were observed at PS after three weeks of pacing as compared to OS. TNF-α mRNA expression resulted similar in PS (6.3±2.4) and in OS (5.9±2.7) although higher than in control group (3.4±1.5). ARs expression was mainly detected in cardiomyocytes. This study provided new information on ARs local changes in the setting of LV dysfunction and on the role of these receptors in relation to pacing-induced abnormalities of myocardial perfusion and contraction. These results suggest a possible therapeutic role of adenosine in patients with HF and dyssynchronous LV contraction

    Identification of the novel KI polyomavirus in paranasal and lung tissues

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    KI is a novel polyomavirus identified in the respiratory secretions of children with acute respiratory symptoms. Whether this reflects a causal role of the virus in the human respiratory disease remains to be established. To investigate the presence of KIV in the respiratory tissue, we examined 20 fresh lung cancer specimens and surrounding normal tissue along with one paranasal and one lung biopsy from two transplanted children. KIV-VP1 gene was detected in 9/20 lung cancer patients and 2/2 transplanted patients. However, amplification of the sequence coding for the C-terminal part of the early region of KIV performed on the 11 positive cases was successful only in two malignant lung tissues, one surrounding normal tissue, and 1/2 biopsies tested. Phylogenetic analysis performed on the early region of KIV (including the four Italian isolates), BKV and JCV revealed the presence of three distinct clades. Within the KIV clade two sub-clades were observed. A sub-clade A containing the four Italian strains, and a sub-clade B comprising the Swedish and Australian isolates. Interestingly, the two Italian strains identified in normal tissue clustered together, whereas those detected in malignant tissue fell outside this cluster. In vitro studies are needed to investigate the transforming potential of KIV strains. J. Med. Virol. 81:558-561,2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Multidrug Resistance (MDR): A Widespread Phenomenon in Pharmacological Therapies

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    Multidrug resistance is a leading concern in public health. It describes a complex phenotype whose predominant feature is resistance to a wide range of structurally unrelated cytotoxic compounds, many of which are anticancer agents. Multidrug resistance may be also related to antimicrobial drugs, and is known to be one of the most serious global public health threats of this century. Indeed, this phenomenon has increased both mortality and morbidity as a consequence of treatment failures and its incidence in healthcare costs. The large amounts of antibiotics used in human therapies, as well as for farm animals and even for fishes in aquaculture, resulted in the selection of pathogenic bacteria resistant to multiple drugs. It is not negligible that the ongoing COVID‐19 pandemic may further contribute to antimicrobial resistance. In this paper, multidrug resistance and antimicrobial resistance are underlined, focusing on the therapeutic options to overcome these obstacles in drug treatments. Lastly, some recent studies on nanodrug delivery systems have been reviewed since they may represent a significant approach for overcoming resistance

    Event Detection in Optical Signals via Domain Adaptation

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    Data-driven models trained in an end-to-end manner can reliably detect events within optical signals. Unfortunately, event detection models poorly generalize when monitoring signals collected from devices with different acquisition procedures. We overcome this limitation by presenting a novel domain adaptation solution for event detection networks that enables inference across multiple types of devices. Rather than training a black-box detection network, we decouple event localization and classification tasks. Localization is performed by the Interval Proposal Algorithm (IPA), which leverages signal processing techniques to localize candidate events and derive context features. These events are then standardized and fed to a feature extractor to obtain morphological features. By combining domain-specific context features with domain-invariant morphological features, the classifier achieves good generalization capabilities through different domains. Our method can successfully detect events in OTDR traces achieving a [email protected] of 75.33% on traces from the source domain and generalizing well ([email protected] of 69.27%) on traces from the target domain, despite being trained solely from the source domain

    Functional magnetic resonance imaging in the evaluation of the elastic properties of ascending aortic aneurysm

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    Objective: To evaluate the aortic wall elasticity using the maximal rate of systolic distension (MRSD) and maximal rate of diastolic recoil (MRDR) and their correlation with the aortic size index (ASI). Methods: Forty-eight patients with thoracic aortic aneurysm were enrolled in this study. A standard magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) protocol was used to calculate MRSD and MRDR. Both MRSD and MRDR were expressed as percentile of maximal area/10-3 sec. ASI (maximal aortic diameter/body surface area) was calculated. A correlation between MRSD, MRDR, ASI, and the patient’s age was performed using regression plot. Results: A significant correlation between MRSD (t=-4,36; r2=0.29; P≀0.0001), MRDR (t=3.92; r2=0.25; P=0.0003), and ASI (25±4.33 mm/m2; range 15,48-35,14 mm/m2) is observed. As ASI increases, aortic MRSD and MRDR decrease. Such inverse correlation between MRSD, MRDR, and ASI indicates increased stiffness of the ascending aorta. A significant correlation between the patient’s age and the decrease in MRSD and MRDR is observed. Conclusion: MRSD and MRDR are significantly correlated with ASI and the patient’s age. They seem to describe properly the increasing stiffness of aortas. These two new indexes provide a promising, accessible, and reproducible approach to evaluate the

    High concentration of C-type natriuretic peptide promotes VEGF-dependent vasculogenesis in the remodeled region of infarcted swine heart with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction.

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: Vasculogenesis is a hallmark of myocardial restoration. Post-ischemic late remodeling is associated with pathology and function worsening. At the same time, neo-vasculogenesis helps function improving and requires the release of vascular endothelial growth factor type A (VEGF-A). The vasculogenic role of C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP), a cardiac paracrine hormone, is unknown in infarcted hearts with preserved left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction (EF). We explored whether myocardial VEGF-dependent vasculogenesis is affected by CNP. METHODS AND RESULTS: To this end, infarcted swine hearts were investigated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), histological and molecular assays. At the fourth week, MRI showed that transmural myocardial infarction (MI) affected approximately 13% of the LV wall mass without impairing global function (LVEF>50%, n=9). Increased fibrosis, metalloproteases and capillary density were localized to the infarct border zone (BZ), and were associated with increased expression of CNP (p=0.03 vs. remote zone (RZ)), VEGF-A (p<0.001 vs. RZ), BNP, a marker of myocardial dysfunction (p<0.01 vs. RZ) and the endothelial marker, factor VIII-related antigen (p<0.01 vs. RZ). In vitro, CNP 1000 nM promoted VEGF-dependent vasculogenesis without affecting the cell growth and survival, although CNP 100 nM or a high concentration of VEGF-A halted vascular growth. CONCLUSIONS: CNP expression is locally increased in infarct remodeled myocardium in the presence of dense capillary network. The vasculogenic response requires the co-exposure to high concentration of CNP and VEGF-A. Our data will be helpful to develop combined myocardial delivery of CNP and VEGF-A genes in order to reverse the remodeling process
