282 research outputs found

    Gender and age structure of mortality caused by COVID-19

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    Introduction: The policy of mortality decline of the population of Russia, pursued by the state, requires consideration of the regional peculiarities of mortality in territorial subjects of the Russian Federation by gender and age. The regional situation on male and female mortality also should be considered when developing the measures directed to prevent various diseases including infectious ones. In this regard, the studies of gender and age indicators of mortality during the periods of infectious pandemics become relevant.Objective: The analysis of gender and age rates of COVID-19 mortality in 2021 in order to substantiate the best management decisions in the sphere of the organization of medical care and statistical registration of lethal outcomes during the pandemic spread of dangerous viral infections.Material and methods: The main source of information on mortality in 2020 is data of the State Statistics of Mortality of Rosstat. The data on mortality in 2021 are presented in the records on death cases in Federal State Information System “Unified State Register of Registration of Acts of Current State”. To evaluate the obtained data, simple (unweighted) arithmetic mean values, specific indicators, a root mean square (standard) deviation of the mean values, coefficient of variation were used (a measure of the spread of attribute values – the ratio of a standard deviation to the arithmetic-mean).Results: In 2021 17.3% of total number of all deaths had COVID-19 as an initial cause of death. 248,134 cases of those were women (58.5%), 176,116 cases were men (41.5%). The mortality rate from COVID-19 increased by an average 1.7 times upon transition from one five-year-old age group to another, 85% of those who died from COVID-19 were aged 60 years and older. In 2021 the coronavirus infection of COVID-19 contributed significantly to female mortality more, than male mortality, which is inconsistent with the data on gender structure of COVID-19 mortality in other countries, as well as with the widespread belief that men are more vulnerable to this infection.Conclusions: Growth rates of COVID-19 mortality depending on age resembles the aging rate, reflecting the biological nature of mortality. Total excess mortality is the better basis for assessment of changes in the population health during pandemics, than mortality from COVID-19 alone. The organization of systematic checks of correctness of coding the causes of death at the state registration of death is necessary.Restrictions: Data of the Federal State Information System “Unified State Register of Registration of Acts of Current State” can differ from data of Rosstat which in 2022 became available to professional researchers later, than data of the Federal State Information System “Unified State Register of Registration of Acts of Current State”

    Comparative evaluation of efficiency of burn wound healing with derma-based hydrogel: a preclinical experimental study

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    Background. Burn wound healing is recognized as a complex process involving synergetic interactions between different cells, cytokines and growth factors. The adverse interactions can underlie chronicization of the process. Accordingly, the paper presents a relevant study into mechanisms of natural wound dressings, capable of influencing the processes of inflammation, angiogenesis, and skin resurfacing.Objective. To carry out a comparative evaluation of efficiency of burn wound healing with derma-based hydrogel according to the dynamics of proand anti-inflammatory factors.Methods. Development of a hydrogel material involved dermis samples of Landrace breed of pig, subjected to partial alkaline hydrolysis. In order to carry out a comparative evaluation of burn wound healing efficiency, the authors simulated direct thermal injury in three groups of sphinx (hairless) rats: group 1 (control group) — rats without treatment (n = 20), group 2 (comparison group) — rats treated with Levomekol ointment (n = 20), and group 3 (experimental group) — rats treated with hydrogel material (n = 20). Before and after injuring on days 1, 3, 7, 14, the content of cytokines interleukin-1β, interleukin-4, interleukin-6, interleukin-8, interleukin-10, tumor necrosis factor-α by enzyme immunoassay. The wound samples were explanted for histological examination on days 3, 7 and 14 after the beginning of the experiment. Statistical processing of the obtained results on DNA content in hydrogel, cytokine content in serum and morphometric data was performed using GraphPadPrism 6.04, Microsoft Excel 2016 (Microsoft, USA).Results. When determining the content dynamics of nonspecific markers of inflammation, an increase in the concentrations of interleukin-1β and tumor necrosis factor-α on day 1 after the hydrogel application was recorded, as well as an increase in interleukin-6 on days 3 and 7, while the concentrations of interleukin-8 did not change significantly throughout the experiment. Thus, dermal components are indicated to participate in the inhibition of acute-phase immune reactions. With regard to anti-inflammatory factors, the study revealed a decrease in the concentration of interleukin-10 on days 1 and 7, an increase in interleukin-4 on day 3 as compared to the control group, thereby indicating a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and prolonged action of the hydrogel.Conclusion. Comparative analysis of the pro-inflammatory cytokines levels (interleukin-1β, interleukin-8) showed pronounced anti-inflammatory effects of the derma-based hydrogel material. Introduction of exogenous biological components of the extracellular matrix (collagen and its hydrolysates) had a significant influence on the regulation of anti-inflammatory cytokines synthesis, presumably contributing to faster successful epithelization and wound healing

    Three-dimensional localized coherent structures of surface turbulence. III Experiment and model validation

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    The paper continues a series of publications devoted to the 3D nonlinear localized coherent structures on the surface of vertically falling liquid films. The work is primarily focussed on experimental investigations. We study: (i) instabilities and transitions leading to 3D coherent structures; (ii) characteristics of these structures. Some nonstationary effects are also studied numerically. Our experimental results, as well as the results of other investigators, are in a good agreement with our theoretical and numerical predictions.Comment: 42 pages, 15 figure

    Investigation into the operation of an autothermal two-section subbituminous coal fluidized bed gasifier

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    Using a newly developed experimental setup, the features and advantages of an autothermal single-casing atmospheric subbituminous coal fluidized bed air-blown gasifier, combining a combustion and gasification section, and mixing the dispersed phase (inert material, char) and heat exchange between them through an annular transfer device, have been revealed. To increase the efficiency of the gasifier, an experimental-computational method was developed find the conditions for optimal operation, combining changing the annular flow’s geometry and regulating the primary air for gasification. A simple and reliable multizone thermodynamic calculation model makes it possible to predict the composition of char and syngas in the gasification section with acceptable accuracy. This method confirmed that a two-section fluidized bed gasifier can provide efficient gasification of solid fuels and is suitable for use in small-scale cogeneration plants. Syngas with a heating value of 3.6–4.5 MJ/m3 and CGE of 38.2%–42.3% was obtained in the experimental setup without optimizing the primary air flow rate. With optimization, the indicators increased to the heating value of syngas of 5.20–5.34 MJ/m3 and CGE of 42.5%–50.0%. With heat regeneration of 0.8, CGE increases to 70%. © 2023, The Author(s).Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, MinobrnaukaThe research funding from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Ural Federal University Program of Development within the Priority-2030 Program) is gratefully acknowledged

    The fate of the scientist as a reflection of the epoch: in memory of the first rector of the Kuban State Medical University Nikolai F. Melnikov-Razvedenkov

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    The paper analyzes the life and professional journey of Nikolai F. Melnikov-Razvedenkov, an outstanding scientist, doctor, and professor, as a reflection of Russian history from the end of the 19th century till the first quarter of the 20th century. The study identifies the role of Nikolai F. Melnikov-Razvedenkov in the development of medical science and the establishment of medical education in the Kuban region. The analysis was conducted with the involvement of archival records, personal correspondence, and scientific works of Nikolai F. Melnikov-Razvedenkov. To solve research problems, the authors used historical descriptive, comparative historical, problem-based chronological, biographical methods, and the method of monographic description. It is shown that the scientist’s fate mirrors the cultural and historical era experienced by the country. The authors define the exclusive role of Nikolai F. Melnikov-Razvedenkov in the establishment of the Kuban Medical Institute. His life path helped reveal the inviolability of medical ethics based on mercy, dedication to the profession, and willingness to serve people. Even in the situation of social upheaval Nikolai F. Melnikov-Razvedenkov found the meaning of his life in scientific work and helping people. His example will allow the modern generation of doctors to gain a greater understanding of the essential purpose of their work


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    The aim of the work – to develop a methodology for conducting classes in a sectional room, which will allow students to be involved and motivated to study a clinical case involving an autopsy, and to more objectively evaluate theoretical training and practical skills at its completion; evaluate the opinion of students of the rst and second course, regarding their attitude to different methods of conducting classes on pathomorphology. In addition, to conduct a survey of students, who taught the subject “Pathomorphology”, regarding their attitude to various methods of conducting lessons from the subject, and to analyze its results.The main body. We proposed the technique of laboratory class with evaluation of achieved knowledge and skills. The general purpose of this approval was the improving of students’ observing work quality in an autopsy room. We developed the methodological materials in form of simpli ed questionnaire blank for autopsy report, which in its turn was adapted for third-year students.Conclusions. This method stimulates the observation skills during the autopsy. It either comprises the writing assessment of knowledge and skills that are related to the current case. Attendance of educational autopsies helps medical students in clinical-pathological comparison, in more profound understanding of pathologies, and improves their quali cation.Мета роботи – розробити методику проведення заняття у секційному залі, що дозволить залучити та мотивувати студентів до вивчення клінічного випадку, пов’язаного із розтином, а також більш об’єктивно оцінити теоретичну підготовку та практичні навички по його завершенні. Оцінити думку студентів першого та другого курсів щодо їх ставлення до різних методів проведення заняття з патоморфології. Окрім того, провести опитування студентів, яким викладався предмет “Патоморфологія”, щодо їх ставлення до різних методик проведення занять із предмета, та проаналізувати його результати.Основна частина. Для підвищення якості роботи студентів у секційному залі ми запропонували техніку проведення заняття та оцінки отриманих знань і навичок, розробивши методичні матеріали у вигляді бланка навчального протоколу розтину, адаптованого для студентів третього року навчання медичного факультету.Висновки. Дана методика стимулює навичку спостереження в процесі автопсії, а також включає у себе виконання письмового завдання для перевірки теоретичних знань та вмінь, пов’язаних із макроскопічним описом патологічних змін. Навчальне відвідування автопсій допомагає майбутнім лікарям провести клініко-морфологічні паралелі, глибше зрозуміти зміст нозологій та підвищити власний кваліфікаційний рівень

    Stability of the selfsimilar dynamics of a vortex filament

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    In this paper we continue our investigation about selfsimilar solutions of the vortex filament equation, also known as the binormal flow (BF) or the localized induction equation (LIE). Our main result is the stability of the selfsimilar dynamics of small pertubations of a given selfsimilar solution. The proof relies on finding precise asymptotics in space and time for the tangent and the normal vectors of the perturbations. A main ingredient in the proof is the control of the evolution of weighted norms for a cubic 1-D Schr\"odinger equation, connected to the binormal flow by Hasimoto's transform.Comment: revised version, 36 page

    Spiropyrans Containing the Reactive Substituents in the 2H-Chromene Moiety

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    Some spiropyrans containing functional substituents in the [2H]-chromene part of the molecule were synthesized and their photochromic properties in solution and solid state were investigated. The presence of the formyl group in the [2H]-chromene fragment enhances the possibility to show photochromic properties in solution

    Patient routing and process approach implementation for regional oncology service

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    Background. Cancer care involves a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and treatment of patients. A complex interaction of actors in the deployment of oncology services dictates usage of modern management technologies for improving the quality and efficiency of patient care through processes optimisation.Objectives. Provision of recommendations for patient routing based on research into the oncology service inter-level information exchange, integration of the process approach and electronic services. The lack of a unified information space with a regional oncology service has been explained. Measures are proposed for the patient routing optimisation as part of establishing a unified digital oncology service circuit.Methods. The oncology service was effectively remodelled through functional and information engineering of electronic services and the process management integration to establish a horizontal decision flow between facilities and employees on a process level bypassing the supervisor coordination. Statistical approaches were used to analyse the oncological patient population.Results. The following electronic services have been implemented: specialised patient referral routing, telemedicine and teleradiology. A comprehensive information framework has been created comprising medical, laboratory and radiological information subsystems integrated through regional electronic services of the unified state healthcare information platform. The goals, objectives, general principles, architecture and expected social economic impact on healthcare of Krasnodar Krai have been defined.Conclusion. Use of electronic services ensures an improved quality of specialised care and effective routing of patients. We perceive prospects of the integrated information platform in the extension and improvement of its subsystems’ functionality and content, sourcing more data providers and the circuit expansion to the federal and regional levels