194 research outputs found

    Fluorescence Methods for the Analysis of Microtubule/Microfilament Involvement in the Regulation of Endothelial Barrier Function

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    The endothelial monolayer is located on the inner surface of blood vessels and provides an important barrier function controlling the transport of metabolites and nutrients through the vessel wall, both toward the circulating blood and in the direction of the underlying tissues. This function is provided by cytoskeletal structures that generate contractile and tensile forces, existing in equilibrium in the intact endothelium. In the case of cytoskeleton rearrangements, there are changes in the shape of cells and the formation of intercellular spaces, which lead to endothelial dysfunction. Deep understanding of endothelial barrier function maintaining is a crucial problem because this phenomenon is common for a number of pathological states and diseases (inflammation, asthma, sepsis, acute lung injury, diabetes, etc.) and can lead to severe organ dysfunction, as well as a complication upon the treatment by a number of anticancer pharmacological drugs. Microtubules and the actin cytoskeleton function in cooperation in normal endothelium and under conditions of the barrier loss. In this review, we describe the application of modern fluorescence methods for investigation and analysis of the individual characteristics of cytoskeletal elements whose reorganization affects endothelial permeability, to emphasize the role of microtubules/microfilament crosstalk in EC barrier regulation

    Obesity in the elderly: peculiarities of treatment in outpatient practice

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    Today there is a worldwide trend of population aging, in addition, the proportion of older people with obesity is increasing. In order to adequately manage these patients in the outpatient setting, it is critical to understand the dynamic relationship between body weight, chronic disease prevalence, development of functional disability, life expectancy, and health care costs. While the obesity epidemic has affected people of all age groups, empirical knowledge about the management of obese older people remains largely scarce. Currently, there is no single therapeutic approach to this problem. Weight loss should be treated with caution in people over 60 years of age. The risk of sarcopenia, malnutrition, bone loss, increased risk of falls and injury must be considered, which can lead to an increase in the number of people with disabilities and the associated costs of medical and social care. The analytical review focuses on the relationship between two of the greatest epidemiological trends: aging and obesity. This paper highlights the features of the pathophysiology of obesity in the elderly, the phenomenon of the «obesity paradox». Also from the perspective of evidence-based medicine approaches to the treatment of obesity in the elderly, including surgical interventions aimed at reducing body weight, are analyzed

    Comprehensive approach in treatment of locally disseminated oropharyngeal cancer

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    The article contains information about current trends of treatment of the locally advanced oropharynx cancer. We analyzed the results of chemoradiation treatment, and surgery treatment of patients with rudimentary tumors after the chemoradiation therapy, taking into account the tumor margin, which gives capacity to perform an adequate operation with good oncological results

    The impact of micronutrients on athletes’ vision: a retrospective analysis of revalent articles

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    The eyes, like other human organs, are deficient in nutrients during over-training, which can affect visual acuity and, accordingly, the quality of training.This article defines the importance of the organ of vision for sports results. It also provides an overview of the latest scientific research on the impact of biologically significant micronutrients on the functions of the visual analyzer with examples of products that help improve visual functions

    Динамика и пространственное распределение снегозапасов в крупном городе в бассейне Волги (на примере Нижнего Новгорода)

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    Processes of formation and melting of snow cover in large cities remain poorly studied, for example, one of those is Nizhny Novgorod, the largest city in the Volga River basin. Using the relationship between the amount of precipitation, falling over the cold season, and the snow storage, formed on the whole territory of the city, that was built taking account of the influence of thaws, a continuous series of values of the snow water equivalent (snow storage) for the time of the snowmelt beginning was restored for the period 1965– 2019. Thaws were taken into account through the use of the sums of positive air temperatures for the cold period, calculated for each individual year of observation. During the period under consideration, the maximum snow storage occurred in 2011, while the minimum – in 1998; and it was close to the average value in 1973. Field snow-measuring surveys in the city and its environs, carried out in 2020, showed that the classical notion of the snow-storm transport is not true in the urban landscapes rather than in the environs. The use of the results of field snow surveys performed in different parts of the city in 2021, as well as the statistical characteristics of the above series of snow storage values, allowed estimating the distribution of the snow water equivalent in catchments of six small rivers in the city Nizhny Novgorod. The assessment is detailed for different types of urban landscapes and for years of different snow conditions, including the extreme ones.На основе метеорологических характеристик (включая данные о зимних оттепелях) восстановлены отсутствующие значения в ряду снегозапасов на начало весеннего снеготаяния в г. Нижний Новгород с 1965 по 2019 г. Оценена однородность этого ряда с помощью критериев Фишера и Стьюдента, рассчитаны основные статистические характеристики, а также определена теоретическая функция распределения вероятностей, удовлетворительно аппроксимирующая эмпирическую кривую вероятностей снегозапасов. С использованием результатов полевых снегомерных работ, выполненных в разных частях города в 2021 г., а также статистических характеристик многолетнего ряда снегозапасов на начало весеннего снеготаяния оценено пространственное распределение запаса воды в снежном покрове для шести водосборов малых рек города, в том числе и для расположенных в их пределах территорий с различным видом подстилающей поверхности для каждого года исследуемого ряда

    Esthesioneuroblastoma: clinical course, long-term results of treatment

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    This rare tumor from a group of neuroendocrine neoplasms was studied. The material for the study was the data of 78 patients with esthesioneuroblastoma who had been treated and followed up at the N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center in the period 1965 to 2014. Information on hospital statistics, clinical features, methods, and treatment results were presented. The possibilities of using the TNM classification for the nasal cavity, ethmoidal sinuses, and nasopharynx were assessed to determine the anatomic extent of primary tumor. The findings contribute to the solution of problems in the diagnosis and treatment of esthesioneuroblastoma at the present stage

    Glioblastoma Therapy with Cytotoxic Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Optimized by Bioluminescence Imaging of Tumor and Therapeutic Cell Response

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    Genetically modified adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stromal cells (hAMSCs) with tumor homing capacity have been proposed for localized therapy of chemo- and radiotherapy resistant glioblastomas. We demonstrate an effective procedure to optimize glioblastoma therapy based on the use of genetically modified hAMSCs and in vivo non invasive monitoring of tumor and therapeutic cells. Glioblastoma U87 cells expressing Photinus pyralis luciferase (Pluc) were implanted in combination with hAMSCs expressing a trifunctional Renilla reniformis luciferase-red fluorescent protein-thymidine kinase reporter in the brains of SCID mice that were subsequently treated with ganciclovir (GCV). The resulting optimized therapy was effective and monitoring of tumor cells by bioluminescence imaging (BLI) showed that after 49 days GCV treatment reduced significantly the hAMSC treated tumors; by a factor of 104 relative to controls. Using a Pluc reporter regulated by an endothelial specific promoter and in vivo BLI to image hAMSC differentiation we gained insight on the therapeutic mechanism. Implanted hAMSCs homed to tumor vessels, where they differentiated to endothelial cells. We propose that the tumor killing efficiency of genetically modified hAMSCs results from their association with the tumor vascular system and should be useful vehicles to deliver localized therapy to glioblastoma surgical borders following tumor resection

    ПЭТ/КТ с 18F-фторэтилтирозином в диагностике лучевого некроза в височной доле головного мозга после лучевого лечения рака носоглотки (клиническое наблюдение)

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    Clinical case of the patient with nasopharyngeal carcinomaafter stereotactic radiosurgical treatment for the persistent disease after chemoradiotherapyare presented. The diagnostic data of PET/CTwith  18F-Fluoroethyl-Ltyrosine (18F-FET)and MRI with intravenous contrastof head and neck were included in analysis. There was  analyzeda clinical case of differential diagnosis of changes in thetemporal lobe of the brain after stereotactic radiation therapy of  nasopharyngeal carcinoma using PET/CT with 18F-FET. Identified high  diagnostic accuracy in the differential diagnosis of delayed changes in  the brain (tumor or radiation necrosis) after radiation therapy  ofnasopharyngeal carcinoma.Представлено клиническое наблюдение больного раком носоглотки после  стереотаксического радиохирургического лечения по поводу продолженного роста рака  носоглотки после химиолучевой терапии. В анализ были включены диагностические  данные, полученные после проведенных ПЭТ/КТ с 18F-фторэтилтирозином (18F-ФЭТ) и МРТ  с внутривенным контрастированием головы и шеи. Проанализирован случай дифференциальной диагностики  изменений в височной доле головного мозга после стереотаксической лучевой терапии рака  носоглотки при помощи ПЭТ/КТ с 18F-ФЭТ. Определена высокая диагностическая точность  метода в дифференциальной диагностике отсроченных изменений в головном мозге  (опухолевые или лучевой некроз) после проведенной повторной лучевой терапии рака носоглотки


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    The aim of the study was to improve the treatment outcomes for patients with locally advanced recurrent basal cell and squamous cell skin carcinomas of the face. Material and methods. A total of 26 patients with locally advanced recurrent basal cell (n=21) and squamous cell (n=5) skin carcinomas of the skin were treated with radiotherapy (2–2.5 Gy daily fractions to a total dose of 60–70 Gy, 5 days a week) in combination with local freezing of the tumor. Local cooling of the tumor to the temperature of tissue freezing was performed 10–15 minutes before each session of radiation therapy using liquid nitrogen cryo-preservation equipment. Patients with recurrent skin cancer who had received previously radiation therapy were not eligible for cryoradiotherapy. Results. Complete response was achieved in 23 (88.5 %) patients, residual tumors were removed by conventional surgery (n=2) and cryosurgery (n=1). At 2 to 14-year follow up, recurrences of skin cancer occurred in 3 (11.5 %) cases. Good aesthetic and functional results were observed. Conclusion. Cryo-radiotherapy was shown to be effective, providing long-term aesthetic and functional results. Целью работы явилось улучшение результатов лечения больных с местнораспространенными рецидивами базальноклеточного и плоскоклеточного рака кожи лица. Материал и методы. Для лечения больных с местнораспространенными рецидивами рака кожи лица применён крио-лучевой метод, включающий проведение лучевой терапии РОД 2–2,5 Гр 5 дней в нед до СОД 60–70 Гр в сочетании с локальным охлаждением новообразования. Локальное охлаждение до температуры замораживания тканей производится с помощью криогенного аппарата жидким азотом по разработанной методике за 10–15 мин перед каждым сеансом облучения. Метод был применён по показаниям у 26 больных с местнораспространенными рецидивами базальноклеточного (n=21) и плоскоклеточного (n=5) рака кожи лица. Крио-лучевой метод не показан, если рецидив рака кожи возник после ранее проведенного лучевого лечения. Результаты. Полная регрессия опухоли достигнута у 23 (88,5 %) больных, остаточные опухоли были удалены хирургическим (n=2) и криохирургическим (n=1) методами. При последующем наблюдении в сроки от 2 до 14 лет рецидивы возникли у 3 (11,5 %) больных. Отмечены хорошие эстетические и функциональные результаты лечения. Заключение. Показана высокая эффективность крио-лучевого метода, получены хорошие эстетические, функциональные и отдалённые результаты.